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US Election: 2016

[quote author=Chispa]

US says Russian jet flew 10ft from plane over Black Sea.


A NATO country DID shoot down a Russian jet.

The US has been starting wars for years.  From the US military plan to attack US citizens during the Cuba crap to Vietnam to the Gulf war 1 & 2. Maybe this is a chance for them to reboot their government and retake the moral high ground.

tomahawk6 said:
I just want to stand at the border waving at the Hollywood liberals as they cross into Canada. >:D
With full control the GOP should be able to kill Obamacare as the first order of business.This is something that everyone in the GOP can agree on and it doesnt need to be replaced.I could support grudgingly expanding medicare and Medicaid to cover everyone,but it wouldnt be pretty.

Happy to have you direct them our way.  Just tell them to cross at St Stephen, New Brunswick and take a right to Grand Manan.  The tide will handle the rest.  >:D
Jarnhamar said:
A NATO country DID shoot down a Russian jet.

The US has been starting wars for years. From the US military plan to attack US citizens during the Cuba crap to Vietnam to the Gulf war 1 & 2. Maybe this is a chance for them to reboot their government and retake the moral high ground.

I can't argue on what's factual, however Trump taking the moral high ground, I don't know about that.
Plus with the Democrats loosing the house, senate, not much opposition, they can pass what ever.
Chispa said:
I can't argue on what's factual, however Trump taking the moral high ground, I don't know about that.
Plus with the Democrats loosing the house, senate, not much opposition, they can pass what ever.

Chispa, here is what I see happening and it isn't WW3.  At least from a Canadian perspective.

1.  Keystone gets approved.  Yay us.  Alberta needs this and the Liberals will claim a victory the Conservatives couldn't achieve.
2. NAFTA will remain in place.  To many internal issue sin the US for him to scrap it.
3. However TPP will be dead or severely diminished. 
4. We might actually see the dismantling of NATO.  Depends on how NATO partners react to having to pay up. What might rise from the ashes is another issue.
5. Expect civil unrest as various groups protest the repealing of certain social rights, gay marriage, Roe v. Wade etc.
6. Expect environmentalists to go more bat crazy
7. Expect applications for immigration to Canada. Not in huge waves but I fully expect some leftist trying to claim political asylum.
8. Expect the US to withdraw from some theatres and reduce its military presence world wide. We might actually have to really buy things this to make up for this.
9. Expect the Conservative leadership race to have some candidates try and emulate Trump.
10.  expect the DNC to look hard for their next hero.

That's my short list. It's not all bad, it's not all good.  But it is what it is.  Canada will have to decide how it wants to work within this new reality.
Interesting that Clinton lost her home state of Arkansas... and Trump lost his home state of New York.
Everyone can relax after the tense few weeks.Trump is a smart guy and will get the best advisors available.Trump will go slowly his first 100 days.Rebuilding the military is a big starter.That means money.He wants to expand the Army and probably reversing manpower cuts.I too hope that Keystone gets approved its good for everyone.It helps cut reliance on the ME and provides high paying jobs.Even the wall is going to create shovel ready jobs.
Meme circulating out there:  "Bill tried to console Hillary this morning by pointing out that Nelson Mandela didn't get elected President until after he served 27 years in prison"
Good2Golf said:
If I were them, I'd start planning for Michelle Obama in 2020, now... :nod:

I think Americans spoke pretty clearly in the Primaries and the General about how they feel towards political dynasties. And you can think back to Carolyn Kennedy seeking a Senate seat, mostly "just because" she was a Kennedy. That idea got pretty firmly squashed as well.
Remius said:
Chispa, here is what I see happening and it isn't WW3.  At least from a Canadian perspective.

1.  Keystone gets approved.  Yay us.  Alberta needs this and the Liberals will claim a victory the Conservatives couldn't achieve.
2. NAFTA will remain in place.  To many internal issue sin the US for him to scrap it.
3. However TPP will be dead or severely diminished. 
4. We might actually see the dismantling of NATO.  Depends on how NATO partners react to having to pay up. What might rise from the ashes is another issue.
5. Expect civil unrest as various groups protest the repealing of certain social rights, gay marriage, Roe v. Wade etc.
6. Expect environmentalists to go more bat crazy
7. Expect applications for immigration to Canada. Not in huge waves but I fully expect some leftist trying to claim political asylum.
8. Expect the US to withdraw from some theatres and reduce its military presence world wide. We might actually have to really buy things this to make up for this.
9. Expect the Conservative leadership race to have some candidates try and emulate Trump.
10.  expect the DNC to look hard for their next hero.

That's my short list. It's not all bad, it's not all good.  But it is what it is.  Canada will have to decide how it wants to work within this new reality.
And this way PM Trudeau will reject both the transmountain pipeline and the Energy east and get to say that no pipelines are being built in Canada.

he's probably not all that unhappy.

