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Transferring to another unit (RESERVE)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Se7eN
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Hey all, just wondering if anyone could give me any type of advice on my situation as follows;

I am currently on class B contract in the army I have a CT in for BOSN and Steward, while waiting for my CT(cause I assume itll take a hundred years) I am looking at transferring from army reserves to navy reserves except I have NO idea how to do that and its all army around here so nobody has a clue. Help?
Step 1: Find a local Naval Reserve unit.

Step 2: Ask the local Naval Reserve unit "How do I transfer to you from the Army Reserve"?
knawktwice said:
Hey all, just wondering if anyone could give me any type of advice on my situation as follows;

I am currently on class B contract in the army I have a CT in for BOSN and Steward, while waiting for my CT(cause I assume itll take a hundred years) I am looking at transferring from army reserves to navy reserves except I have NO idea how to do that and its all army around here so nobody has a clue. Help?

What city do you live in?
There is no Steward trade with the Naval Reserve, so if your CT is processed, your option will be BOSN.
Both CO's, losing and gaining, must agree.

Both Commands, Primary Reserves and Naval Reserves, must agree.
kratz said:
There is no Steward trade with the Naval Reserve, so if your CT is processed, your option will be BOSN.

Can you do a CT to the regular force from res to reg, army to navy?
knawktwice said:
I am looking at transferring from army reserves to navy reserves

See also,

Transfer from naval reserves to army ( Pres )

Transferring between reserve units 
OP: " I'm looking into moving to an army unit but keeping my navy uniform...."

Elemental Change for Purple Trades - Reserves 
3 pages.

[quote author=Chief Stoker]Can you do a CT to the regular force from res to reg, army to navy?[/quote]

If I understand knawktwice correctly,

This person plans to CT and OT from a PRes CA unit to a RCN NRD. In this scenario, the only option available is Bosun.

If a current RCN Steward retires to the SHR, as with all trades, a person can apply to an NRD for one of their limited ATR position numbers, and / or apply for REO class B ATR positions through the NRD. Potential of promotion is nearly nil, as the trade is not part of NavRes.
kratz said:
If I understand knawktwice correctly,

This person plans to CT and OT from a PRes CA unit to a RCN NRD. In this scenario, the only option available is Bosun.

If a current RCN Steward retires to the SHR, as with all trades, a person can apply to an NRD for one of their limited ATR position numbers, and / or apply for REO class B ATR positions through the NRD. Potential of promotion is nearly nil, as the trade is not part of NavRes.

It appears that the poster has a CT to the reg navy and thinks doing a component transfer from the army res to the navy res will speed up the process.
Chief Stoker said:
It appears that the poster has a CT to the reg navy and thinks doing a component transfer from the army res to the navy res will speed up the process.

I didn't get that from his post. I simply got that he doesn't want to be in the army anymore, and wants to transfer to the navy PRes while waiting for his CT; there is not expectation hat this will speed up the process. (which, you're right, it won't)

knawktwice said:
Hey all, just wondering if anyone could give me any type of advice on my situation as follows;

I am currently on class B contract in the army I have a CT in for BOSN and Steward, while waiting for my CT(cause I assume itll take a hundred years) I am looking at transferring from army reserves to navy reserves except I have NO idea how to do that and its all army around here so nobody has a clue. Help?

What you need to do is get your unit, Brigade or possibly even your Division to send an inter-command transfer request to NAVRESHQ. In the Naval Reserve, an individual unit CO has the authority to approve the transfer of one of his members to another Command. For some reason, the Army Reserve doesn't work that way. When we had a member of  an PRes Army unit in Calgary transferring to my unit, the request had to go all the way up to the 3 Div Cdr, which meant it took way too long (months), when I could have had the entire process done in a week for one of our own members (email my CO, email their CO, draft message, transmit, done).

