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UVIC threads on Recruiting, Protests & Students against War

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Snaketnk said:
A quote from a Student in the Facebook group.

Oh gawd. I hope that was an (un)fine example of capitalization, punctuation and spelling from a frosh; now, they're starting to scare me.
Nah, it's probably a Fine Arts, English major student.  :o
You could replace most Liberal Arts Degrees with a library card and almost no one would notice.
>I will have a very hard time funding a school who's student union would even consider this type of censorship.

The school and the student union are separate entities.  The student union's area of influence doesn't extend much outside the student union building (known on nearly every campus as SUB).  Think of the difference between a high school administration and the school's student council (except a university admin can't be bothered to oversee a student union with the same firm hand, nor should it).  Jackass behaviour from student unions is par for the course.  The only funds that need to be withheld are the student union dues (which would then limit certain privileges, such as memberships in clubs and societies sponsored by the union and attendance at various union-funded events).
But by not funding the school, higher-ups in the school (Not sure how university politics work...) would likely pressure the Student Union to reverse its decision.
Is it true that some of the leaders in these student unions are not even students, but rather adults hired to work in the student union?  I ask because I attended a meeting at Malaspina and the person who spoke to us was a thirty+ male, who admitted he wasnt a student but was hired by the student union and was speaking on the student union's behalf.

Is this the case at UVic? Or were those all students speaking?

I do realize that the student union is not the same as the administration of the school. However, there are still some rules that student's union have to follow, ie: being inclusive, upholding human rights, etc.

If the shoe were on the other foot and it was the administration not allowing freedom of choice or speech, these same students would be protesting! Also, who funds the office space/building that houses this student union?
And there you have it NavComm....
ie: being inclusive, upholding human rights, etc.

Call out the turkeys for who they are...
If their code of conduct says they are to uphold human rights, what business do they have removing options for the student body at all? And what business do they have
opposing the actions of the CF who are PROTECTING HUMAN RIGHTS?

If they protest against the CF, they protest against the values protected by the CF.
Human rights, democratic rights, womans rights.etc. etc.
They have already demonstrated this with their actions.

Surely sir. you wouldn't be so cruel as to require them to follow their own rules ! ;D
Was on student union back in the day (ours wasn't like this, though :P). 

The SUB, even though it's on campus, will be under the jurisdiction of the Students' Union.  We owned our building, leased space to the various businesses there (bar, coffee shop, book store, and so on), and made the decisions about what went on there.  The university administration wouldn't likely be able to do anything about this, short of offering the CF space to hold their display on UVic property (as opposed to Student Union property).

The student union will have a constitution which will (likely) state that all board members must be full-time students.  Ours did, anyway.  The SU will then likely have paid staff (office manager, or something), and is certainly within their rights to hire people to research/speak about issues.  Only the elected board members (ie full time students) would be able to vote on motions.

The cross over to the university administration would be that the President (or maybe Vice, one board member, anyway) would have a seat on the University Board of Governors, and the Student reps from each faculty would sit on their various faculty councils.  So the university really has no say on what goes on in Student union, but the student union gets a voice in the running of the university.  If the students at large don't like what the student union is doing then they have to stand up and hold their elected reps accountable (as they are doing), but the university won't step in and do anything.  It's the students' union dues that pay to run the students' union, so they need to ensure it's done properly. 

For the record - I am not defending what they did, just pointing out that it was by the books.  Disgusting, really...
My daughter is away at school right now so I haven't had a chance to talk to her about this. I was actually the one pushing her to go to UVic because I  (selfishly) wanted her to be closer to home. If this student union situation isn't resolved, I don't know how she would feel about attending that school. I don't know how involved in that part of campus life she would be. It's definitely going to be a deterrent from my point of view, because I find the whole thing so absolutely opposite to what most student societies promote and hold dear...freedom of choice!
Snaketnk said:
NavComm, why don't you let them know that your daughter won't attend the school with this ban in place. It would just put more pressure on the administration if they recieved many letters like that.

(I'm also aware the situation is currently resolving itself)

I think for the time being I will just wait and see how events unfold. I am keeping my fingers crossed that cooler heads prevail within the student union.
I've already stated the last time recruiters were kicked out of schools that I changed my mind on making open opinions of people who are opposed to the military establishment. Mama always said "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all". So my trap is shut

But that doesn't mean I can't look into the issue and get a good read out of it.


An open source link to the meeting minutes of the UVSS, so that you can inform yourselves. The fun one is 02 Apr 07.

3. The Society is opposed to the militarization of Canadian Society, and is
unsupportive of a Canadian military establishment that violates international
law and human rights.

The motion is ridiculous because by definition 'militarization' has not taken place in Canada. Have we armed the citizens? Trained them? Indoctrinated them? Mobilized them? I don't know, but I've yet to see a skytrain full of downtown businessmen packing C-7's and cadpat rucksacks.

This is all just the usual student activist bullturd fueled by copious amounts of marijuana and beer and peace and love. I hope the rest of the student body see it for what it is and direct their present board to 'stay in their own lane'.
One of the claims was that having military personnel in the student union building constituted "arming the campus".. I would love to get the permission to get every CF member, reg and res, to go to campus for a full day in uniform, in a show of solidarity.. Show the students how many around them have affiliations with the CF.
These guys need a wake up call to the fact that their actions are more militant than ours...
Dr Keith Martin, MP to Esquimalt/Juan de Fuca, and some CF members who are UVic alumni are putting on a talk on Tuesday Oct 2nd, at 1400hrs in the Cornett building, room A129 at the UVic campus. This is being listed as a non-partisan event to inform the students about the issues surrounding the ban against the CF, and apparently about the CF in general (hopefully to dispel some of the myths held by many students). Should prove to be interesting.
I hope that it's filmed/made publicly available. I can't exactly attend :(.

I like Feral's idea, but I have a feeling it would cause too trouble having soldiers in uniform walking all over campus.
Yeah that's more of a kindof silly idea than anything else.. I think it would be a nice show of solidarity, but ya, it would probably cause way too much trouble.