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Vibram FiveFingers


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Curious to know if anyone uses these "shoes" and how well they feel they work.

I will tell yah in a few days! I was gonna order online but Ill pick em up in ottawa the next few days if I can. Makes sense to me, and was recommended by a few of my friends. Apparently takes a while to build up to what you normally run due to using differnt muscles and stuff.
They're great for building up foot strength, but be careful, you really have to work up to wearing them to jog/run.  If you go out too quickly you could really stress out/hurt your feet.  My suggestion would be to start with slow short walks (on grass or something similar to start) and wear them a little more each time.

Lots of fun though ... and some of the looks you get are priceless! lol
I'm a big fan of mine. And yes, for the love of God, ease your way into using them. While they might decrease your chances of injury in the long term, not so much when you first strap them on.

I also highly reccomend not ordering online initially. They're very fussy with the sizing, and either the sizing guide that Vibram has on their website is inaccurate, or I'm an idiot and can't figure out how to use it, as the size I initially tried on based on that guide was a good two sizes smaller than the ones I bought after trying them on.
gcclarke - I hope that I read the chart correctly becuase online is the only way to get them around here aside from driving a few hours.

I am going to take both of your advice in easing my way into them.  I don't want to do any damage with CMR coming up just around the corner.

What styles do y'all have?  I ordered the all black KSO, along with two pairs of the Injinji socks.
Well, I have at least heard that if you're ordering them off the Vibram website, they've got an good return policy if it's due to sizing issues.

I initially had a pair of the blue KSOs. Strap broke on them so I took advantage of MEC's insanely generous warranty, and now have a pair of the classics in black. I think I'll stop by to try and also pick up a pair of the sprints later this week.
I have a pair, and I swear by 'em. They are great for working out, but I also find them nice for just walking to the local Timmies, especially once you get used to putting them on.

That being said, heed the warnings of others. You have to work up to log distance running in them, and even then you should avoid running on pavement or cement (which pretty much eliminates road running!) with them, as your joints will take a SERIOUS and unnecessary beating! I find them great for doing local hillwork on grassy slopes.

They are also handy for rock climbing too!
Very interesting, I've never heard of these shoes until now.  I'm gonna go down to one of the stores that carry them this weekend to try on a pair, all of you have definitely sparked my interest.  :)
I just got my KSO's today, and I am really impressed by them.  I know y'all said to take it slow, but I had to workout and I had the shoes so I did an hour workout with them.  My legs feel amazing, but my toes felt a little weird being seperated like they were.  I am going to take running slow, but I really do want to hit the trails near my house and see how they hold up. 
How did you find them macknightcr?

My friend in Italy is a marathon running coach, as well as her husband (he trains the olympic team there)... she just bought a pair at the NYC marathon when she was there a few weeks ago. She's been going into it gradually as well, just waiting for an update on her runs.

I don't think I could handle these, material between my toes I think would drive me nuts!!

How does everyone else find that? I know one person mentioned something but - am definitely curious!

I know this isn't a BMQ thread but - I've been trying to toughen my feet before basic (literally, making them harder on the souls), hoping it'll help with the runs/marches/whatever else we get to go through. I'm wondering if this kind of shoe would help with that... any ideas from others? Think it'd work?
The material between the toes definitely takes a little while to get used to (for me anyway) but you get used to it pretty quickly.  This coming from a girl who gets freaked out by toe socks, they're just weird  :D

I don't walk in them as much as I should, but my feet are definitely stronger.  I also run in Adidas Adizero tempo running shoes.  They are crazy light but don't have a lot of support so they've toughened up my feet a lot too.  I've also heard that the Nike Free running shoes are good for that, but I've never worn them.
I have a pair and I think they're fabulous! I haven't done a lot of running in them yet, but I've done lots of walking and some hiking.

It didn't take me long to get used to them, but I'm barefoot most of the time anyways. The only strange part was how they force your toes apart...I do find that it gives me better balance though. Just one complaint, they are very slippery on wet surfaces (or maybe I'm just a klutz) and I've almost wiped out a couple times when I wasn't paying attention.
I've been going barefoot outdoors as much as I can lately, hoping it'll toughen the soles of the feet. But, maybe this is something I can look into ....

I seriously don't know if I could deal with the material between the toes though... like Pokiey, the toe socks just don't seem.... right, ya know??? :)

Interesting about the slippery surface but - I guess if they are rubberised, it'd make some sense. (I don't think you're being a Klutz, I should hear back from my friend in Italy soon, I'll see if she had the same problem!)

I have run in them, and LOVE them.  The material between the toes is weird, but you get used to it pretty quick.  The shoes do toughen your feet, but I also walk around barefoot a lot so that probably helps too haha.  I ordered them from a website of a store I found on the Vibram website, because they were sold out everywhere else.  Good luck with your barefoot adventures.

One thing I do need to stress is taking it slow, it is very easy to injure yourself if you jump into running 3 miles a day or more.
Until now I have never heard of these but will investigate them and maybe get them. They seem good and everyone seems to love them.  Please keep me posted as I am undecided.
I just bumped into this thread, how convenient since I just bought a pair of KSO 3 weeks ago.  :D I'm used to running barefoot for short distances, sprints, mostly in trails and the VFF made it easier on my skin, on a longer run on asphalt. It's also an awesome ice breaker! Before you buy a pair, you might want to check out this website ( I thought it was rather amusing to have a forum just for the footwear) birthdayshoes.com.

They truly are great for everything from power/Olympic lifting, through sprinting, hiking to water sports or simply wearing them all day. I don't recommend using them for sports though! No ankle support and not enough grip.  Next step is to check if they pass inspection.  ^-^
Best decision you'l make when it comes to footwear. Steep learning curve, though, so go easy for the first 3-4 months. Just walk in them first, and let you foot muscles (that probably are barely awake) adjust to the change. Run short distances first on grass. Pretty soon, with patience, you'll be easily knocking back 10km ++...and it feels fantastic!

I've had the KSO's for about a year, and I just recently picked up the Bikila, which are new this year and are specifically designed for runners (a little more padding where it counts ;) ) Wish I had them from the start....
Anybody know if I'd be allowed to wear VFF during BMQ? Or at my phyiscal exam?
During BMQ you will be wearing your Army-issued items unless you have a clearance from the medics not to wear boots. As for the physical exam, that's a question better asked of your recruiter.
Ha, I didn't mean wear my VFF instead of boots, but I meant for PT instead of traditional running shoes.

I'll just bring my VFF and my sneakers to the PT exam on Tuesday and ask the person whos running my test.