Before this request happens, however, both the losing unit CO and gaining unit CO need to agree to the transfer (email is fine). Your chain of command then sends a the transfer request message to NAVRESHQ. Every Command should have their own format, but I've copy and pasted NAVRESHQ's version below.

Now,  the bit that makes this more complicated (and longer) is your trade. If you are a purple trade (HRA/FSA), then all you need to do is the transfer. If, however, you are an Army-only trade, then part of the transfer process also includes a VOT to a trade suitable to the Naval Reserve.

Once again, the VOT process is different between Commands and possibly Divisions. In the Naval Reserve, the unit CO can approve the VOT request, whereas in 3 Can Div, the VOT request went all the way to the Div Cdr (why, again, I do not know). The VOT process involves about a dozen forms to fill out, and an interview with a PSO (Personnel Selection Officer), so it can take some time.

Once you have the VOT package complete (including a letter from the PSO saying your are suitable for the Navy trade you want to transfer to), you include this in the Inter-Command transfer request message. Here's the message:

A. FM: HMCS **UNIT**, UIC: **####**
B. TO: **UNIT**, UIC: **####** 
J. POC: **PO1
BLOGGINS, CHIEF CLERK (012) 345-6789**

The bits in yellow (especially para G) are the ones that are key if you are changing trades as well. 

If I had to summarize, I would say this:

1. Figure out what navy trade you want;
2. Find your nearest NRD and make contact with them;
3. Submit memo for VOT and inter-command transfer;
4. Obtain approval from your CO for the transfer and VOT;
5. Complete VOT process;
6. Obtain gaining unit CO's approval for the transfer to their unit;
7. Draft and send Inter-Command Transfer Request to NAVRESHQ along with all supporting documentation (VOT package).

(skip step 5 if you don't need to VOT).

I cant thank you enough for your help! really appreciated!
I have a meeting with the BPSO coming up so atleast i'll have some sort of clue what im talking about.

Chief Stoker said:
It appears that the poster has a CT to the reg navy and thinks doing a component transfer from the army res to the navy res will speed up the process.

No, Im fully aware it will not help the CT process go faster by any means, if anything it will take more time. Id just like to get into navy reserves, see something different while I wait.
knawktwice said:
No, Im fully aware it will not help the CT process go faster by any means, if anything it will take more time. Id just like to get into navy reserves, see something different while I wait.

If this is what you truly want, then I suggest you transfer to NAVRES as a Bosn and potentially get some trade knowledge under your belt before your CT comes through. As an aside, it may actually be faster to CT from the Naval Reserve than from the Militia. The Navy has a "lean forward" approach to CTs. I've seen them go through very rapidly indeed.
knawktwice said:
Fredericton currently however my partner is navy and will be posted soon to which coast..were not sure yet

I would suggest if in the area drop in to HMCS Brunswicker in Saint John they could give you a good idea. As stated before the Naval Reserves is faster to transfer than the Army reserves to the regular force. The bosn training is directly transferable to the regular force navy. Good luck!

After some time at my current PRes unit I have made the decision to *attempt* an Occupation Reassignment. I like my unit, but after plenty of time working with DP1-qualified members, I have decided it's not for me. I would like to transfer to another unit (and a different combat arms trade) that is also located at my home armoury.

I have done plenty of research on this topic, and talked with people in my unit's OR (but have not discussed the topic with many others, as I'd like to keep my decision as quiet as possible for the time being). However, no one seems to know what to do.

1. Should I write a memo, and submit it through my OR? Or take some other course of action?

2. If anyone has experience with this process, what was your experience like? Did you get any hate from your unit, or get stalled during the process?

3. If the process is complicated/difficult enough, would it be wise to consider releasing, then re-joining? YES, this may sound very naive, but I am new to the army. I'm very committed to changing trades, as I love the reserves and being in the forces.

From what I've heard, my brigade has massively increased their recruiting goals for this year, and FORCES.CA says that the unit I'd like to join is hiring for the trade I'm interested in. So it seems that they'd be willing to hire someone who's already BMQ and Land qualified (but what do I know).

