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University Grade


Reaction score
I assume this has been discussed many times on this forum, however while looking I could not find any recent messages about this subject, if I am wrong, please tell me !

I am interested in becoming a MARS officer, I am going DEO and will finnish my degree in April.  I know MARS is really competitive and all that jazz, but I was wondering because I only have a C+ average for my Degree, if they will look at me?

I do not have the greatest marks because I did my BA in 3 years instead of 4.

I also know that grades are not "everything" but I am now worried that because of my average marks I will not be able to get in

Any information would be great  8)

They will look at you.......

Beyond that, well,...........its a competitive process so i am sure you can figure it out.
jackel_99 said:
I assume this has been discussed many times on this forum, however while looking I could not find any recent messages about this subject, if I am wrong, please tell me !

I am interested in becoming a MARS officer, I am going DEO and will finnish my degree in April.  I know MARS is really competitive and all that jazz, but I was wondering because I only have a C+ average for my Degree, if they will look at me?

I do not have the greatest marks because I did my BA in 3 years instead of 4.
MARS is competitive, but only in the sense that the phase training is difficult; the trade is actually understrength right now, so they're always looking to recruit good prospects. Grades are one predictor of success in the training, but recruiters also give a great deal of weight to your CFAT score and interviews. Probably you would not be screened out on the basis of grades alone (especially if there's a reason why they're lower than average), but it all goes into the mix and gets considered by the PSO and NOAB.
Thanks, I kinda figured they looked for more then grades so I appreciate the information  :D