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UAB kit list

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Is there a reason you're not taking both pairs of desert boots?  ???
Tango18A said:
Thats only his UAB list, my guess is the other pair is on his feet.

That would work...  ;D

I guess I was looking at it from the other side, not the UAB side.  I had both pairs of boots with me.  Not that I didn't trust UAB....but...
Clothing only bought me one pair in time for deployment. Its a good thing I had though ahead and purchased my own 1st pair of boots. >:(
Etienne said:
With regards for civilian clothing I would suggest to check with your SSM. Rules have changed since august 1 2010. Basically the only thing you can now wear in KAF is CADPAT or PT, the PT you usually wear for your morning PT. No more "civilian" pants or jeans, or shirt etc... If you want to pack for HLTA make sure that you wont change your mind with the location of your leave, or have them mailed to you..in advance of course  ;D

This might be unit dependent. It was when I was there last. It's worth asking. The BG wore PT, the Role 3 and 1 appropriate civies, the remainder something of a mix.

If you're allowed civies, then for summer some good walking shorts, tshirts or polos, and shoes with short socks. For winter, cargo pants, and the same shirts etc, but add a wind breaker for rainy days. You can bring sandals, but you won't be allowed in the mess without socks. It might be worth leaving jeans at home. A lot of places in the rest of the world frown on jeans as going out wear. Cargos can serve double duty... in camp and on LTA. You might also want to take some of your "well worn" tshirts for PT. You can leave them behind when you rotate home.

The only other suggestion that I can make is that about a week before you leave home, mail yourself a small box of key items to arrive either slightly before, or slightly after your arrival. Find out the day that the parcels are picked up from the MFRC, so you don't miss the mailing date, and have your parcel sit on the base for an extra week.
Layers.  In both military and civilian clothing.  Windbreaker, fleece, etc.  It gets bloody cold there at night around the Oct-Nov timeframe.  Not sure about KAF as I didn't arrive until Nov, but Oct in Kabul was frikkin' freezing at night!

And yes, the civilian dress might be a unit thing.  I was there in Dec last year, and we were allowed to wear civilians.  I didn't bother on the FOB when working 12 hour shifts.  It just didn't seem worth it, laundry-wise or kit-wise.

                Sadly it is not unit dependent. It came down directly from RC South. The Brits were more radical..no civvies at all except for PT. CDN are allowed (for now) to go at the boardwalk in PT and " Normal civvies" is allowed only at your living area. But for kitchens it's CADPAT ONLY.. ::) For FOB's and COP's it comes down to the camp SM, but you are allowed to go at the kitchens in PT. Now, this is the rule for now and it came down from RC South so chance are it wont change.

Good side, less clothing to pack. Down side, guys from Valcatraz wont be able to dress with versace jeans and shirt and gel in their hair.. ;D

And for all that is right and good in your OP...... Do NOT forget those bobble heads, in fact, bring along a few more so you can make some bobble head side shows, then tell us of of their adventures. (include pics :nod:)
I packed a pair of WWB "as per the list" (green UAB) and never touched them.  I thankfully missed the worst of the rain (I was on leave), but I got on just fine with my desert boots.  Even in December-January it was warm enough in the day time that you didn't take too long to dry and even if your feet were a bit wet, it wasn't uncomfortable.

But it can rain pretty bad there.
LineJumper said:
And for all that is right and good in your OP...... Do NOT forget those bobble heads, in fact, bring along a few more so you can make some bobble head side shows, then tell us of of their adventures. (include pics :nod:)

Ho well...I guess Gollum, Chewbacca and Dark vader are bound to go in Afghanistan....Great idea.... :)
I took my tux, but I only wore it once.

I had to fill all of that space somehow.
Loachman said:
I took my tux, but I only wore it once.

I had to fill all of that space somehow.

I had the old barrack boxes when I went over. I used those vacuum bags and had tons of room left over which left space for 'amenities'.
They would have been at least as good. My Pelican cases reached the weight limit when they were still only half-filled.
I sent half a barracks  box/MOAB.  I strongly suggest sending one empty box. When you're there you'll collect a lot of toys, things, stuffs and won't have any room to send it home.

Getting a chance to mail stuff home can be hectic and if you wait until the end of your tour to send stuff home you'll run into all kinds of problems. Mail place is over crowded, out of tape, huge line ups, won't get time off work.

If you're unsure whether you need something pack it (and other iffy stuff) in a seperate box. Address it to your mailing address overseas and if you get there and notice you 'll need something ask someone at home to mail the box to you.

People REALLY over pack and in my experience a lot of peoples stuff (mine included) spent the whole time under a bed untouched or inside a seacan for 7 months.
Officially, anything purchased in theatre that will be coming home with you either has to be mailed home or go in your accompanied baggage.  They will check your UAB before they leave theatre and depending on a number of things, they may or may not check thoroughly.  But if the start seeing stuff that you obviously bought in KAF, be prepared to unpack it.
Thanks gentlemen...

I'm heading over to Afghanistan in 6 weeks with the RCMP as Civpol and this thread is VERY useful to a non-military type like myself.    Hell, the entire Army.ca forum in general is a fantastic source of information for me...(there are so many acronyms though!!).

Ironically, when we learned I was going, my spouse applied for a PSP civilian position, and beat me there by 3 months - she's serving coffee at Timmies as we speak...!  Her training was surprisingly thorough and included a number of recommended and 'required' but not issued items to bring.  I've been using her list as a starting point for my packing - but obviously this thread has expanded my shopping list somewhat.

Thanks again, and if anything has changed, feel free to post updates!
ModlrMike said:
This might be unit dependent. It was when I was there last. It's worth asking. The BG wore PT, the Role 3 and 1 appropriate civies, the remainder something of a mix.

If you're allowed civies, then for summer some good walking shorts, tshirts or polos, and shoes with short socks. For winter, cargo pants, and the same shirts etc, but add a wind breaker for rainy days. You can bring sandals, but you won't be allowed in the mess without socks. It might be worth leaving jeans at home. A lot of places in the rest of the world frown on jeans as going out wear. Cargos can serve double duty... in camp and on LTA. You might also want to take some of your "well worn" tshirts for PT. You can leave them behind when you rotate home.
The dress regs for TFK have recently changed again.  Civvies, including jeans that are in good repair, are allowed in the Canadian lines. However, civilian clothing is not allowed in the workplace, DFAC or on the boardwalk.  If the dress regs aren't adhered to, then once again mufti will be verboten.

For greazyjungle, it might be worthwhile to pack a couple of pairs of cargo pants and shirts.  However, if you don't have them it is easy enough to pick up this type of clothing at the various PX on KAF if you want (e.g. 5.11 tactical shirts and pants).
Another idea is to pick up some clothes at Value Village (or some such place), so if they get ruined in the laundry or something, you don't really care about it.  :nod:
Also another thing you may not worry about bringing with you is all the over the counter medications.  Unless it is something like liquid Advil or the rapid release Tylenol extra strength.  You can get all those OTC's, including the cortisole for heat rashes at the pharmacy at Role 1.  Just like here in Canada, walk up to the pharmacy and ask for it.  If your going to a FOB, there will be a UMS there if it is one of the larger ones that has been around a while, and you can get the OTC's there.  If you are going with lets say OMLT where I was on my tour, I just brought extra OTC's with me for the guys so we didn't have to worry about nagging the American's for their supply from the UAS