I've found very little information pertaining to the PRes Occupational Transfer process online, and lots of conflicting answers. My apologies if this question is in the wrong place, or out of line in some way.

EDIT: thanks for moving my post, I missed this thread. My mistake.

Just to build on what I've seen previously in this thread, would "go see your CoC" mean "write a memo and submit it through your OR"? I'm sorry, I'm still very new to the reserve/army world. Thanks in advance.
Canuck10 said:
If the process is complicated/difficult enough, would it be wise to consider releasing, then re-joining?

If considering that, you may wish to read this,

Getting Back In/Re-enrolling Mega Thread 
37 pages.

As always, your Chain of Command is your most trusted source of information.
Canuck10 said:


After some time at my current PRes unit I have made the decision to *attempt* an Occupation Reassignment. I like my unit, but after plenty of time working with DP1-qualified members, I have decided it's not for me. I would like to transfer to another unit (and a different combat arms trade) that is also located at my home armoury.

Roger that.  Lots of folks in both the Regular and Reserve force have OTd/remustered before.  Not a big deal really.

I have done plenty of research on this topic, and talked with people in my unit's OR (but have not discussed the topic with many others, as I'd like to keep my decision as quiet as possible for the time being). However, no one seems to know what to do.

I find that odd, that your Unit OR doesn't know what to do...if they have any questions on the processes and policies specific to your Bde, they should simply be able to ask a question to their counterparts at Bde HQ (like the G1 Clerk as an example).

However, the current (as far as I can tell) policy on remustering for Reserve NCMs is still  CFAO 49-11, Terms of Service Non-Commissioned Members Primary Reserve  unless my memory is right out to lunch.  The CFAOs aren't available online and I don't have DWAN access right at this time.

1. Should I write a memo, and submit it through my OR? Or take some other course of action?

You should fall under some chain of command at your unit right now...under a MCpl or Sgt?  I would start by requesting a meeting with them, and telling them your intentions and why (be honest).  If you are certain you want to transfer, don't let them talk you out of it (they might try).  They can help determine if you meet the prerequisites for transfer (you must have met the CFAT requirements, there must be a position avail at the unit you want to go to, in the trade you want to go to, etc).

Ask for a copy of the CFAO I mentioned above and go over it.  It should be the right starting point on the how's and why's as the Bde policy should be compliant with the CFAO.

You could also find out who the recruiter is for the unit you want to transfer to and contact that person to inform them of your interest and intentions.  They can then help assist in the process perhaps (they have a vested interest in that they are the gaining unit, right?).

3. If the process is complicated/difficult enough, would it be wise to consider releasing, then re-joining? YES, this may sound very naive, but I am new to the army. I'm very committed to changing trades, as I love the reserves and being in the forces.

IF you need to do this because of...something...well there are some big problems in the Pres and your Bde, IMO.

EDIT: thanks for moving my post, I missed this thread. My mistake.

Just to build on what I've seen previously in this thread, would "go see your CoC" mean "write a memo and submit it through your OR"? I'm sorry, I'm still very new to the reserve/army world. Thanks in advance.

Your CofC would be, at the start, whoever you normal report to/work for at your unit.  They will then inform the folks higher up the CofC...going directly to the OR with a memo can be seen as jumping or skirting the chain...not usually a good thing to do in the military, less so as new Pte soldier.

Tell whoever your MCpl / Sgt is what you want to do and why, and ask them to assist you in the process...you can specifically ask them to help you get a copy of the CFAO I mentioned above and to help with assistance from the OR staff, etc.

And remember, you're not the first person to want to do this.
Eye In The Sky said:

Thanks very much, I appreciate the detailed response! I'll contact my section commander (a Cpl in my case...). I know many of my questions may have seemed quite naive (and probably were, partially because I've been in for less than six months), so I especially appreciate the time you took to answer my question(s).