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Update to US Army ACU

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Just picked up the latest Army Times and they have new info on ACU.

1.   just as I suspected the new name tags will be made of the same ACU digitized material
2.   accessories, i.e. body armor etc will match the new ACU material design
3.   pin on badges only, no sew on badges anymore (i.e. Jump wings etc)
4.   US Flag will now be above combat patch instead of below
5.   instead of $88 it will now cost about $75

A pity the powers that be decided not to go with the winning pattern - multicam. Another victory for the acquisition folks whose motto is :" we dont mind because you dont matter."
Tomahawk or anyone else who might know, 
    Alot of places have stated that the Multicam beat the ACU pattern.  One place said in the tests of multi-environment uniforms the Multicam finish first in 98% of the tests.  Did the US Army ever give any reason why the ACU pattern was picked over the Multicam? 

It's now approaching one year since the US Army unveiled the ACU and I still haven't seen any pictures of it under field conditions. There have only been the pictures of a guy modeling it, shots of some Generals wearing it and a few shots of guys wearing ACU on post or recruiting but nothing out in the field.  Has anyone seen any that I've missed?

I didn't remember where I heard it, so my confused mind may be making it up but I thought I heard somewhere that the pattern was never field tested.  The Army has the Natick Labs where it test camo patterns under controlled conditions, do they feel that field tests are unnecessary?


This is the first unit to deploy with the ACU. It replaces the woodland and desert patterns. I preferred the multi-cam but my guess is that the ACU pattern was digital and the army had to keep up with the Marines.
Thats the unit we trained with last June.  Maybe they liked our uniforms so much they pushed to be the first to get the ACU :D.
Here's a few pics of the ACU outdoors. 

I saw other ones taken in a more wooded area, that better showed how badly they stand out against a greener background. :-\

I'm just trying to find them again.
pics of ACU in the desert


more pictures

scm77, MikeL  Thanks those are the first pictures in the field I have seen.  The pattern is better than I thought, alot of the negative reaction to the ACU could have eliminated if the Army had released pictures like that when they introduced the ACU.  But  I agree with alot of the other comments I still would go with Multicam. 

S_Baker sorry about repeating static.  I tried to qualify my comment because I honestly didn't remember if I heard it somewhere or if it was my own first negative reaction of, "Good God they couldn't have actually field tested that thing!!!".  I can see the US Army thinking that testing must be done under the controlled condition of the Natick Labs where each pattern can be tested under the exact same setting and lighting.  I knew the form of the ACU had been tested in Iraq and other places, things like where the pockets are,the zipper,collar and the Velcro but in the DCU pattern.  I saw mention of the ACU pattern being tested at the NTC but it sounded like this field testing was after the pattern had already been pick.   

One other question ,  Who makes the final decision on an thing like this?  I know Sec of Def, Sec of Army, Army CoS could all overrule and change the decision if the wanted.  I talking about who says "We PickThis One".  Is it a person like the Head of the Natick Lab, a board of officers and NCO's? 


Final approval would be the Army Chief of Staff.
I dont like each service having their own version of a field uniform. It would be too easy for an enemy to ID who they are fighting. Also it just increases the cost because of just one R&D cost its multiplied for each service. We should have adapted the Marine design or kept the woodland/desert pattern.
Does anyone know of any MARPAT vs ACU vs Multicam vs old Analog pics? in mulitple environments? When I get the ACU and Multicam I will post some pics...
I got the chance to see the ACU up close today and it looks good. The officer wearing it said he paid over $200 for it, but he was happy with the uniform. There are pockets on the knees and elbows to accomodate pads, which I found interesting. Also, desert tan boots will be the standard with the ACU.

Even though I've heard negative comments about the uniform, I look forward to having it issued to me. Always best to find out first hand, yah?  ;)
Why I think grey cammies will work.

I am currently is Australia for an op. I was walking to work along a wooded area @ around 0900 or 1000 so it was pretty bright outside. While I was stepping it out, I heard something move in the treeline. I stopped and turned my head, looking for what had moved. I couldn't see anything. So I stood motionless waiting for movement. Finally, not more than 20 feet from me 2 grey wallabies started hopping off. I continued to follow them with my eyes, but I was amazed to see that when they stopped, even though I knew where they were, the grey toned animals were really hard to pick out of the brownish green background. I immediatly thought of the new army cammies. I will try to get a picture of these animals and post them up, but again I would like to see the ACU in action.

(wallabies are actually pretty big, it could of been a kangaroo..)
To be quite honest with you... In action with the ACU Combat uniform it isnt as hard to pic up with your eyes as it is with CADPAT... I mean I have a friend in 101st and he says he has trained with Canadians and he is now training with ACU and he said that CADPAT hides you alot better... wat are your thoughts?
A buddy was issued the updated ACU yesterday. Looks a bit better.

Okay, sorry if this has been asked a million times before but I'm still a little bit confused on this:
Does this new ACU replace the desert pattern aswell and like multicam is for use in all environments?
atticus said:
Okay, sorry if this has been asked a million times before but I'm still a little bit confused on this:
Does this new ACU replace the desert pattern aswell and like multicam is for use in all environments?

As far as I know for certain, the ACU replaces the three-colour desert pattern that had been in use. (Although after having seen some pictures of the ACU in action in Iraq, I'm not sure if it's the better of the two patterns, but my judgement's only based on those pictures not on first-hand testimonials.)

I'll make it a point to ask when I get the ACU issued to me.
I think the new ACU looks a lot better than the first run.  I also like the pocket layouts... much more thought into that than there was when CADPAT came out.  New Cam, same old uniform.  What good are waist/chest pockets when you are wearing a LBV or body armour?
"What good are waist/chest pockets when you are wearing a LBV or body armour?"

Exactly.  Therefor they shouldn't shit on inventive troops how decide to sew their breast pockets onto their sleeves.