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Tough situation - Girlfriend Pregnant - Common-Law ?


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This week, my girlfriend announced me she is pregnant. I was in shocked cuz I just got my reg force transfer and I am gonna leave in a month. Moreover, I'm heading on my QL 3, so I don't know what to think for now. I'm gonna be sworn in next Wednesday and the recruiting centre does not know anything about that. I'm not married to her and we are not common law either. If we decide to keep the baby, is there any chance the recruiting centre and the CF can help us? I can not be away from her all that time during my course (6 months). Can we get a PMQ or the permission to have an appartment even if I am on a course and those who are on a course live usually in the single quarters?

Thanks a lot in advance to help me
This is going to sound crass, but the first thing you MUST do is make sure TOGETHER that this is the case.
Again, I don't know either of you, but it wouldn't be the first time a phantom pregnancy has come up before one was to leave.......
Sorry, I can't help you with the CF protocols.
Good luck
Seaman_Navy said:
This week, my girlfriend announced me she is pregnant. I was in shocked cuz I just got my reg force transfer and I am gonna leave in a month. Moreover, I'm heading on my QL 3, so I don't know what to think for now. I'm gonna be sworn in next Wednesday and the recruiting centre does not know anything about that. I'm not married to her and we are not common law either. If we decide to keep the baby, is there any chance the recruiting centre and the CF can help us? I can not be away from her all that time during my course (6 months). Can we get a PMQ or the permission to have an appartment even if I am on a course and those who are on a course live usually in the single quarters?

Thanks a lot in advance to help me
Holy guacamole. Perhaps some thinking beforehand would have negated the situation you both now find yourself in. If you can't be away from her for 6 months (Why not???) don't bother getting yourself sworn in because her preganancy is not going to change the fact that you will be required to attend your courses when and where scheduled.

As you are not common law or married, there is no entitlement for you to having the Crown (that's the taxpayer) to pay for your girlfriend to co-locate near you during your courses/training. Now if you want to pay to move her all over the place while you are going through your trg you can. You'll also have to rent her an apartment to live in. You are not entitled to PMQs until you are legally common-law or married. The day the baby is born (should the birth occur before your marriage or before you can legally declare common-law status) you will then become entitled to PMQ housing.

I highly suggest that you inform the Recruiting Centre of the upcoming change in your family status prior to your swearing in, as if you truly cannot be away for 6 months, perhaps this is not the right career for you. Being away from home is a common occurance, our tours can last 6 months or longer, and serving personnel manage to pull off stuff like this (in sometimes a lot worse familial circumstances than a pregnant girlfriend) all the time and just 'make it happen.'

I have been home alone while my husband was deployed to Somalia during 6 months of my preganancy. I lived and so did he. It's not the preferrable way of doing things..but hey welcome to the military where the schedules do not adapt to the troops but rather the troops adapt to the schedules.
So armyvern, it means that they will not support me or my status will not change till the baby is born. In fact, since we are not married and common law this pregnancy problem is ours? Am I right?

By the way, thank you very much for your answer. Appreciated!
I would have to say that pretty much any time a young troop impregnates a girlfriend, it is their problem, no?
Pretty much. But if you have been living together for a time-period you may be able to declare common-law status prior to the baby's birth. That of course depends upon whether you want to declare this and how long a time-period you have been living together. Same for marriage. Big decisions that only you can make.

Pretty much, you are correct in the "not the CFs problem" asessment. The CF simply can not change it's training cycle, times, and programs to suit individuals as there are far too many of us (well at least for trg purposes!!). Thus, when the individual becomes a part of the CF, the individual must adapt to the varied and 'not-always-convenient' needs of the CF. When you sign on the line and get sworn in....you are agreeing to do this.
It sounds like a pickle, but rest assured you're not the first.  Depending upon the length of the course you may have a shot at quarters (the longer the more likely).  Bring your concerns to the course staff (in a logical manner).  Once you have a child you are eligible for common law.  I was.  The CSM made us bring in our just born daughter and said "yep, looks like you!".  Best of luck.
I dont know about what the military can do for you, but why can't you be away from her? My husband is currently deployed for 6 months and I am almost three months pregnant. It's not going to be easy for her, but you can be away. Being pregnant doesnt mean she is helpless. Like someone said before, make sure the pregnancy thing is for real. Good luck with whatever happens. And tell her to start taking her pre-natal vitamins. >:D
I probably did not express myself correctly. I can be away from home for 6 months....like I have been for almost the last 7-8 months...it's now depending on us if we want to do it again.
Kat Stevens said:
I would have to say that pretty much any time a young troop impregnates a girlfriend, it is their problem, no?

