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URINE Questions

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They now test for stupidity so make sure your buddy is smarter than you.  Honestly, how this thread make it past the first post?
Well, it's going no further. PG44, you have enough advice here to make your decision.
Does the urine test you have to take to get into the army detect  marijuana? Not that I do that, but I have been around people at parties recently that have been smoking it and I probably breathed a lot of it in. If it detects it how long will it take to get out of my system and will they deny me if they find it in my urine?

The search page is found here: http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search

Use the search terms "marijuana urine"

You will find eight ( 8 ) related threads.
I did my testing awhile back  and passed all except for my medical. I got a letter back from Ottawa about protein in my urine. I have been doing blood and urine tests through my doctor and seen a specialist just recently. He told me that I am healthy and he can't see a problem with me being in the army. Only thing is i still have protein in my urine and he does want to monitor that by having a blood and urine test around every six months . I noticed on the letter i got back from Ottawa saying something about "when being deployed it may be impossible for a member to maintain access to .... physician followup, or laboratory services". I am just wondering since I only need that done around every six months( and the way he talked it didn't have to be done exactly every six months just close to that) if this will still be a problem. I know that the only person that can really give me a 100% answer is the medical officer who does that in Ottawa, but i am kinda just wondering if anyone on here thats in the army has to get tests done like that every so often?
Keep well hydrated........ as in drinks lots of water.  Dehydration seems to be the main cause of urine protein.  Try not to physically exert yourself the day or 2 before being tested.  That is basically what my doctor told me after my last annual civilian checkup.
Strange, I just had my medical on may 11th, they told me my urine was fine. Dident know it got sent to ottawa...?
We can't answer specific inquiries about medical conditions. Only the Med staff at the CFRC can do that for you. What happens with someone else in the military may not apply to you, or your situation. You'll have to go ask the Recruiting Centre.
thought i'd post in an old topic instead of creating another.
this link explains what is tested, why, whats normal, and what the results could be a sign of

taken from webmd.com

more than 100 different tests can be done on urine. A routine urinalysis usually includes the following tests.

Color. Many factors affect urine color, including fluid balance, diet, medications, and disease. The intensity of the color generally indicates the concentration of the urine; pale or colorless urine indicates that it is dilute, and deep yellow urine indicates that it is concentrated. Vitamin B supplements can turn urine bright yellow. Reddish brown urine may be caused by certain medications; by blackberries, beets, or rhubarb in the diet; or by the presence of blood in the urine.

Clarity. Urine is normally clear. This test determines the cloudiness of urine, also called opacity or turbidity. Bacteria, blood, sperm, crystals, or mucus can make urine appear cloudy.

Odor. Urine usually does not smell very strong, but has a slightly "nutty" (aromatic) odor. Some diseases can cause a change in the normal odor of urine. For example, an infection with E. coli bacteria can cause a foul odor, while diabetes or starvation can cause a sweet, fruity odor.

Specific gravity. This measures the amount of substances dissolved in the urine. It also indicates how well the kidneys are able to adjust the amount of water in urine. The higher the specific gravity, the more solid material is dissolved in the urine. When you drink a lot of liquid, your kidneys should produce greater-than-normal amounts of dilute urine (low specific gravity). When you drink very little liquid, your kidneys should make only small amounts of concentrated urine (high specific gravity).

pH. The pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline (basic) the urine is. A urine pH of 4 is strongly acidic, 7 is neutral (neither acidic nor alkaline), and 9 is strongly alkaline. Sometimes the pH of urine may be adjusted by certain types of treatment. For example, efforts may be made to keep urine either acidic or alkaline to prevent formation of certain types of kidney stones.
Protein. Protein is normally not detected in the urine. Sometimes a small amount of protein is released into the urine when a person stands up (this condition is called postural proteinuria). Fever, strenuous exercise, normal pregnancy, and some diseases, especially kidney disease, may also cause protein in the urine.

Glucose. Glucose is the type of sugar usually found in blood. Normally there is very little or no glucose in urine. However, when the blood sugar level is very high, as in uncontrolled diabetes, it spills over into the urine. Glucose can also be present in urine when the kidneys are damaged or diseased.

Nitrites. Bacteria that cause a urinary tract infection (UTI) produce an enzyme that converts urinary nitrates to nitrites. The presence of nitrites in urine indicates a UTI.

Leukocyte esterase (WBC esterase). Leukocyte esterase detects leukocytes (white blood cells [WBCs]) in the urine. The presence of WBCs in the urine may indicate a urinary tract infection.

Ketones. When fat is broken down for energy, the body produces by-products called ketones (or ketone bodies) and releases them into the urine. Large amounts of ketones in the urine may signal a dangerous condition known as diabetic ketoacidosis. A diet low in sugars and starches (carbohydrates), starvation, or prolonged vomiting may also cause ketones in the urine.

Microscopic analysis. In this test, urine is spun in a centrifuge so the solid materials (sediment) settle out. The sediment is spread on a slide and examined under a microscope. Types of materials that may be found include:
Red or white blood cells. Normally blood cells are not found in urine. Inflammation, disease, or injury to the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra can cause blood in urine. Strenuous exercise (such as running a marathon) can also cause blood in urine. White blood cells are often a sign of infection, cancer, or kidney disease.

Casts. Some types of kidney disease can cause plugs of material (called casts) to form in tiny tubes in the kidneys. The casts can then get flushed out into the urine. Casts can be made of different types of material, such as red or white blood cells, waxy or fatty substances, or protein. The type of cast can provide clues about the type of kidney disease that may be present.

Crystals. Healthy people often have only a few crystals in their urine. However, a large number of crystals, or the presence of certain types of crystals, may indicate kidney stones or a problem with how the body is using food (metabolism).

Bacteria, yeast cells, or parasites. Normally there are no bacteria, yeast cells, or parasites in urine. Their presence can indicate an infection.

Nice link, and just in time for me :). It may help to comprehend the result
of my test.  My doc gave me a blood and urine test, in case the fact that
I'm often tired is related to semething physical...
I did a medical for the army mabye 3 or 4 years ago and had to pee in a cup, then did one last week and there was no urine test did they just forget or is the process changed?
I have my medical tomorrow morning, I will let you know if I peed or did not pee
As of one year ago - there was defiantly urine screening as part of the medical. I seriously doubt this has changed.
Went for my part 1 last week.  No pee.  Only blood.

As far as recruiting medical goes there is still a test.
Crantor said:
Went for my part 1 last week.  No pee.  Only blood.

What are you, a vampire?  ;D

My last medical was about a year ago and I submitted to a urine test but didn't have to provide blood.
It depends on what type of Medical you are doing.

I just did a Part I Medical and it involved giving blood and some other samples you don't want to hear about.

Next will be a Part II Medical and it is something completely different.

Enrolment Medicals are not the same.
If you really want to pee in a cup, go on a tour. You'll pee into a cup  a lot during work up training.
Im doing both the Med-Tech and Sar-Tech medicals. They are definately different. Pulmonary function tests, Chest X-ray's, 2 eye exams...and lots of other stuff.

The first test at the CFRC did include a urine test though. Maybe ask them about it the next time your in.