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Too fat for jail: gang member released.


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Oh yes, folks - its true and its a Canadian.

" Canadian prison authorities were forced to release a 450-pound (205 kg) drug gang member "

Whats a "drug gang member"?  Is he made of drugs?!
Just when you think you've read/seen it all.

I wonder how many inmates will start scoffing down every single thing they can get their hand on now.

"No Ma, don't bake me a cake with a file in it.  Make the cake out of Crisco!"

This is completely retarded. I understand his right to cruel and unusual punishment. I also understand that not being able to sit down in a proper chair or being able to fit in a bed changes COULD be considered unusual punishment.

I personally think they should have gotten him a bigger bed. (with a built in hoagie holder).

Mapcinq said:
" Canadian prison authorities were forced to release a 450-pound (205 kg) drug gang member "

Whats a "drug gang member"?  Is he made of drugs?!

To all the Junkies and Users that seek'd his services, I guess they thought he was.

But to correctly answere your question, He was Gang Member who was arrested and convicted on a number of Drug related Crimes.

There is nothing to make light off, either of who or what he is/was or the fact of his early release and the absurdity of the reasons.

Doubly odd since, in the bucket ( jail) I am currently on Sabbatical from; we hold a 495pound drug dealer......no early release for obesity in sight, I hope this case doesnt set a precendent to put more spherical criminals back on the streets, though having witnessed the outpouring of concern over the welfare of inmates by our justice system, i wouldn't be suprised.
I love how the rights of the inmates are so important... meanwhile those same inmates completely ignored the rights of their victims.

Niteshade said:
I love how the rights of the inmates are so important... meanwhile those same inmates completely ignored the rights of their victims.


Where did you get the Crazy Idea that Victims had any rights at all.

You certainly wouldn't get that impression from observing the courts ... or the justice system
Some US prisons had a marvelous recipe called Nutraloaf, which could help our poor prisoner scarf down a balanced meal with all the required vitamins and minerals. Hey; we are protecting the prisoner's rights by feeding them only healthy foods and watching their weight!

In fact, rather than just serve nutraloaf to obese prisoners; serve it to every single one of them, and a double serving to white collar criminals while we're at it!
We used to have a delicacy know as Beancake in the system.....to feed to the very naughty.....

Apparently, ( Bruce can correct me here); they stopped serving it because of pressure from the mope-lovers...
Much like the vaunted "good time"  You know: the bit where an inmate gets 1 day off his sentance for every 2 served with good behaviour.....  Thus 1/3 of the sentance can be remitted for being good.... sounds like a great control measure hmmm?  Hell yes you say: if the mope becomes naughty, remove his earned ( or ability to earn) good time!  Send a definite lesson about expectations of behaviour....

But to still the impending chorus of cheers; the system rarely ( re: almost bloody NEVER) takes away good time.....  Our system ( Ontario anyway) feels that it is too much trouble to properly staff such things ( read extreme laziness on the part of management) combined with pressure from interest groups HORRIFIED by the cruel way our poor misunderstood darlings are being treated.



Steel Badger said:
We used to have a delicacy know as Beancake in the system.....to feed to the very naughty.....

Apparently, ( Bruce can correct me here); they stopped serving it because of pressure from the mope-lovers...
Much like the vaunted "good time"   You know: the bit where an inmate gets 1 day off his sentance for every 2 served with good behaviour.....  Thus 1/3 of the sentance can be remitted for being good.... sounds like a great control measure hmmm?  Hell yes you say: if the mope becomes naughty, remove his earned ( or ability to earn) good time!  Send a definite lesson about expectations of behaviour....

But to still the impending chorus of cheers; the system rarely ( re: almost bloody NEVER) takes away good time.....  Our system ( Ontario anyway) feels that it is too much trouble to properly staff such things ( read extreme laziness on the part of management) combined with pressure from interest groups HORRIFIED by the cruel way our poor misunderstood darlings are being treated.



I guess you guys really get frustrated and how you still maintain your cool I don't know.

Punishment today its a Joke, most of the scum are living better than they ever did on the Street, they sure seem to have more rights and Milk Slop Groups concerned about their safety and comfort.

