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I'm just finishing basic with the army reserves and I'm currently in as a combat engineer. While I want to spend at least a year or two with the engineers, I want to eventually transfer to the infantry (reserves). Will it be harder to transfer later, or does it really make a difference when I request a transfer? Specifically after I do the QL3 course.
Did BMQ make you all of a sudden want to be Infantry? 

Before you start considering changing trades,  you might want to actually get some time/experience in it.  Give the trade a chance,  do your QP3/DP1, go on exercises with the unit before making an opinion.  Who knows,  you may end up enjoying it and not wanting to go Infantry after all.

Going off this it seems like you also want to go Reg Force(?) in either Infantry, Med Tech, Armour, Int and Pilot..  kind of all over the place. 
I know it seems all over the place, but there is logic to it all. As a combat engineer I like what I have seen of the trade and can't wait to continue training. My goal after high school is to become an int op but realistically the chances of that are low. My next choice is infantry because I like the combat arms area of the CF, and I didn't choose engineers because although I like what they do more in training, if I were to be deployed I think I would prefer the job of an infantry soldier. This leads me to wanting to transfer to infantry reserves to see if it is the life for me before going reg and then realizing I would have rather done something else. Med tech is on there because civy side I plan on becoming a paramedic. I know that was long, but I mostly just wrote it to clarify for myself because it's quite the cluster of thoughts floating around right now. Not sure why I put armour, and I put pilot because I thought it wouldn't hurt to try ;D
Norris95 said:
Med tech is on there because civy side I plan on becoming a paramedic.

You may find this discussion of interest.

"...will becoming a med tech in the forces set me up for success to transfer into the roll of civilian paramedic after wards??":
Norris95 said:
I know it seems all over the place, but there is logic to it all. As a combat engineer I like what I have seen of the trade and can't wait to continue training. My goal after high school is to become an int op but realistically the chances of that are low. My next choice is infantry because I like the combat arms area of the CF, and I didn't choose engineers because although I like what they do more in training, if I were to be deployed I think I would prefer the job of an infantry soldier. This leads me to wanting to transfer to infantry reserves to see if it is the life for me before going reg and then realizing I would have rather done something else. Med tech is on there because civy side I plan on becoming a paramedic. I know that was long, but I mostly just wrote it to clarify for myself because it's quite the cluster of thoughts floating around right now. Not sure why I put armour, and I put pilot because I thought it wouldn't hurt to try ;D

I suggest some more reading on the role of engineers in battle, and how high their body count was in Afghanistan before you dismiss their war fighting contribution.
Norris95 said:
I know it seems all over the place, but there is logic to it all. As a combat engineer I like what I have seen of the trade and can't wait to continue training. My goal after high school is to become an int op but realistically the chances of that are low. My next choice is infantry because I like the combat arms area of the CF, and I didn't choose engineers because although I like what they do more in training, if I were to be deployed I think I would prefer the job of an infantry soldier. This leads me to wanting to transfer to infantry reserves to see if it is the life for me before going reg and then realizing I would have rather done something else. Med tech is on there because civy side I plan on becoming a paramedic. I know that was long, but I mostly just wrote it to clarify for myself because it's quite the cluster of thoughts floating around right now. Not sure why I put armour, and I put pilot because I thought it wouldn't hurt to try ;D

You haven't even finished BMQ yet. You're in no position to even be trying to make a meaningful comparison of what the two trades offer.

You walked into an engineer unit and committed to joining them and doing basic. They in turn gave you one of their very limited number of positions because they took your word on that commitment, and because you got that spot someone else who wants to be an engineer has not. At a minimum, I believe you have an ethical obligation to see it through the end of your training and to give it a decent shot.

Why would an infantry unit want to take a transfer who, before even beginning the training for his first trade, decided it wasn't good enough for him? I would be very loth to speak favourably for an applicant who walked into my office seeking such a transfer.
Norris95 said:
I'm just finishing basic with the army reserves and I'm currently in as a combat engineer. While I want to spend at least a year or two with the engineers, I want to eventually transfer to the infantry (reserves). Will it be harder to transfer later, or does it really make a difference when I request a transfer? Specifically after I do the QL3 course.

It will take you 2 years in order to complete your trades course unless you can get on a Winter/Spring BMQ-LAND course and then commit to a 14 week DP1 course in the summer....

If you wanted infantry so much why did you join then engineers anyways....
Slow down guys, I never said anything about or of their war fighting contribution, or that it was not good enough for me, nor was I comparing the two, nor is it a commitment issue. I understand that I can't make any real observations about certain trades which is why I would like to finish the QL3 course, then decide if I would want to stay with the trade. It is not due to any disregard for the trade that I'm considering a transfer. Thank you for the link, the suggestions, and the advice.
Norris95 said:
...I understand that I can't make any real observations about certain trades which is why I would like to finish the QL3 course, then decide if I would want to stay with the trade...

Qualifying a soldier QL3 costs the CF tens of thousands of dollars.  We kind of hope someone commits to a career path before that cheque is cut.
That I did not realize. Well I won't be transferring if I do the QL3 course unless for whatever reasons I absolutely hate it, which is less then likely. Thanks for the insight.
Norris95 said:
I know it seems all over the place, but there is logic to it all. As a combat engineer I like what I have seen of the trade and can't wait to continue training. My goal after high school is to become an int op but realistically the chances of that are low. My next choice is infantry because I like the combat arms area of the CF, and I didn't choose engineers because although I like what they do more in training, if I were to be deployed I think I would prefer the job of an infantry soldier. This leads me to wanting to transfer to infantry reserves to see if it is the life for me before going reg and then realizing I would have rather done something else. Med tech is on there because civy side I plan on becoming a paramedic. I know that was long, but I mostly just wrote it to clarify for myself because it's quite the cluster of thoughts floating around right now. Not sure why I put armour, and I put pilot because I thought it wouldn't hurt to try ;D

Goldilocks, is that you??