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Tim Hortons in Theatre Merged Thread (in AFG, no plans to preposition)

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This is a great discussion!
Who says coffee isnt addictive!
Global announced on the 5:00 news that the CDS, Gen. Hillier has invited the CEO of Tim Hotons Canada to Kandahar to review the viability of having a Timmies in theatre.  So, here it goes.  We've discussed it in these forums before - weighed the pros and cons, and now it very may well become reality.
reccecrewman said:
Global announced on the 5:00 news that the CDS, Gen. Hillier has invited the CEO of Tim Hotons Canada to Kandahar to review the viability of having a Timmies in theatre.  So, here it goes.  We've discussed it in these forums before - weighed the pros and cons, and now it very may well become reality.

Throw in some Red Bull and a shyteload of ammo, then turn the troops loose.  The Taliban and AQ are done for!
Well, underneath that Commanders cap badge, there lies a Springbok.  In the style of a true tanker & Dragoon, a MASSIVE morale booster could come to the Troops serving in one of the ****holes of the world.  This outstanding CDS continues to impress.  :salute:
I don't see why it can't happen. The American's bring a Burgar King with them when they deploy.
I watched it go down on cpac.  Gen. Hillier made an excellent speech just shy of 60 minutes.  It was towards then end of his speech that he told the room filled with General's, former Generals, media and everyone alike that when he was visiting the troops in Kandahar he asked them what they wanted the most.  In reply was to have a Tim Horton's in Afghanistan and their second wish was to have a Tim Hortons in Wainwright.  After a few chuckles he then made the request of having Tim's CEO come with him to A'stan to review the viability. 

I will note that there were a lot of military heads at the conference, many of whom which were up on the podium shootin the shit.  Gen. Hillier was by far the most passionate.
Yup, just saw it on global.

But I bet the troops over there will be asking for more Icecaps than double doubles. Although, it does get pretty cold in the desert at night...

If they need money, I'm willing to put up some money to set up the franchise.
The Gues-|- said:
In reply was to have a Tim Horton's in Afghanistan and their second wish was to have a Tim Hortons in Wainwright.  After a few chuckles he then made the request of having Tim's CEO come with him to A'stan to review the viability.

Well based on my experience in Wainwright, there will be a Timmies in Kandahar before the local town government allows a Timmies in Wainwright to compete with local business.  There'll probably be Timmies on the ISS before there's one in Wainwright.
The Gen. mentioned the Timmies in both places and I'm sure people will start moving.

ON to the speech, I think he did an excellent job, in saying it out there with no fears, what's needed for us and our family.
AmmoTech90 said:
Well based on my experience in Wainwright, there will be a Timmies in Kandahar before the local town government allows a Timmies in Wainwright to compete with local business.  There'll probably be Timmies on the ISS before there's one in Wainwright.
Tim Hortons,Wal-mart and one other "big box" store(CT?),has already announced that they will be moving to Wainwright this year with construction starting this summer on a shopping complex across the hwy from Extra Foods.
This info has been published in the local papers along everybody's fears how these stores will ruin local economy.I suppose that when your business is based on gouging the soldiers and locals alike,then I guess you have something to worry about.
BIG FREAKING DEAL!! All we need is another bunch of non trigger pullers to look after over there...bad idea .
MG34 said:
All we need is another bunch of non trigger pullers to look after over there...

Not to mention, taking up aircraft spaces to get there and back and all those other logistical concerns as well.

Remember for every box of Tim Hortons crap that gets loaded on the airplane, that may be one box less of ammo, food, or (gasp) mail coming in.
Here's the catch twenty two on that one . Who are you gonna get to staff it ? I don't now to many Canadians that will travel to Afghanistan for minimum wage.  I suppose the local  would love the work but if the Timmie's is located on the base that could pose a security risk to the troops in side the base; IE people working there might be terrorist sympathisers  and tell them the layout of the base not likely but it could happen .  Or another idea Tim Horton's can have the CF cooks staff operate the Tim Horton's, but I bet the cf cook staff already has there hands full trying to get all the troops meals cooked so they would probably be stretched to thin to operate the Tim Hortons restaurant . It would be great for the troops to have . A good friend of mine was in alert last year and guys he knew wrote Time Hortons and asked if they could get a shipment of Tim Horton's coffee and Tim Horton's delivered it to them. I know from my buddies e-mail that it was a big hit something from home . So I fully support the idea of having one in theater but just cant see how they can staff one of the restaurant .
Canada and the US use Third Country Nationals (TCNs) to man these types of establishments.  Nepalese for example were used extensively by SNC Lavelin in Camp Julien.  I believe the Burger King in Bagram was staffed by Nepalese as well.  Bagram also had some Russians working the shops.  No big whoop. 
Thanks for the reply Gunner I was just wondering  about the possible security risk it could have for the troops on the base if they hired locals to staff the Timmies. Glad to here that in other spots they have had no problems or at least none that we have heard of to date .
karl28 - You obviously haven't been to Afghanistan yet.  There's literally thousands of locals employed at virtually every Camp in the country.  They get hired as manual labourers, laundry staff, cleaners..... you name the mundane job to be done and there's locals doing it.  There are rules in place to restrict their movement, they don't walk feely about the Camp wherever they choose.  They get a thorough search when they come and go by the good folk at the gates..........  They're a nescessary evil to have around. Yes they ultimately could pose a security threat but it's a chance that has to be taken.  Not to mention the interpreters who also are on the Camp.
Am confused.
The Navy signed a contract so that all coffee served in their messes is Tim Horton official brew.... and the nevy is paying for this.
Now the Army wants Tim Horton's to set up shop on the strip in Kandahar?
Why would Army guys want to pay for the same thing navy guys get for free?

Get the bean counters to slack off a bit and sign up with Timmies....

The CEO can stay home
geo said:
Am confused.
The Navy signed a contract so that all coffee served in their messes is Tim Horton official brew.... and the nevy is paying for this.
Now the Army wants Tim Horton's to set up shop on the strip in Kandahar?
Why would Army guys want to pay for the same thing navy guys get for free?

Get the bean counters to slack off a bit and sign up with Timmies....

The CEO can stay home

Geo, you're doing that "common sense" thing again.


You know it only causes ulcers.  ;D