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USN officer took call girl job!!!

ArmyVern said:
Kind of like my stripper friend who found herself facing a little mil justice for stripping while serving.

??  What was the charge?
To point out how times change. 
We used to be able to have strippers in the Mess as late as the late 80's. 
When in Gun Camp in Germany in the 70's our unit would provide the bus to drop us off at the Reperbahn (Red Light District of Hamburg) 
Rec Specs would pack the projector and the porn flicks for the mess tent. For the younglings, Rec Spec is/was Recreation Specialist which was what we called the PERIs in the dark ages.
There was no 2 beer rule.

A certain MND in one of my favorite clubs in Lahr was basted and roasted by the media. 

Then came enlightenment.
ArmyVern said:
The point is ... "unethical" for her to sell herself while she is serving (not to mention illegal); yet stories abound about the gents in uniform availing themsleves of this service while "touring". I guess my point was:

If it's unethical for her to sell it -- doesn't the same follow that it'd be unethical for someone in unifrom to buy it as well?

I suppose given the 'North American' ideals of morally and ethically, the point can be made. Given the European views on the subject, I'm not sure the same argument can be made there. Not defending or denying. Just looking at all sides.

euro wing,

Ahhh, the good old days ;). Strippers here today would be looked at as amateurs by the ones there, who provide audience participation, where a lap dance is just the first song warm up. >:D
Before we muddy the waters here discussing the morality and ethics of these activities, it's important to remember that the armed forces have already addressed this sort of conduct in the UCMJ. It's a violation of the code for service members to engage in activity with prostitutes, to engage in pandering, or to arrange these activities. Here are the two articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice that most likely apply in this case:

Any commissioned officer, cadet, or midshipman who is convicted of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

(1) Gentleman. As used in this article, “gentleman” includes both male and female commissioned officers, cadets, and midshipmen.

(2) Nature of offense. Conduct violative of this article is action or behavior in an official capacity which, in dishonoring or disgracing the person as an officer, seriously compromises the officer’s character as a gentleman, or action or behavior in an unofficial or private capacity which, in dishonoring or disgracing the officer personally, seriously compromises the person’s standing as an officer. There are certain moral attributes common to the ideal officer and the perfect gentleman, a lack of which is indicated by acts of dishonesty, unfair dealing, indecency, indecorum, lawlessness, injustice, or cruelty. Not everyone is or can be expected to meet unrealistically high moral standards, but there is a limit of tolerance based on customs of the service and military necessity below which the personal standards of an officer, cadet, or midshipman cannot fall without seriously compromising the person’s standing as an officer, cadet, or midshipman or the person’s character as a gentleman. This article prohibits conduct by a commissioned officer, cadet or midshipman which, taking all the circumstances into consideration, is thus compromising. This article includes acts made punishable by any other article, provided these acts amount to conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman. Thus, a commissioned officer who steals property violates both this article and Article 121. Whenever the offense charged is the same as a specific offense set forth in this Manual, the elements of proof are the same as those set forth in the paragraph which treats that specific offense, with the additional requirement that the act or omission constitutes conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman.

(3) Examples of offenses. Instances of violation of this article include knowingly making a false official statement; dishonorable failure to pay a debt; cheating on an exam; opening and reading a letter of another without authority; using insulting or defamatory language to another officer in that officer’s presence or about that officer to other military persons; being drunk and disorderly in a public place; public association with known prostitutes; committing or attempting to commit a crime involving moral turpitude; and failing without good cause to support the officer’s family.

Though not specifically mentioned in this chapter, all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces, and crimes and offenses not capital, of which persons subject to this chapter may be guilty, shall be taken cognizance of by a general, special or summary court-martial, according to the nature and degree of the offense, and shall be punished at the discretion of that court.

For those of you who are just curious though...here is a picture of her: :blotto:


The source is a site with graphic content, so I won't post where it came from, at least not here.

This article may provide some of the "why" to this story.

Academy officer heavily in debt
Need for money may have driven her to prostitution in D.C.
By Josh Mitchell and Frank D. Roylance Baltimore Sun reporters  April 12, 2008

A Navy officer who testified this week that she moonlighted for an alleged prostitution ring while stationed at the Naval Academy in Annapolis was nearly $300,000 in debt at the time, despite an annual Navy income of more than $93,000, court records show.

