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TOW Under Armour

Not sure how tactically sound it was, or if it was just a training item but i persoanlly worked on them at 3RCHA, so I know it to be true.

3 RCHA or 3 RCR?  Or 1 RCHA doing work up training for UNPROFOR? 
Sure ADATS has range, but the cost of it is crazy, justto shoot it at a mud hut! there is a reason why only a few people have actually shot them live! One of the bird gunners at my Regiment said it's a big badge of honour if you are a CO the year they get to shhot it!
Yes as PPCLI guy said they are handing it back to the Armoured guys, but it will be awhile!
Griff576 said:
Is there any known badge out there for being a TUA gunner?

It was this:


I think it is now this:

  If Memory serves correct, the badge shown would be worn by someone w/ the adv crse serving in AAP (or Coy I guess now). I've seen the earliar khaki badge on my father's itchy green field dress from when he was with the Strats in their AAP. They used the SSB11 missile fired from a M113. It was also wire guided, and they used a joystick to "fly" their missile into their target. Similar I guess to a Sagger.
  As far as a TOW mounted to an Iltis goes, I saw one in Afg. when we (C-Coy 2VP) were attached to 3VP on OP APPOLLO. Don't know if they used them "in anger".
In the early to mid sixties the Canadian Army used two ATGMs, both French, the ENTAC and the SS11B. While the training was conducted at the RCAC School, the systems were operated by the infantry initially. In about 1963 3 R22R was converted to an anti-tank battalion and B Company joined 4 CIBG in Germany. AS I recall, (I was a very junior member of the HQ 4 CIBG HO ops staff at time,) the company had three platoons of mixed ENTAC and 106s and a platoon of SS11B.

Later the 8 CH, which had been converted to a reconnaissance regiment field a troop of APC mounted SS11B.

It's been a very long time, so the above is subject to age creep, but it is fairly accurate.