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VRAB favorable descision wait time


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I did a VRAB in Feb and received my favorable descision mid march, from there what's the wait time? When I called VAC they told me it was in process. What was you waiting time when VRAB descision was received? Thanks
I did my board the end of Nov, got my letters just before Christmas and got money increase by end Feb. I would say you should get it any time now. Don’t wait for the letters, they take forever. Keep checking your payment amounts in VAC. I did that daily until I received. VACs comms are terrible.
I did my board the end of Nov, got my letters just before Christmas and got money increase by end Feb. I would say you should get it any time now. Don’t wait for the letters, they take forever. Keep checking your payment amounts in VAC. I did that daily until I received. VACs comms are terrible.
Thanks for the info
I did a VRAB in Feb and received my favorable descision mid march, from there what's the wait time? When I called VAC they told me it was in process. What was you waiting time when VRAB descision was received? Thanks
How long of a wait from when you request a review?
Does anyone know what the wait time is on increases to disability assessment, or what happens after the VRAB? A decision letter from the VRAB was uploaded by BPA, in which an increase to the disability assessment was awarded. Curious to the timeline since VAC will not need to adjudicate the %
Ack. I can def shed some light on this as I just recently went through this and have another one in the hopper for an Appeal.
Although I am a bit confused by what you are saying when you say "VAC will not need to adjudicate the %". I will just go by what my process was and it was the same for my coworker too and yes VAC does need to adjudicate the percentage.
My VRAB Appeal was a Favourable Decision with a 10% percentage awarded. From there it automatically goes to VAC for adjudication on the Percentage Rating. That took a month. Once VAC was completed the adjudication on the %, I noticed a new PSC Monthly Amount in My VAC Account under Current Benefits with a VAC Decision Letter with attached Election for Lump Sum Option form. I submitted the form immediately that same day and I had my Lump Sum direct deposited in a week.
So from the time VRAB Decision to VAC Adjudication/Processing/Lump Sum deposit took 37 calendar days.