Lt. Cmdr. Rebecca C. Dickinson owed more than $58,000 on 20 credit cards and $177,000 in three mortgages on a house in Georgia, according to records from a bankruptcy filing in December 2006. She also reported spending $700 a month on travel to see her three children.

The records offer the first clues as to why a decorated Navy officer would turn to work as a call girl.

Dickinson, a supply officer, managed food services at the Naval Academy from September 2004 to May 2007, a Navy spokesman said. She also taught a leadership course in the leadership, ethics and law department.

But, on the side, she visited the homes of white-collar clients of an upscale escort service, charging $275 for 90-minute appointments, which typically involved sex, she testified this week. The service was allegedly run by Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the so-called D.C. Madam, who is being tried in U.S. District Court in Washington. Palfrey's clientele reportedly included a number of high-profile government officials.

Yesterday, Dickinson's lawyer said she regretted her actions.

"On some level, she's not a big fan of the prostitution laws and believing that the conduct is so inherently bad," said the lawyer, Jonathan Gladstone. "Although, she does realize the effects this is going to have on the service. She is incredibly regretful that she feels like she's let her shipmates down."

He said she was not available to comment.

Dickinson, 38, who is now stationed at the Naval Supply Corps School in Athens, Ga., has been relieved of her duties and placed on leave, a Navy spokesman said. Her current pay grade, with housing allowance, is $93,897.

Because she testified under grant of immunity, she cannot be court-martialed or prosecuted for federal crimes relating to the case, the spokesman, Capt. Jack Hanzlik, said.

The Navy is considering administrative punishment, which could include an other-than-honorable discharge and a "substantial" loss of retirement benefits, Hanzlik said.

A Tennessee native known to her clients as "Renee," Dickinson testified Wednesday that she quit the escort service after six months because of time constraints and because she "didn't like it," she said.

Later, she offered to return to work for Palfrey because she needed money, but subsequently filed for bankruptcy and "it became a nonissue," Dickinson said.

In a phone interview yesterday, Gladstone said money was Dickinson's main motivation for working as an escort.

"I think it's fair to assume that money was a driving force," he said. "I can't imagine it was anything she would have been doing if she didn't need money."

Details from Dickinson's December 2006 bankruptcy filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Georgia provide a sketch of a woman who was grappling with a broken marriage that separated her from her three young children, while she navigated a sea of turbulent personal finances.

In November 2006, according to court papers, Dickinson tapped her father to pay the $1,000 fee for her bankruptcy attorney. She filed under Chapter 7 of the bankruptcy code, a liquidation.

Her assets at the time, she stated, included $233 in cash, $3,300 in furniture, clothing and other personal property, a 1999 Dodge Durango and two house cats.

Her largest asset was her home in Duluth, Ga. The single-family dwelling was valued at $166,000, but she carried three mortgages on the property, totaling $177,000.

Dickinson's spending habits are reflected in a long list of unsecured loans and liabilities reported to the court, which totaled $106,000.

They included more than $58,000 in debt on 20 credit cards, including cards from VISA, MasterCard, gasoline companies, clothing stores and three jewelry stores.

Her largest credit card balance was $22,000, owed to the Navy Federal Credit Union, in Merrifield, Va., a private, not-for-profit credit union that serves Navy personnel and their families.

In all, counting three personal loans, a car loan, her second mortgage and the credit card debt, Dickinson was in hock to her credit union for more than $107,000

She had also accumulated debts to three payday loan companies, a debt-consolidation company, her tax preparer and another lawyer.

Her court filing also noted a $12,000 loss, in July 2005, in what she described only as a "money order scheme."

Among the monthly expenses she listed for the court, Dickinson reported $1,750 under "alimony, maintenance or support paid to others." She also noted spending $709 a month for "travel to see children."

Gladstone said he believes her three children live with their father - Dickinson's ex-husband, Edward B. Dickinson - in Georgia.

Steven R. Jacob, a lawyer who filed the bankruptcy case on behalf of Dickinson, said he recalled her traveling a lot.

"She was always stationed in various places," he said. "It didn't offer much stability for the children. She wanted them to be stable," so they went to live with their father, he said.

The children were ages 9 to 13 at the time of her bankruptcy filing.

As part of her bankruptcy proceedings, Dickinson had to complete an online "personal financial management" course provided by the Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Greater Atlanta Inc.