I wonder with his claims to kill the families of terrorists if JSOC gets a carte blanche to do whatever it wants. Moreso than now I guess. Probably never know.
In the meantime the Democrats are probably working on how to seize control of the Senate and maybe the House in the 2018 mid-term elections. And all sorts of ambitious people in both houses are considering a run for the nomination for the 2020 presidential election.
Chispa said:
I stated over a year ago that if Trump won, He would be the Biblical prophecy of the Antichrist.

We are headed into WWIII, 3rd WW, China, Russia, North Korea Vs US, etc., will be the next World wide block buster,
made in the USA, produced by Trump TV.

Time to get the classics back out:  ;D ;D ;D

Thucydides said:
I think Americans spoke pretty clearly in the Primaries and the General about how they feel towards political dynasties. And you can think back to Carolyn Kennedy seeking a Senate seat, mostly "just because" she was a Kennedy. That idea got pretty firmly squashed as well.

Thuc, I don't necessarily disagree, and Dynasties can work (happen): Bush, Trudeau, etc...  However, the DNC seemed determined to try a dynasty-building attempt over what, in retrospect for them, may ironically have worked - Bernie Sanders.  They'll try it again in 2020, I'm sure, although they will likely see it as "Good morning, Ms. President" attempt 2.0, vice a "go for the same last name" attempt.

As everybody goes on about The Great Divides - I played with numbers as is my wont.

25 million old fogies (45 to 64) voted for Trump
But 22 million voted for Clinton

13 million youngsters (18-29) voted for Clinton
But 8 million voted for Trump

48 million whites voted for Trump
But 33 million voted for Clinton

23 million church goers voted for Trump
But 17 million voted for Clinton

17 million secularists voted for Clinton
But 7 million voted for Trump

23 million white women voted for Trump
But 19 million voted for Clinton

25 million white men voted for Trump
But 13 million voted for Clinton.

I don't see anything in those numbers that justify pollsters, politicians and pundits exacerbating divisions.

Those idiots amongst the pollsters make their money separating 1% of Bud drinkers from Budweiser and delivering them to your latest craft brewer.  They are all about separation, and division and marginalizing - and that is what they sell to the politicians.

But elections are not about finding 1% of the market to launch your latest IPO.

That election was not about group against group.  It was about marketing as usual and a great Yowp!

The numbers came from this report


And from this estimate




Chris Pook said:
I played with numbers as is my wont.

25 million old fogies (45 to 64) voted for Trump
But 22 million voted for Clinton

13 million youngsters (18-29) voted for Clinton
But 8 million voted for Trump

48 million whites voted for Trump
But 33 million voted for Clinton

23 million church goers voted for Trump
But 17 million voted for Clinton

17 million secularists voted for Clinton
But 7 million voted for Trump

23 million white women voted for Trump
But 19 million voted for Clinton

25 million white men voted for Trump
But 13 million voted for Clinton.

Well, no wonder they claim that some people voted more than once.  [:D
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Well, no wonder they claim that some people voted more than once.  [:D

OGBD, remind me to hire you if I ever need any high-power statistics work!  ;D

The Senate in 2018 is expected to be a mirror of this year - Democrats will be on defence.

The result surprised me.  I expected Clinton to be elected and face a Republican House and Senate.  Thus, I expected a continuation of Obama's "I won", "pen and phone", "if Congress won't act, I will" governance, with a USSC increasingly appointed to defend the president's decisions whenever challenged.  And thus I also expected a likely snap-back in 2018, or 2020 at latest.

It looks like yesterday was the snap-back.  So I expect 2018 to see corrections favouring Democrats if the Republicans over-reach, but corrections favouring Republicans if Democrats lack introspection and keep going to the "racist, misogynist" well for explanations.

Meanwhile, I continue to enjoy the meltdowns being written and aired - in the US, Canada, and abroad; in both journalistic media and social media.  Progressives really do seem to have no capacity for anything except denunciations of filthy white people from an imagined position of great moral advantage.
[quote author=Brad Sallows]

Meanwhile, I continue to enjoy the meltdowns being written and aired - in the US, Canada, and abroad; in both journalistic media and social media. 

Me too. It's like Tumblr on too many Redbulls.
And (AFG) Taliban says (screen capture attached) ...
The result of US election shows that Republican presidential candidate – Donald Trump – has been successful.

Our message is that he should give US government a policy of not depriving freedom of other nations of the world and should not seek American interests in the destruction and conviction of other nations, so to make the world safer and end the ongoing crisis.

Most importantly, he should withdraw all US troops from Afghanistan, and unlike other former US rulers; he should neither seek any more titles of ignominy for his self and American generals, nor worsen the American prestige, economy and military by engaging in this futile war.

Let the Afghan people as an independent nation for building an autonomous system that has interaction with each other and with world where everyone is protected from other’s harms.

Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
09/02/1438 Hijri Lunar
19/08/1395 Hijri Solar 09/11/2016 Gregorian

