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Wainright in April for BMQ


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Hey, anyone going to Basic March 29 to July 13? I received a call yesterday and have to say I am scared to death.
Failure isn't an option!!!
Are you doing Reg Force BMQ in Wainwright? .. wow, they are doing it there now too? I'm hoping that they don't send me there as it's only 2 hours from here and that would be a horrible tease.
Yes, apparently so.  I have to say I was very surprised at that too.  I was expecting to be at St. Jean's in Quebec.  They also do some BMQ in Meaford, Ontario as well.
krzy8kim  I will you see there I should be there around March 31 can wait for it to start.  I am looking forward to coming to Alberta
Well this is my first time reading these forums and I saw this.

You are very lucky that you are being sent to Wainwright, your course will be the 3rd BMQ to run through there (I just graduated from the second BMQ course through Wainwright a few weeks ago).

I'm now back in Ontario on PRETC Borden waiting for more courses. After talking to the people from St. Jean it sounds terrible in Quebec in all aspects. There are too many to bring up. But the best thing about Wainwright is it's almost all army, of our graduating course of 56 people, only 2 were Navy.

Hopefully your course will get mostly PPCLI staff as well.

I will be heading back to Wainwright for a month on April 10th for an SQ course.
I'm in for basic training with you. They are flying me out of Vancouver on the 31 and I was told it starts
on April 2nd. I'm going in as a Communications Tech for the Army you?
Hey good to here from you I am going Infantry I am flying out on the 31 also but not sure where I figuring they will probably fly me out from Person in TO but I am sure I will get all that information in the mail shortly the recruiter said she was mailing it to me yesterday so that way I would have everything ready for my swearing in on the March 27th
I will be there for basic as well. I'm Air Force. I was shocked that it was is Wainwright as well.
Any of you have any questions about BMQ at Wainwright?
I had a bunch I would have liked answered before I got there; the recruiting centre knew absolutely nothing about Wainwright.

The building on the Left is where the two BMQ courses stayed while I was there.
HEY !!! I got the call for wainright bmq this week as well im going Navy NES-OP im flying in to edmonton on the 31st and then taking a bus to wainright ... see you all there!
Can't wait guys!!! It'll be a good few months I'm sure! Congrats again to everyone and I look forward to seeing you all in Wainwright!
I saw the pic that Prefect posted and I have to ask is that what the base looks like right now with the snow and all?
As of March 2nd it still looked like that, I don't think they've had many above 0 days there yet so I imagine it stills looks similar.

www.midst.ca/lemurs/ for a few more randomly selected pictures (I don't want to ruin the surprise entirely :P).
Thanks for the pics... somehow, it's exactly as I imagined it would be. I'm waiting for my offer, but maybe I'll end up out in Wainwright too. It's only 2 hours away from me...
Pea said:
Are you doing Reg Force BMQ in Wainwright? .. wow, they are doing it there now too? I'm hoping that they don't send me there as it's only 2 hours from here and that would be a horrible tease.

Haha, that would be quite the tease because our course was only allowed to leave the Wainwright area once or twice on the weekends we had off :)
Prefect said:
Haha, that would be quite the tease because our course was only allowed to leave the Wainwright area once or twice on the weekends we had off :)

You only got that few weekends off? Were you a "bad course?" Knowing my car was only 2 hours away would be a huge tease, and knowing I just gave my home up too! Here's hoping they send me across the country!
I guess I didn't describe that right :)

It was just our WO's way of doing things.
We had pretty much every weekend off (after week 4 that is), but the restriction was usually we had to stay in the Wainwright area and be back in the shacks by 01:00.
Prefect said:
I guess I didn't describe that right :)

It was just our WO's way of doing things.
We had pretty much every weekend off (after week 4 that is), but the restriction was usually we had to stay in the Wainwright area and be back in the shacks by 01:00.

Ah ok, thanks for the clarification. I bet there were some riveting weekends to be had in exciting Wainwright.  ;)

Haha, i stayed on the building ( with the big green roof) on the left for my CLC in 98.
Do alot of people make it to Edmonton for the weekends? Or are we not aloud to leave the base overnight? And... What about civi clothes? what can we bring?