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Altair said:
That's a cop out.

He chose to apply the law in that manner. Then he caved to public outrage to stop doing it.

That is simply your opinion. You are not inside his head, nor do you share proof of your statement. Thanks for sharing.
recceguy said:
That is simply your opinion. You are not inside his head, nor do you share proof of your statement. Thanks for sharing.
All we have are opinions, unless someone here claims to be in his head, or have proof of his intentions.
Altair said:
All we have are opinions, unless someone here claims to be in his head, or have proof of his intentions.

True, that's pretty well the point I was making. I don't accept your opinion, but you are entitled to it. HAGO
recceguy said:
That is simply your opinion. You are not inside his head, nor do you share proof of your statement. Thanks for sharing.

First his hands were tied and now mysteriously they aren't... 
From "Just Right Media" (hardly fans of Trump, BTW), an analysis of what's going on in the trade wars. I really suggest many people read "The Art of the Deal" before posting, because they seem to have no understanding of how President Trump works. While this isn't going to be an explicit guide to getting inside his head (really nothing is), it is far better to go to source material like this, watch interviews with then media/real estate mogul Donald Trump in the late 1990's and early 2000's to see where he is actually coming from.

He has taken the measure of the G-6 and other world leaders, and is applying pressure to various weak points to move things in his desired direction (and don't think he hasn't thought about using indirect pressure on larger bodies. The German car industry is a powerful lobby, and having separate influence groups inside large organizations pulling in different directions makes the overall ability of the EU [in this case] to move and take action against the US far more difficult).

From "Just Right"


Just Right 561- June 21, 2018

It’s too bad that the substance of U.S. President Donald Trump’s statement at the G7 Summit in Charlevoix Quebec on June 9 was utterly lost on the general public.  His message needed to be heard.

The media tirades against Trump’s policy on trade serve a purpose and it is not to enlighten.  Their purpose is to create confusion about where Trump stands on free trade, to hide corrupt trade practices like ‘Supply Management’ in Canada, and to express their hatred about the reality that U.S. President Donald Trump holds all the cards – and Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau holds none.

Both the mainstream media and Leftist political interests portray Trump’s threats of tariffs and trade barriers as a threat to the status quo trade that exists now.  None want to acknowledge Trump’s strategy as a means to push other nations to drop their own tariffs, barriers, and subsidies – which is exactly what Donald Trump has been telling them he’s doing all along.

“No tariffs.  No barriers.  No subsidies.  That’s the way it should be,” Trump stressed at the G7 Summit, but few have even heard these words, and continue to believe that Trump is against ‘free trade.’

Added White House chief economic advisor Larry Kudlow: “I don’t know if (the NAFTA negotiators) were surprised by President Trump’s free trade proclamation, but they certainly listened to it and we had lengthy discussions about that.  Reduce barriers.  In fact, go to zero.  Zero tariffs.  Zero subsidies.  And along the way we’ll have to clean up the international trading system. This is the best way to encourage economic growth."

Meanwhile, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has boldly and virtuously taken the position that Canada won’t allow itself to get ‘pushed around’ by Trump.  He has been supported by the likes of past Conservative MPs Jason Kenney and John Baird, as well as Progressive Conservative leader Doug Ford who is about to take the helm as Ontario’s premier elect.

The free trade issue makes strange bedfellows.  It also makes hypocrites of those who abandon recognized principles – to achieve power at the expense of losing their objective.

Just ask Maxime Bernier, whose opinions on Canada’s own trade barriers were expressed in a previously-deleted-from-his-book Chapter 5: “Live or die with supply management.”  It is an indictment of supply management, both in theory and in practice.

Unfortunately, evidence and argument are often not enough to sway those who have interests to protect at the expense of the public purse.

Consequently, there are those who view the issue of free trade as an ‘ideological’ one.  Others see it as mere ‘economic theory.’

It is both, but it is more. Above all, free trade is a moral issue – one that concerns the justifiable use of force in society.

Though the G7 nations would all benefit from trade free of tariffs and barriers, it is those opposing Trump who hypocritically hold most of the barrier cards in this trading game.  Watching Canada’s prime minister as the joker at the table, it’s clear that America holds the Trump card.

Whether free trade is seen as economic theory or ideology, the bottom line on free trade is that in the end (and as an end), it’s Just Right for everyone.

...and you think the U.S. will remove all its subsidies (primary, secondary, tertiary)? 

Good2Golf said:
...and you think the U.S. will remove all its subsidies (primary, secondary, tertiary)? 


....and I'm pretty sure that if the G7 was serious about all of this, they would ensure an equitable outcome, in order for it to take place. I really don't think they would stand for an imbalance. The zero system will be a whole new process that won't happen overnight, but I'm not going to worry much about it until there is signs it might fly and other countries are serious about it.
recceguy said:
....and I'm pretty sure that if the G7 was serious about all of this, they would ensure an equitable outcome, in order for it to take place. I really don't think they would stand for an imbalance. The zero system will be a whole new process that won't happen overnight, but I'm not going to worry much about it until there is signs it might fly and other countries are serious about it.