Kat im going to go one up on your and say pretty much any time a young man impregnates a girlfriend, it is a problem.  ;)
you do not need to be married or common law to have a PMQ. Ive known a few people that are single and not even in a relationship get a PMQ.  You might have some luck if you pay for the move yourself, and write a memo requesting for her to live in a PMQ where you are on course. I don't think you will be able to "live" with her, but at least maybe she will have some luck with a Q.  But then again, maybe not since you can't be charged 2 quarters either. 
If you bring up the fact of financial hardship etc with this, asking for help for a move, they may just tell you to take a sisip loan
It is very few and far between that you will get a Q if you are single and in most cases if you are not married or common law and say your a pregnent that you have to wait till a certain point in the pregnancy to be able to then apply to get a Q.  Here in Edmonton, there is usually a waiting list to get into any Q on base so I would doubt that they would give you one without being married.  I also know that on some bases, if you are already live in a place they use their descrection to whether or not you are able to get a Q then.

Good luck though!

Tarutig said:
you do not need to be married or common law to have a PMQ. Ive known a few people that are single and not even in a relationship get a PMQ.  You might have some luck if you pay for the move yourself, and write a memo requesting for her to live in a PMQ where you are on course. I don't think you will be able to "live" with her, but at least maybe she will have some luck with a Q.  But then again, maybe not since you can't be charged 2 quarters either. 
If you bring up the fact of financial hardship etc with this, asking for help for a move, they may just tell you to take a sisip loan
These are called enhanced singles quarters...and if he happens to move ahead of the single guys with 'time-in" and the ability to cover the costs of one to get one of them...which I highly doubt; his girlfirend can not move in with him as it is an "enhanced singles quarter". This situation only occurs on Bases where there is not enough singles quarters and where there is an abundance of empty PMQs...an unusual situation to see occuring at a trg Base.
Tarutig said:
you do not need to be married or common law to have a PMQ. Ive known a few people that are single and not even in a relationship get a PMQ.  You might have some luck if you pay for the move yourself, and write a memo requesting for her to live in a PMQ where you are on course. I don't think you will be able to "live" with her, but at least maybe she will have some luck with a Q.  But then again, maybe not since you can't be charged 2 quarters either. 
If you bring up the fact of financial hardship etc with this, asking for help for a move, they may just tell you to take a sisip loan
If you do follow this advice, you may find that all expenses will have to come out of your own pocket, and you will have to find an apartment or house to rent off Base, with no legal rights to reimbursement.  If you, at this stage of your career, become an 'administrative burden' or 'financial' problem, you may find that you will soon no longer have a career in the CF. 

It is also, not usually the policy to give a person Permanent Married Quarters for 'family members' while temporarily posted on a short course like QL3.
Elisha said:
It is very few and far between that you will get a Q if you are single and in most cases if you are not married or common law and say your a pregnent that you have to wait till a certain point in the pregnancy to be able to then apply to get a Q.  Here in Edmonton, there is usually a waiting list to get into any Q on base so I would doubt that they would give you one without being married.  I also know that on some bases, if you are already live in a place they use their descrection to whether or not you are able to get a Q then.

Good luck though!


I know people in Kingston, Winnipeg and Greenwood who are all single and had no problems moving into Qs. However since its so early into the training I doubt he will get one if asked. But those that I know that are in Qs were told that if they all become taken and a family needs to move in, then they have to move out. It all depends on availability and at some bases there are waiting lists - which obviously a single person would not get one.
I can tell you right now that anything is possible.

My Dh is currently on his QL3's here in Kingston and we as a family were getting ready to move ourselves to be with him during his training, just waiting for a memo stating that we could get a Q and that we were moving ourselves.  The military decided at the last minute that it was wrong that we were paying for the move and so they moved us.  His QL3 course ended up being only a little over five months long and the military still decided to move us to be with him during his QL3 training anyways.  There is an overabundance of Qs here and many are occupied by single members.  They even have 3 bedrooms that are being occupied by one person.  :o

My DH is still required to maintain his room and bed and everything that is contained in there and he is still required or at least feels that he must help with station job duties for the platoon insepctions.  He is also still required to report to work at sometimes 5:15 for his regular PT classes and must come home everyday for lunch.  If you are able to get her to be with you make sure that she understands that she still wont see you much.  Between the chores and studying it is almost like I am still single except for on weekends.  I dont mind thought, at least the bed isnt empty at night.

You unfortunately wont know anything until you get to either PAT or to your actual training location.  I would have to say that you should be prepared to pay for her relocation out of your own pocket.  It was a long road for us to get approval and not easy but like I said anythign is possible.