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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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All you need from the optometrist is a copy of a recent refraction with the eyeglass prescription and your corrected and uncorrected vision on their letterhead - the CF2007 is a bonus.  If it's an aircrew exam, yeah, we'd like the form filled out, but the RMO has been happy with a copy of the Rx and exam.

ahhh well that makes more sense I got mine done for Aircrew
Hey everyone, i found an prescription of mine and I'm wondering if i v3 or v4,
I'm -2 sphere on both
    -1 cylinder on both
    097 axis OD
    084 axis OS

While looking through the medical forums i couldn't quite find anyone like mine but some similar were v4, so I'm alittle worried if you could help e out that would be great Thanks ahead of time
Hey everyone, I'm just wonering if ...
both Sphere -2
both cylinders -1
axis 097 OD
axis 084 OS
a V3 or V4?
Thanks before hand
What, asking the same question here wasn't good enough?

Merven said:
Hey everyone, i found an prescription of mine and I'm wondering if i v3 or v4,
I'm -2 sphere on both
    -1 cylinder on both
    097 axis OD
    084 axis OS

While looking through the medical forums i couldn't quite find anyone like mine but some similar were v4, so I'm alittle worried if you could help e out that would be great Thanks ahead of time

Read CDN Aviator's response (#243) in this thread.  That pretty much sums it up.

CDN Aviator said:
Thats why these " my vision is...........what category am i ?" are utterly f*****g useless. The only way to know for sure is to apply and see where the process takes. you.
Merven said:
Hey everyone, i found an prescription of mine and I'm wondering if i v3 or v4,
I'm -2 sphere on both
    -1 cylinder on both
    097 axis OD
    084 axis OS

While looking through the medical forums i couldn't quite find anyone like mine but some similar were v4, so I'm alittle worried if you could help e out that would be great Thanks ahead of time

Based on my on-line Ophthalmology degree I would say that you are a V5 and effectively blind and should go and buy a seeing eye dog right now.
I'm getting tired of people not reading anything that's posted here and in the other vision thread...

My Iphone said the post didnt go through, I'm sorry that i can't spend hours reading all the forums but I'm working full 12 hr days and the cell coverage is sickening.
for what time it takes you on a dsl conection to read 5 pages would let me read 1 out here.
I'll just wait till I'm in town and read it all since most of the replys I get are just rants at me.
Ty to the few people who actaully take the time out of there day to help me out instead of just waisting a post.
Merven said:
My Iphone said the post didnt go through, I'm sorry that i can't spend hours reading all the forums but I'm working full 12 hr days and the cell coverage is sickening.
for what time it takes you on a dsl conection to read 5 pages would let me read 1 out here.
I'll just wait till I'm in town and read it all since most of the replys I get are just rants at me.
Ty to the few people who actaully take the time out of there day to help me out instead of just waisting a post.

The only one "actaully waisting" bandwidth is you.
Hey everyone! From what I've read I fall into V5. I just wanna make sure that I do because I'm not sure if I read it properly. This is my eye prescription:

    SPH    AXIS
L  -1.25  085
R  -2.25  105

Thanks in advance!
. . . From what I've read I fall into V5. I just wanna make sure that I do because I'm not sure if I read it properly.

Since we don't know what you read, we can't be sure if you read it properly.  However, if you have properly (and completely) read this and other theads relating to vision categories, visual acuity and eyeglass prescriptions you should have become aware that most on these means who have some (professional) knowledge and experience of the subject will usually suggest that the best (and preferably only) means of finding out what medical category you will be assigned is by actually going to a recruiting centre and being examined/tested by the medical staff there.

While there is some relationship between measurement of visual acuity (20/20, 6/6, etc - what is used for assigning a vision category) and an optical prescription, they are not the same thing.  A estimate (possibly widely inaccurate) could be made, but practising inaccurate internet medicine is frowned upon here. 

If you wish to improperly read something else about which you have little understanding try How Visual Acuity Is Measured.  It does include estimates for the approximate correction needed for each line seen on the Snellen chart.
i had my eyes checked yesturday and my medical is on the 20th just curious if anyone knew what catagory i am V1, V3 etc..

    shpere      cyl.      axis
o.D  -1.00      -0.50    085
O.S -1.50     
tonycarpenter said:
i had my eyes checked yesturday and my medical is on the 20th just curious if anyone knew what catagory i am V1, V3 etc..

    shpere      cyl.      axis
o.D  -1.00      -0.50    085
O.S -1.50   

This thread http://forums.milnet.ca/forums/threads/31590/post-225087.html#msg225087 may help.

The Search feature can turn up some really interesting stuff - you can access it by clicking on the "Search" button on the menu bar.

Best of luck to you.

Okay, so I've applied to the reserves as an artillery officer. The only thing that may stop me from getting in is my vision.
I went to my optometrist and I got a form filled out that says...

Uncorrected Vision          Right: 6/120
                                  Left: 6/120

Best Corrected Vision      Right: 6/4.5
                                    Left: 6/4.5

What I gather from this thread is that I am, or will be, categorized as V5. Which would effectively make me "unsuitable" for the combat arms. Before I head over to the recruitment centre tomorrow, I was just wondering if someone could confirm my suspicions. 

Also, why were the standards raised? It used to be 6/120 as the cut off. There are still plenty of CF members with worse eyesight than me who can do their job just as well as anyone else.
Muckaduc said:
.......... There are still plenty of CF members with worse eyesight than me who can do their job just as well as anyone else.

Perhaps there are.  However, they started their careers with better vision, and over the years, and after much training and courses, their eyesight may have degenerated.  You, on the other hand, do not have the training and many years of service under your belt, and already have eyesight that may not meet the lowest standard required.  Where will you be many years down the road when your eyesight degenerates even more?
6/120 puts you into a V4 category, unless your spherical equivalent is greater than 7.00 diopteres on your prescription, THEN you are V5.  V3 is minimum for combat arms soldiers and officers, so you'd likely have to either pick another classification or get laser surgery if you want to continue pursuing arty officer.  The standards were  changed because there has to be a cutoff at some point where you can distinguish something at greater than arm's length in front of you without your glasses - 6/60 is the cutoff for V3.  It's nothing personal, just business.  Several people had their categories revised as a result of this and some actually ended up havng to change jobs.

Good luck and cheers.

medicineman said:
6/120 puts you into a V4 category, unless your spherical equivalent is greater than 7.00 diopteres on your prescription, THEN you are V5.  V3 is minimum for combat arms soldiers and officers, so you'd likely have to either pick another classification or get laser surgery if you want to continue pursuing arty officer.  The standards were  changed because there has to be a cutoff at some point where you can distinguish something at greater than arm's length in front of you without your glasses - 6/60 is the cutoff for V3.  It's nothing personal, just business.  Several people had their categories revised as a result of this and some actually ended up havng to change jobs.

Good luck and cheers.


Thanks for the help. My prescription is -3 in both eyes. Does that make me V5?

I want to go Infantry.

I feel my vision is the only thing that scares me.  My prescription is low.  Most of my friends comment that when they put on my glasses, they can't tell between wearing them and not wearing them.  So I'm not too scared.

Just a quick question...  During the visual test, can we squint in order to see something?  If I look at something far away, I find squinting raises my vision to about 20/20.  Last time I did an eye exam, I came out as 20/30....  But that was a few years ago.  I'll likely go in and get another exam done so that I can know for sure.  I'd like to think 20/30 would be good enough, and although I've been looking through what V3 represents, I can't really find a specific answer haha.

So if I do my test and squint to get a line, will they growl at me and tell me not to squint haha?  I know how stupid this sounds, and I think I know the answer, but I want to be sure.