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U.S. man claims to be the rightful king of England

In the distant past a guy like this would be in a psychiatric hospital or halfway house. ;)
tomahawk6 said:
In the distant past a guy like this would be in a psychiatric hospital or halfway house. ;)

Was that "halfway" house or "white" house?

He also called Wales "Gondor", so apparently he's also the last of the Line of Isildur. Anduril shall be remade! The White Tree shall grow anew!  What a howling moonbat.
What a great idea, have a coronation, invite all the walts, useless politicians, worst of the senior civil service and senior military ranks by stroking their egos, once they are gathered together, do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aqSroT1BBs
Colin P said:
What a great idea, have a coronation, invite all the walts, useless politicians, worst of the senior civil service and senior military ranks by stroking their egos, once they are gathered together, do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aqSroT1BBs

What kind of Red Wine would you pair with that?  >:D
I'd be curious to know the basis of his claim.  Primogeniture is only one aspect in the succession of monarchs.  Unavoidable is the fact that the current line of succession was actually chosen by Parliament.
And also is that a claim to be recognized as King of Canada?
There are still Stuart pretenders floating around, he should consider how he will deal with that first...