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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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Due respect - anecdotal evidence ISN'T evidence, especially in an internet forum...I liken that to the person trying to sell me their Nigerian scam of the day or a patient that comes in to see me after surfing the web for what they think is wrong with them or what they "need" to treat their ails, when they just looked a the website that paid the most on google to be at the top of the hit list.

medicineman said:
Due respect - anecdotal evidence ISN'T evidence, especially in an internet forum...I liken that to the person trying to sell me their Nigerian scam of the day or a patient that comes in to see me after surfing the web for what they think is wrong with them or what they "need" to treat their ails, when they just looked a the website that paid the most on google to be at the top of the hit list.

I must agree with you, but really, this all narrows down to this. It's your body, whatever you find and assess yourself should be included in any assessment of the parts of your body you're assessing. So if I find my vision deteriorating with ... reading 10cm from the page, then I will increase length and see if that helps reduce or stop deterioration. That's what I'm saying. It's different from everybody. Maybe environmental factors are triggered by certain inherited genes, and our technology make us more susceptible (explaining recent increase in myopic rate), but it cannot happen because it happens.
With all due respect, MedicineMan, you are correct. There are some people who use computers more than others and they don't get Myopia. There are genes that control the acquirement of myopia and they are inherited from family.

I have good news though, at the rate my myopia is going, I'll be stable at -4 myopia only, and I'll be able to join the army. Thank you, God!

May I ask if you're in the military? Checked your profile, that's so cool, 22 years must be a beast.
It'll be 23 in about 16 days...then I'm done a few days later and starting work out in the real world.  It's flown by pretty quick actually (though sometimes not quick enough).

medicineman said:
It'll be 23 in about 16 days...then I'm done a few days later and starting work out in the real world.  It's flown by pretty quick actually (though sometimes not quick enough).

Ah, that stage is still a long time away for me. I wish you the best.
May I also ask a forum while I'm in this forum I am applying for armoured reconnaissance and I have already completed my vision test at the medical center but the warrant officer said the test is inaccurate at times so I have done a checkup at the optical center and I have the vision

Uncorrected: Right 6/21      Left 6/18
Best Corrected (using specs)    Right 6/6    Left 6/6

Which category of V1-V5 do I fall into I need to be V3 to qualify for armoured reconnaissance
CookingDance said:
. . . . so I have done a checkup at the optical center and I have the vision

Uncorrected: Right 6/21      Left 6/18
Best Corrected (using specs)    Right 6/6    Left 6/6

Which category of V1-V5 do I fall into I need to be V3 to qualify for armoured reconnaissance

Read the first post in this thread!
During my medical I was given a vision test with an without my prescription lenses. I remember reading somewhere that anyone within the V3 or V4 category would have to provide a copy of their current prescription. I was not asked for this. Does this mean I am V2 or is there a waiting period on the test results?
If they didn't ask for it, keep it anyway, since you might need it down the road.

I just quickly read through this thread hoping to gain some insight on what to expect for my medical on Wednesday and there is a lot of good info here. I do have one question though, I wear glasses (not strong, I'm near sighted) and I know that my visin is fuzzy after I take them off. How long before the eye test should I take my glasses off so I don't test poorly?
If you wear them all the time, then take them off when they tell you to.  Make sure you bring a copy of your Rx with you if you can - will speed the processing time up somewhat.

ok thanks! Can I just tell them the numbers? My prescription is still in Nova Scotia and I'm in BC lol
No - you actually have to have a current refraction on record on an eyecare professional's letterhead if your vision category is 2 or greater IIRC (might be 3).

Hi i have read the thread, and am quite confused about where I would land.

my prescription is as follows:
-.075 -2.25 x005
-2.50 -1.50 x170
I have had trouble doing the (cylinder/2)+sphere and making sense of the response.
The doctor mentioned that with glasses, my vision is correctable to 20/20. My questions are;
What Vx category am I in(assuming that the CFRC are the ones to assign it, and anything on here is a guesstimate at best)?

I know my eyesight is not great uncorrected, but is the vision is corrected to (near) perfect, does that impact things?
I am interested in MARS/LOG/NCS ENG. I have found the MARS requirements (in two different places it was listed as V3 and V4), LOG is V4 and i haven't found NCS ENG.

Any assistance deciphering the results would be appreciated.
I'm pretty sure you haven't read the thread that closely, as you'd have noticed that we rate you first by visual acuity (ie 20/? or 6/?), not the Rx, and then by the spherical equivalent.

If I were a betting man, you'd land in the 3 zone just by that big -2.5  in the one eye, but that's a BIG guess without the other relevant numbers.

Thanks MM,

As a follow up; my uncorrected vision is not great, but considering it can be corrected, which does the CF look at, uncorrected, or corrected (keeping in mind that i am not looking for pilot, which with glasses at all is kinda a no-go)
They look at both...if you can't be corrected to 6/6, can get you into V4 or greater quickly.

I am very interested in joining the military upon the completion of my university degree in 1 year. I will be applying as an Officer in the Direct Entry program. My vision, however, is very poor. I am nearly blind in my left eye. According to the +/- D rating on my contact lens boxes, my left (poor) eye is d -6.50 and my right (better) eye is -9.00, The boxes (for both eyes) also say BC 8.4 and DIA 14.0, if that's relevant. With that said, my good eye is 20/20 with glasses or contact lenses. I know this isn't a lot of info to go by, but what class would you think I would be in? Is it worth it for me to continue to pursue this? I would be willing to consider any trades that I could do given my vision. Again, I will have a degree and be doing Officer trades. Thanks for your help.
In your case, the acuity would be better than the lense correction.  Any chance you have that?

Check out the first post in this thread and read up on the difference between V4 and V5.
V4 can join, V5 can not.
