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UTPNCM 09/10


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In applying for the 09/10 UTPNCM competition, I have run into many obstacles; all involving the lack of knowledge that the general public have about the program.  From military RMS clerks, to university admissions/accreditation officers to Ops O's, there has been one contradiction after the next.

I won't spend the next three pages listing all of the contradictions.  However, one example would be the four half credits (2 full credits) that are required to be eligible for the program itself.  I've been told by sources that they can/cannot be extracted from OPMEs, they can/cannot be granted from PLQ, are/are not required to be from the same school you are granted admission to, etc.  You can see where I'm going with this, and I'm sure that some of you already knew the answer to these questions, but to get to that point for me (and the other 100 questions) was an exercise in frustration, especially with the deadline for application looming.

Which brings me to why I'm here... originally I was told the deadline to submit the application was Nov 28, and then was told it was Dec 12.  Did the date actually change?  Or is it still Nov 28 (my application was submitted before the Nov deadline, BTW)?  If it WAS moved back, is that indicative of the board receiving too few applications, therefore deciding to extend the deadline?

Finally, and these questions are relevant to anyone applying to the program, when does the board sit, and when will the first string of offers go out?  I have been told that applicants are not permitted to go any higher than their BOR to inquire about the status of their application.  Hopefully someone here will know what's going on.  With career courses and tours upcoming, I'm sure applicants would appreciate any heads up they can get in reference to their careers.
I can understand your frustration with the programme.  It is an outstanding programme but some people do not understand that much about it.  The Canforgen is the relevant document for it and lays out the prerequsites and references for the programme.  There have been some more recent changes with regards to OPME and eligilibity for credit but they are for the good.

siggy215 said:
Which brings me to why I'm here... originally I was told the deadline to submit the application was Nov 28, and then was told it was Dec 12.  Did the date actually change?  Or is it still Nov 28 (my application was submitted before the Nov deadline, BTW)?  If it WAS moved back, is that indicative of the board receiving too few applications, therefore deciding to extend the deadline?

Honestly I wouldn't worry about deadline stuff as long as yours was in before the deadline.  I have been told by a few PSO's that the numbers of applications do not matter as much for the programme as they do look for the quality over quantity.  Meaning that they will pass over someone even if they meet the minimums, if they feel the person will not be a "good officer". 

siggy215 said:
Finally, and these questions are relevant to anyone applying to the program, when does the board sit, and when will the first string of offers go out?  I have been told that applicants are not permitted to go any higher than their BOR to inquire about the status of their application.  Hopefully someone here will know what's going on.  With career courses and tours upcoming, I'm sure applicants would appreciate any heads up they can get in reference to their careers.

I will start with the caeveat that I do not know when the board will sit, whoever I know they are trying to get the messages out sooner than what they have been sent out in recent years.  I know from experience (myself and several others) that the time from message to potential posting date last year was around 30-45 days.   Not too much notice for many people :)  Honestly the only advice I can give you is to carry on with your job (and all the taskings, tours, work-up etc etc stuff) and the rest will work itself out.  That is not to say do not prepare yourself and all the contingency plans involved with moving, but don't dwell on it.  If it happens it happens.

If you have any other specific/general questions feel free to PM me.

Offers are being sent out now..  A guy in my shop got his today.  I haven't heard anything, which makes me worry a little..  ???
Wow nice they are on time this year, last couple of years they have been wayyyy late.

I wouldn't worry overly much Mic, it takes time for them to write all the messages.  I knew I had been accepted last year( they needed to confirm some info, so they called me), but my message took almost 4 weeks to arrive.