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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

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Daywalker said:
I just assumed that they would have a "Signals" epaulette at least...and I assumed since they were part of the branch that they may also become RCCS.... 

That's what I like about Air... they don't feel a need to waste money on something that ain't broken.

No, they just waste their money on accommodations and a variety of other luxuries that don't make much sense, either.

I'm going to make a great airman, aren't I?
PuckChaser said:
Just wait until you get your pearl grey ranks. The RCAF (<--- another) is not immune from buttons and bows changes.

Yah.... I was out of the loop on that one! Now the uniforms will look more like my son's Air Cadet uniform! I'll get my new DEUs just in time to have to change them AGAIN! I've lost track of the number of changes I've gone through with my uniforms in the last 5 years....
AcOp ql3... navcan hotel.... complete with maids and room service...

There goes the money
cbr600 said:
AcOp ql3... navcan hotel.... complete with maids and room service...

There goes the money

You have no idea how aggravating listening to the complaints comping from Pte/Cpl's is when they get told they're going to have to share a room that has two separate queen sized beds in it. Hotels are usually necessary when the Air Force is away from Base, having your own room to be alone with your tube sock however is not.
cbr600 said:
AcOp ql3... navcan hotel.... complete with maids and room service...

There goes the money

Having experienced the 1" thick dust on carpet that was there before cars were invented, thick on the beds and everywhere and no way to vaccum them other than a 1920s vacuum at Kingston, eating food there that gives the whole course soft stool or diahreeah and sharing flip door sign washrooms where I get to share washrooms with little boys who don't know how to shake it over the/into the toilet, to the delightful accommodations in Halifax that involved old dusty carpet, paint peeling in chunks off the concrete walls and watching rodents scurry between rooms under the doors..... I will gladly take the NavCan school in Cornwall tyvm.


Well just don't be too enthused with Cornwallis food.. I often bought burgers at the tuckshop/burger stand outside the eating area..
clgrip said:
Hotels are usually necessary when the Air Force is away from Base, having your own room to be alone with your tube sock however is not.

Hmm...I am pretty sure Army DEU folks on TDs and SAVs and TAVs don't sleep in gas station parking lots in their bivy bags when away from base.  It's not just the Air Force that does the hotel gig;  I spent more time in free shacks and hotels etc on Army TDs than I have in the RCAF.

It is nice to have your own, however, to get your mandatory crew rest and actually sleep.  I'd rather go up knowing the folks driving the bus are awake and rested and consider that money well spent as a tax payer, even more so that I am in that bus and along for the ride.  I am pretty sure the drivers and everyone else feels the same when its dark and I'm on the RADAR making sure we don't bump into stuff at 300 kts.  :2c:

FWIW, all the support types on say, RIMPAC are in hard shelters too, I guess though they could put everyone in hoochies around the various airfields.
Just for giggles I looked up one of the folks from DMCPG 5(the OT people).
The out of office popped us as:

"Good Day/Bonjour I am currently working on OT messages. All inquiries will be responded to at the end of the week."

Im working nights right now, don't go to work until 6pm so I have no idea yet!! PLEEEEEEEEASE lets go remuster!!!
Hang in their scuba.

I got mine at the end.of my shift Friday.. crew Man was holding it for 2. Days

Still two supply techs here that i know of waiting for theres.

Hope everyone gets what they want.