Well I guess I can never go to the SAC then... I'd be crazy since almost none of my shooting kit is issued. Having a POS holster doesn't show off or test your shooting skills, it tests your ability to strugle witha POS equipment and not only to draw it but to point it on target in time to pop off rounds. No pistol mag pouches, so where do they expect us to keep out pistol mags? In our hands? In our pockets? It's another silly thing that rears its ugly head with regards to kit and backwards thinking. In the US their in house comps have their members showing up with a variety of things. But the few things that remain the same are, rifle in either regular or carbine length so two seperate div. They have a variety of optics but are all pretty much the same and a side arm that's the issued M9. None of the shooters are wearing the exact same equipment or even has the same accesories, but the winner is a winner, whether he/she is using a vert grip or not it doesn't matter. It's how the individual shoots and how good at shooting that person is. What someone's wearing doesn't really effect how they shoot now does it? It only facilitates either good skills or none existent ones.