I'd like to canvase their opinion or concerns if one of their Wives,Sister or Daughters had their face Brutely Smashed into a Brick Wall, Savagely Beaten and Raped, left for dead and is horribly disfigured and crippled and three years later the B.....d is  still  awaiting sentencing. Talk to me about Justice.

Punishment, yeah lets give him his own room, Colored Cable TV, Special Diets, 3 Hot Meals a day, Pool Tables, Gym Equipment,Education so he can become a Lawyer and work to keep his friends on the street or back on.

Good luck and a tip of Cap.


Eddy, thanks for the kind words, very much appreciated. Tho perhaps Bruce ( Monkey) and OldSoldeur deserve them more than I...they are still serving their life sentances...

I escaped via parole to the Sandbox  ;)
If an airline tries to charge an obese person for two seats, that is considered discrimination. Therefore, if an obese inmate gets released due to his size, shouldn't the thinner inmates be hollering 'discrimination'?

I agree that this will set a (bad, IMHO) precedent. Morbid obesity will be on the rise in our prisons once word gets out...or...I guess, "in".  :P
In point of fact, inmates holler discrimination about just about anything and everything you can imagine... and are listened to by judges, advocates etc etc etc

Everything and anything to get themselves a better deal....... because, of course:  "Wasn't me boss, my word!"
My fear is having a morbidly spherical mope pass on ( go tits up) on my range. How then shall I remove said carcass? Send for a flensing crew off a Japanese whaler?
Seriously, a 495 pound mope takes up A LOT of real estate...
And consider! Should that 495 pounds of spherical criminality , who is punking other mopes off for THEIR meals as well as consuming his costly "weight management" diet, pass on; or even experience a heart attack etc; guess who gets the blame....
Not Johnny ( 10 ton) Lawless, but we the CO's...just  as we would if we tried to stop said portly convict from pounding other, non-authorized, sustenance down his neck.
(( Ohhhh you heartless knuckle dragger..... Biggie has a RIGHT to eat more...he is a big guy.))  Ad nauseum!
Jug up anyone?


I would suggest that they rip ont the cot & chairs in his cell if he doesn't fit / keeps breaking what has been given to him.

A mattress on the floor should do the trick just fine.

WRT his weight.... give him a maximum caloric intake - if he goes over it... let him "starve" for a meal or two... it's not like he's going to wither away
Nah, this fellow would never starve....  his gang buddies just punk off other inmates for food!

You should  see it, in all of its fleshy glory, reclining on the floor of his cell swaddled in but a pair of boxers, complaining that the extra bread I have offered him instead of an extra meal is just "empty carbs."

It did not take long, but PETA is offering their solution to obese inmates:

Today from the Canadian Press:

PETA urges vegetarian diet for convicts after obese inmate released
4 hours ago

MONTREAL — An animal rights group says a vegetarian diet could be just the ticket to keeping obese cons behind bars.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has made the suggestion to the warden of Montreal's notorious Bordeaux jail after the facility gave early release to Michel Lapointe, a 450-pound drug dealer nicknamed "Big Mike." The institution declared it couldn't accommodate his large frame.

Lapointe, who served 25 months in jail for conspiracy, drug trafficking and gangsterism, was paroled last week, three months early.

A Quebec judge knocked six months off the 37-year-old's sentence in May after prison authorities could not provide him with a big enough chair or table.

Tracy Reiman, PETA's executive vice-president, said in a letter Monday to Bordeaux warden Michel Gagnon that a "healthy, slimming vegetarian diet" would improve convicts' health and lower costs, preventing "people who break the law from breaking beds."

Reiman quoted studies that said meat-eaters have three times the obesity rate of vegetarians and nine times the obesity rate of vegans. She said a vegetarian diet lowers the likelihood of developing heart disease, obesity, diabetes and certain types of cancer.

"Not only will inmates be able to fit through cell doors, they will also be costing Quebec taxpayers less for prison health-care expenditures and they'll be saving billions of animals from suffering and dying on factory farms and in slaughterhouses," she said.

Officials for Bordeaux jail were not immediately available for comment.

Lapointe has been ordered to stay away from bars and he will have to meet with a parole officer on a regular basis over the next three months.