Frankly, I don't believe America is serious about it...or at least Trump isn't.  The aerospace sector, for example, is rife with subsidies, Americans and Europeans, neither is innocent and I bet you neither is willing to fully remove the competitive advantage that they believe they have that's taken decades to build up. In 1990 Airbus had a 19% market share in airliner sales compared to Boeing...now it's over 51% between the two competitors.  Don't look for America to pull the plug on its many levels of subsidies any time soon.

"No tariffs, no duties, no subsidies" is just one more buzz phrase in Trump's negotiation arsenal.

To quote Ronald Reagan's words repeating an old Russian proverb (re: Soviets at the time, and disarmament) -  "Trust, but verify."  How will anyone be able to verify Trump's words.....even if they didn't change regularly? ???

...it'll be a stand-off a best...



Airbus said today they would pull out of the UK if it left the EU if there was no deal.

tomahawk6 said:
Airbus said today they would pull out of the UK left the EU if there was no deal.


Don’t think it’ll be going to America any time soon. Ireland is now the preferred EU destination due to the incredibly low taxes.

Also, they’ll likely leverage the high-tech but lower cost work they get in Mexico.

Question: Where does Airbus sub-contract its multi-million € wiring harness for each of their A380s to a French sub-contractor? (SAFRAN)
Hint: Starts with an ‘M’ and rhymes with ‘exico’
Bonus: If you also correctly identified that same location and French sub-contractor as the location and source of where Boeing gets the multi-million USD wiring harnesses for their 787 Dreamliners. :nod:


People who think Trump will come out of this smelling of roses are likely to be surprised when all does not go as he’s bragged about.


Good2Golf said:
Don’t think it’ll be going to America any time soon. Ireland is now the preferred EU destination due to the incredibly low taxes.

Also, they’ll likely leverage the high-tech but lower cost work they get in Mexico.

Question: Where does Airbus sub-contract its multi-million € wiring harness for each of their A380s to a French sub-contractor? (SAFRAN)
Hint: Starts with an ‘M’ and rhymes with ‘exico’
Bonus: If you also correctly identified that same location and French sub-contractor as the location and source of where Boeing gets the multi-million USD wiring harnesses for their 787 Dreamliners. :nod:


People who think Trump will come out of this smelling of roses are likely to be surprised when all does not go as he’s bragged about.


Good2Golf said:
People who think Trump will come out of this smelling of roses are likely to be surprised when all does not go as he’s bragged about.



Won’t matter.  He’ll just change his story, claim victory, and his base will believe every word he says.

Just like how he saved the day by keeping families together at the border.  ::)

President Trump’s tariff on steel imports that took effect June 1 has caused a southeast Missouri nail manufacturer to lose about 50% of its business in two weeks. Mid Continent Nail Corporation in Poplar Bluff – the remaining major nail producer in the country – has had to take drastic measures to make ends meet. The company employing 500 people earlier this month has laid off 60 temporary workers. It could slash 200 more jobs by the end of July and be out of business around Labor Day.
So the last major producer of nails in the entire country is going to be put out of business by Trump's tariffs. So who actually produces the nails used in American construction? China, Europe, Canada, Mexico. Almost exclusively.

This plant that employees 500+ people is where exactly? Poplar Bluff Missouri, population 17000. Voted 79.2% for Trump. Those ~550 jobs represent somewhere in the range of 8% of all employed people in Poplar Bluff.

Altair said:

So the last major producer of nails in the entire country is going to be put out of business by Trump's tariffs. So who actually produces the nails used in American construction? China, Europe, Canada, Mexico. Almost exclusively.

This plant that employees 500+ people is where exactly? Poplar Bluff Missouri, population 17000. Voted 79.2% for Trump. Those ~550 jobs represent somewhere in the range of 8% of all employed people in Poplar Bluff.


#tired of winning

As long as they lose less than everyone else.
Remius said:
#tired of winning

As long as they lose less than everyone else.
yup. Nobody wins in a trade war,  its a matter of who loses the least.

Ironic,  for the president needs a strong economy in order to win a second term,  yet he's also doing fundamental damage to it with his protectionism.
>Simply let the USA impose as many tariffs as possible without any repercussions?

Yes.  Let the tariffs (self-imposed taxes on goods consumed in the US) create the repercussions.
Brad Sallows said:
>Simply let the USA impose as many tariffs as possible without any repercussions?

Yes.  Let the tariffs (self-imposed taxes on goods consumed in the US) create the repercussions.
I respectfully disagree.

Targeted tariffs to inflict maximum pain in america,  and when Americans notice that its hurting their pocketbooks they can blame the president.
They won’t blame Trump, at least most of them. They will blame the country that dares to challenge America, and Trump will fan those flames.
whiskey601 said:
They won’t blame Trump, at least most of them. They will blame the country that dares to challenge America, and Trump will fan those flames.
I can't even begin to express how disappointed I am in america.