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What would a resident of Gloucester, Massachusetts with an income of $80K pay in State/Federal income taxes compared with the same in Ontario?
Rifleman62 said:What would a resident of Gloucester, Massachusetts with an income of $80K pay in State/Federal income taxes compared with the same in Ontario?
Rifleman62 said:What would a resident of Gloucester, Massachusetts with an income of $80K pay in State/Federal income taxes compared with the same in Ontario?
Brad Sallows said:The US basically can not afford single-payer if insured people insist on enjoying their current access to health care. I doubt it will go anywhere. My prediction is that eventually everyone without employer-provided insurance or the means to buy their own will be found eligible for Medicaid.
Our government is focused on one drug at a time.Pencil Tech said:...... the federal government could negotiate bulk prices for drugs ...
Loachman said:One, however, is noisy but largely impotent yet gets the majority of the press coverage. The other is truly violent yet has generally been ignored by press and politicians.
mariomike said:Saw this in Canadian Politics. Replied in US Politics as the source I quoted is American.
"Islamists have killed about 14 times as many people as Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists who, in turn, have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists."
Looking at both plots and attacks carried out, the group tracked 201 terrorist incidents on U.S. soil from January 2008 to the end of 2016. The database shows 115 cases by right-wing extremists ― from white supremacists to militias to “sovereign citizens” ― compared to 63 cases by Islamist extremists. Incidents from left-wing extremists, which include ecoterrorists and animal rights militants, were comparatively rare, with 19 incidents.
FJAG said:There are obviously issues with how we categorize acts of terrorism and report the statistics but it seems to me that within the US one should be at least equally as concerned about protecting the public from the right wing as the Islamists and much less concerned about the left.
MCG said:If the topic cannot be discussed without reference to Republicans or Democrats and if the discussion requires primarily reference to extreme US occurrences vice reference to anything from this side of the border: then it is probably safe to assume the discussion belongs in one of those US political threads.
FJAG said:I hate to burst your little bubble but there's no one on this forum (or for that matter in Canadian society in general) who's defending Antifa (much less buying their bridges, drinking their cool-aid, etc).
All we've been saying is that you need to keep perspective and see that violent right-wing extremism is a bigger threat.
You cite Homeland Security respecting the Antifa threat above. You should also look at their information on right-wing extremism such as here:
and in particular the Anti Defamation League study that is cited by them here:
which provides some simple to understand statistics and case studies of what has been happening. Antifa, asinine as it is, pales by comparison.
Bird_Gunner45 said:Without referencing the nature of the photo which has been concluded IMHO, I would argue that what was pushed on him was social norms vice sexuality. As sexuality is a natural thing, one cannot "push" it in that one cannot just make their children gay, straight, bi, etc. For this, reference the many folks who believe that they can send their children to "pray away the gay" camps to rid their children of the horrors of loving someone different than what their parents want. Tbh, I think that the "pray away the gay" folks are worse than the parents of the child int he photo as many who have went through these camps state that it's akin to torture.
There are good gay parents and bad gay parents. Clearly, this young lad had bad ones. Is it worse than the pageant kid parents, the hockey parents who scream at their children in public for missing a pass, the football parents you can see on the "friday night tykes" show, or other parents who push their agenda's/dreams on their children?
As for Thucidydes original point, that gay marriage is a totalitarian leftist trap to push an agenda, I still adamantly disagree. I still think the opposite- the right states who deny their citizens basic rights such as the right to love another person are the ones who are really using government power to push an agenda.
Colin P said:I know personally of one case where 2 loving gay females have a kid, a boy.
Except as provided in paragraph (2), on and after the date that is 180 days after the date of enactment of this subsection, it shall be unlawful for any person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a trigger crank, a bump-fire device, or any part, combination of parts, component, device, attachment, or accessory that is designed or functions to accelerate the rate of fire of a semi-automatic rifle but not convert the semiautomatic rifle into a machinegun.
YZT580 said:. . . I will restate that there are significant studies, allbeit with small sample groups . . . The reports were authored by sociology professor Paul Sullins . . .
Since then incidentally I have noticed a distinct left-wing bias in the search results on Google and I now use Duckduck when I am looking for anything other than simple facts or hotels.
Using 'Pseudoscience' to Undermine Same-Sex Parents
A new study claims that the children of gay couples are more likely to have emotional and developmental problems, but reveals more about the researcher than his subjects.
kkwd said:The NRA weighs in on "bump stocks".
kkwd said:This could cause heads to explode among people saying the NRA has blood on it's hands for many incidents.
Colin P said:I know personally of one case where 2 loving gay females have a kid, a boy. These people love their kid to bits, but they have a real "anti-man" hate on. Guess what this kid is going to grow into to? He is screwed up, trying to hide his masculine side so his parents won't hate him. It's not that they mean to, but they have set up this kid to fail badly.
mariomike said:Regulate, not ban. I believe automatic weapons have been banned since the Dillinger era in the US. The "bump stock" seems to be a modern day work around.
They have also weighed in on deregulating silencers ( 1934 )
And had this to say about sawed-off shotguns, which have also been outlawed since 1934,
"However, short-barreled rifles and shotguns have becoming increasingly popular for home defense and defensive-skills-based marksmanship training and competitions, and sound suppressors have become increasingly popular for marksmanship training and competitions, and for hunting."
My head is just thankful to live on our ( admittedly imperfect ) side of the border.![]()