In March last year, she also signed a loan "reaffirmation" agreement, consenting to repay $15,300 to CitiFinancial, holder of her third mortgage. The bankruptcy case was discharged April 2 last year.

Dickinson joined the military in 1986 and was commissioned as an officer in March 1993, according to a biography supplied by the Navy. She has been awarded two Navy/Marine Corps Commendation medals.

I don't know which is more stupid, what she did or the New York politician who hired a hooker for $1000 an hour.  To both of them all I have to say is I hope it was worth all the trouble you've caused yourselves now.
And this idiot is an officer? They need to do alot of cleansing to the leaders in society.

A friggen donkey (like the one we have an 'stan) with a blindfold doing the cowpatty bingo to make the decisions could make better decisons than them.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
I wasn't in her shoes but if I had to be in her position, would I do the same?

I see a lot of stones being thrown in this glass house.  :)
Lets not get cut.
Celticgirl said:
It's illegal. Would she be reprimanded if she were selling drugs?  :P

Here in Australia prostitutioin is legal in most states, with legal brothels advertising in news papers.  The sex workers are given regular medical checks, and many pax taxes classed as 'entertainers'. Plenty of masssage places too. There is not a culture of street walkers as per say, may girls/guys on their own run their own private adds too, working out of there homes.

I find no big deal over it, its part of the Australian culture as is beer, meat pies and sausage (no pun intended) rolls.

if it was legalised and taxed accordingly in Canada, imagine just how many cops would be freed up for catching the real crims.
She made her own bed, now she has to lye in it!!!  hahaha :) Albeit, she was getting paid, but basically, WHO CARES?  We have all done things we wished we hadn't.  I'm assuming most of us have not turned to prostitution, just assuming, but like I said WHO CARES?  She did not hurt anyone but herself.

She should have gotten debt counseling rather than lose her self respect and that of the naval service.
tomahawk6 said:
She should have gotten debt counseling rather than lose her self respect and that of the naval service.

Losing self respect when prostituting self depends on the person who is prostituting. I read nothing toward that in the articles.
She may or may not have lost it ...
She surely has lost the respect and confidence of her bosses and officers she must interact with.
Id like to know how the HELL she got so in debt, I mean the alimony / childsupport is pretty high per month, but owing THAT much and having that huge variety of maxxed out credit cards, loans, etc? Sweet mother of pearl...
Wesley  Down Under said:
I find no big deal over it, its part of the Australian culture as is beer, meat pies and sausage (no pun intended) rolls.

No big deal? I don't really know what to say to that. To each his own, I guess. Personally, I think the degradation of women is a big deal (even if the women are 'choosing' these jobs for the money).

You know, I've been studying a lot about the CF lately. I have learned that the CF has four core values: duty, loyalty, integrity, and courage. Take a look at the third one again and ruminate on its meaning.
Dickinson has received a punitive letter of reprimand which could be the first step toward other disciplinary action and is a definite negative for further promotion. As she is was enlisted before being commissioned perhaps she is close to her 20.
Celticgirl said:
No big deal? I don't really know what to say to that. To each his own, I guess. Personally, I think the degradation of women is a big deal (even if the women are 'choosing' these jobs for the money).

You know, I've been studying a lot about the CF lately. I have learned that the CF has four core values: duty, loyalty, integrity, and courage. Take a look at the third one again and ruminate on its meaning.

I see you are a product of a very "Puritan" culture.  If you think Wes's comments about Australia set you off, what about most countries in Europe?  Prostitution is legal in many cultures around the world.  North Americans are very prudish in comparison to the rest of the world.
Celticgirl said:
No big deal? I don't really know what to say to that. To each his own, I guess. Personally, I think the degradation of women is a big deal (even if the women are 'choosing' these jobs for the money).

For some women, prostitution is degrading, but I would not say to all. I'm sure to some, it's better to be paid X times the minimum salary, then to be
in some low paid job. I sure hope that women that feel being degrating being in this "occupation" , find something more to their liking. You paint them
with such a large brush...

We're not speaking of women selling their body against their will here...
George Wallace said:
I see you are a product of a very "Puritan" culture.  If you think Wes's comments about Australia set you off, what about most countries in Europe?  Prostitution is legal in many cultures around the world.  North Americans are very prudish in comparison to the rest of the world.

If not being in favour of flesh for sale makes me a prude, then so be it.