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Trooper Brian Good RCD - 3 Injured in Afghanistan - 7 Jan 09

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Condolences to Tpr Good's family, loved ones, and comrades.  Speedy recovery to the wounded.  :salute:
RIP Trooper Good, heartfelt condoleces ti family & friends ...what a loss.

thought I might share my husband's thoughs regarding Trooper Good as he's over there and knew him...

Brian lived in the same barracks in Pet that we lived in for a year before coming here. Living in that environment, you get to know everybody. Some you like, some you don't, some you just have a nodding acquaintance with. I know that every time someone dies here or at home there's always someone to say what a great person they were. In this case you just couldn't help but like him.

   Brian had a down east lilt in his voice and was an extremely even tempered, pleasant fellow. I was not a close friend but we were very friendly together and spent an awful lot of time in conversation.

  I'll not offer an eulogy but will tell you how I feel.

  Apart from the sadness and sense of loss, I'm really, really angry. At the taliban you think, well yes, but I'm angry at them anyway, that's why I came here.

  You know what I'm angry about, I'll tell you, I'm angry at the inevitable hand wringing at home. Brian died as a dedicated canadian soldier doing his job calmly and professionally. He's passed the torch on to those of us who follow on behind him. I want to grab that torch, hold it high for all our enemies to see and say, ' we won't let you down, your sacrifice will not be in vain.'

  Do you know that in all the time I've been here, through all the deaths, and I've carried almost all of our fallen on their way home, I have never heard one canadian soldier, man nor woman, say we should leave. Most would return for another tour because they believe in the mission.

  What I'm angry about is all the bring the soldiers home types, those defeatist, bleeding heart, never been threatened, safe at home, I'm so concerned,  love my own voice, and maybe I can make some political hay and hurt those that make the tough decision types.

  Brian gave his life to help make this part of the world safer for the ordinary people who deserve the same freedoms we take for granted. At the end of the day let us say thank you to men and women like Brian and let him sleep knowing that we'll carry on.

rest in peace trooper good  :salute:
you will not be forgotten  :cdn:
speedy recovery to the wounded...  :salute:
condolences to the family,,,comrades and friends....  :cdn:
                                scoty b
so sorry if I crossed some lines folk s just copied the whole thing over
Bad luck old boy. Its a tragedy anytime a soldier is killed but knowing its a Dragoon makes it even harder for me.
Rest In Peace mate. Well done
This is so sad , i mean they're probably one the last few week before returning in Canada for ROTO 7 from Quebec (R22eR)...this is a very sad years for Canadian Forces and for sure Canada. Rest in Peace  :salute:
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- The body of the first Canadian soldier killed this year in the Afghan mission is on its way home. Trooper Brian Good's body was loaded onto a military aircraft at a ramp ceremony Thursday night at Kandahar Airfield. He is the 107th Canadian soldier killed since the Afghan mission began in 2002. Good died when a roadside bomb exploded near his armoured vehicle in the district of Shah Wali Kot, north of Kandahar City. He is the 10th Canadian soldier killed in a roadside bomb attack in just over a month. The three soldiers also wounded in the blast are said to be in good condition.

From here.
Our condolences to Tpr. Good's family and friends and to his comrades in arms.    :salute:
Fiddler's Green

Halfway down the trail to Hell,
In a shady meadow green
Are the Souls of all dead troopers camped,
Near a good old-time canteen.
And this eternal resting place
Is known as Fiddlers' Green.

Marching past, straight through to Hell
The Infantry are seen.
Accompanied by the Engineers,
Artillery and Marines,
For none but the shades of Cavalrymen
Dismount at Fiddlers' Green.

Though some go curving down the trail
To seek a warmer scene.
No trooper ever gets to Hell
Ere he's emptied his canteen.
And so rides back to drink again
With friends at Fiddlers' Green.

And so when man and horse go down
Beneath a saber keen,
Or in a roaring charge of fierce melee
You stop a bullet clean,
And the hostiles come to get your scalp,
Just empty your canteen,
And put your pistol to your head
And go to Fiddlers' Green.


Apparently a Taliban has said that Canadians will be their main target.  >:(

RIP Soldier, speedy recover to the wounded.  :salute:
Coldplay said:
Apparently a Taliban has said that Canadians will be their main target. 

Its a Mutual Feeling at least.....  :threat:

Godspeed to the Injured, and Thoughts and Prayers to the Troopers Family...
My deepest condolences to the family and friends of Tpr Good.  :salute:
Media Advisory
Our Fallen Soldier Returns Home
LFCA MA 08-021 - January 9, 2009

OTTAWA – Our fallen soldier, Trooper Brian Richard Good, will return home to Canada on Saturday, January 10, 2009.

Where:  8 Wing, Canadian Forces Base Trenton, Ontario.

When:  Saturday, January 10, 2009 at 2:00 p.m.

What:    At the wishes of the family, media will be permitted on the tarmac.

Present to pay their respects will be Her Excellency The Governor General of Canada, The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Minister of National Defence, The Honourable Peter Gordon MacKay, Chief of Defence Staff, General Walt Natynczyk and other dignitaries.

Trooper Good from The Royal Canadian Dragoons based at Canadian Forces Base Petawawa, and serving with 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group, was killed, and three other Canadian soldiers were injured when their armoured vehicle struck an improvised explosive device approximately 35 kilometres north of Kandahar City in the Shah Wali Kowt District.  The incident occurred at approximately 8:00 a.m., Kandahar time, on January 7, 2009.


Note to Editors/News Directors:

Interested media may contact Lieutenant Annie Morin, 8 Wing/CFB Trenton Public Affairs Officer, who can be reached at (613) 243-7330.

For general queries, please contact the Media Liaison Office at (866) 377-0811, or on weekends 613-792-2973. For flight information, please contact the Air Passenger Terminal at 1-800-487-1186.