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Jason I would check again....your just listing off a price that you are given without doing any research. I have personlly been affected by the $90 bush cap(as have several of my soldiers). We questioned it and the price list that most clothing stores have it at is WRONG. Maybe you should use some initiative and staff it up to your chain that there is a mistake in the price list itself. ;)
Listen in... go to www.ebay.com and type in CADPAT. Sure there is alot of non-issue items, but there is everything from issue shirts to hats to rank slip ons too, all CADPAT.

you name it ebays‘s got it. I typed in m18 claymore and heaps of stuff came up. Tyr grenade or rpg7 too.

Its a weird world!


But I think we all sorted out by now that, unless it has been disposed of by the Crown through the appropriate means (ie, declared surplus and sold to the public through the appropriate government agency), there is no legal ownership of CADPAT outside of the CF.

Just because it‘s on ebay or buddy‘s surplus store, doesn‘t mean it got there the right way.

If it were OD green combats we were talking about, then it would be different ... that‘s been around for years and we all know there‘s tons of it that has been sold off to the public as surplus stores. But CADPAT has only been around for a little while, and I am not convinced that the CF is ready to start shovelling it out as surplus just yet, since they can‘t even kit everyone out fully with it yet. I only got my CADPAT three weeks ago, and I‘ve been in 2 years.
MJP, I can substantiate your 17 dollar price as well. I was in your battalion when the RSM flipped because guys were chopping the bush cap brims down. My buddy had to buy one, and he payed under 20 bucks for the thing.
one of the bin rats in my unit offered up this explination to me.

originaly when the new CADPAT bush caps came in the replacement cost was something like 90 bucks so people wouldnt sell them off to surplus stores, they have since droped in cost.

mind you this is not the word of god here. just what one Cpl said to me. mind you he‘s been a sup tech for about 13 years or more
if you know a bin rat ask to see a printout of your docs, in mims its R,CDB121A the prices are on the right hand side, or go thru the CGCM and it also tells you the price i believe, havent gotten really into the CGCM in a while thou, so dont quote me on it
It doesn‘t surprise me to see that uniform on ebay. I was re-issued kit this year from stores in St. Jean because I had to hand in my kit from the reserves, quit the reserves, in order to re-enroll under ROTP. When I handed in my uniform, it was what we see in the first link posted on page one of this thread.

The uniform I have now, is different in the respect that the buttons that you see, are covered on the new versions of the uniform. Some bright person somewhere realized that the buttons heat up in the sunlight, and can be easily spotted using IR technology, thus defeating the purpose of all the expensive fabric treatments. So the new versions have covers for the buttons on the front and the pockets. My theory is that they are phasing the old CADPAT out as surplus.

As for mixing it up with the Marine uniforms, who cares...they‘re not ours, and the colours are distinctly different (uglier I might say, but whatever)
1. They aren‘t phasing out anything. At least I hope they aren‘t, because it would be a pretty stupid thing to do at this point. CADPAT has yet to be issued to a number of units, and most bases have such a limited quantity in stock that returns or exchanges are severely curtailed at this time.

2. The "new" CADPAT with button covers was designed by and for the Air Force, because of their desire to limit the chances of having buttons come off and fly around on airfields, causing damage. It had nothing to do with buttons heating up. It‘s just a matter of luck whether you get the older version or the newer, and you‘re going to see uncovered buttons for a long time to come.
I know of several civis with issued CADPAT Tac Vests and desert cadpat. How do I know it is issued? Well he even has the manual.
Any civi that has the new CADPAT tac vest is in possesion of stolen property no matter how he got (ebay, army friend, soldier.). The only exception would be someone who went to the manufacturer in Hamilton, and got it from them.
I think you are wrong Falcon, as the CADPAT stuff is here too with NSN and all.

For reasons unknown stuff ends up being sold off, sometimes new and never issued.


And here i was thinking that they finally decided to give us sigs a break, and help us prevent from getting tangled in the Cam netting :p
Willy, I have no idea really, and that wasn‘t what I was told by another officer. But then again, he didn‘t have anything to do with the designs and he may have just been speculating as well. Can you confirm what you say there or can anyone else confirm it? It‘s not that I don‘t believe you, I am interested in it for my own reasons.
I can‘t find a link for it at the moment, but the button flap CADPAT was a part of the same Air Force program that developed the groundcrew jacket. For those who haven‘t seen this thing, it‘s a CADPAT goretex jacket that a lot of people think is the next generation rainjacket. It isn‘t. It was designed solely for Air Force use, and has a lot of things on it that you probably wouldn‘t want as an Army user, like reflective strips so that aircraft don‘t land on you or something. From what I understand, the Air Force and Army are now working together on such projects so as to develop commonly acceptable kit. That‘s why we are starting to get button flap combats now. It would be nice to think that we‘re getting them so as not to get caught in cam nets, like Sig Op said, but I don‘t think that‘s the case.

I also don‘t think it has anything to do with a heat signature coming off the buttons. Wouldn‘t that kind of signature be visible only at night? How are the buttons going to get hot at night, when there‘s no sun to warm them?
Originally posted by KeV:
[qb] They‘re probably fake since selling real CADPAT is illegal.

There are many places where you can buy fake CADPAT. Like this store:


I wouldn‘t worry too much since the only way of getting real CADPAT is by someone who was in the CF. [/qb]
The CADPAT on that website has the real features and is IR treated.....how is that fake?
there are tons of canadian **** on ebay.. the gortwex jackets are going for like 450 us... i think these people should be prosecuted
On one of the airsoft forums I go to CADPAT uniforms, boonie hats, helmets, etc come up for sale every now an then.
There are tons of Prototype and other early Mk of CADPAT gear on the surplus market. Released by Crown Properties at auction.

An acquaintence of mine has all the CADPAT kit in the world, he is not a CF member... even CADPAT AR... THe explanation.

His mother is the Director/Officer IC for the evaluation of new CF gear. I begged him to allow me to pay ridiculous amounts of money to him for some of his gear but his mother would have non of that.

The only place you will get introuble would be on a CFB and an MP catches you in possession of illicit CADPAT items. Other than that.

There is a huge proliforation of CADPAT gear that is CIVI and largely resembles CF issue. So, I guess it would be somewhat hard to enforce an regulation on CADPAT gear.
We all know that there are some "lax with paper" QM staff that let some of this stuff out.

I had, in my possession a CADPAT Gortex parka on base, and during a kit check I had it confiscated. Since I was not entitled one I did notget it back. BOO URNS!

Well, I was peeved.
There companies that are in possession of CADPAT like material, but yes, without authorization they cannot distribute issued type CADPAT.

Most CADPAT CIVI are frontenac crap or Cordura. Frontenac is bound by contract to the CF so it must abide by the clauses set forth.

The only issued CADPAT on ebay is frontenac crap.
The sweater, the rain coat, the smock, and most of the other gear or clothing is definately repros. THe only thing that I have seen that is real is the CADPAT slip-ons and sometimes the over priced WBCH (Boonie).