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Wainright in April for BMQ

hannah_banana said:
Do alot of people make it to Edmonton for the weekends? Or are we not aloud to leave the base overnight? And... What about civi clothes? what can we bring?

First...its "allowed"........

The weekends will certainly depend on wether your staff allows you to leave
Well Gee!!! Thanks so much for correcting my spelling.  :-[ I guess that University degree didn't do much for me?? what about you? you sound smart? anyways. Thanks for the tip! But you never answered my question about whether or not we are allowed to bring civi clothes?
hannah_banana said:
Well Gee!!! Thanks so much for correcting my spelling.   :-[ I guess that University degree didn't do much for me?? what about you? you sound smart? anyways. Thanks for the tip! But you never answered my question about whether or not we are allowed to bring civi clothes?

I never did BMQ in Wainwright.....i said i did my CLC there so that part i wouldnt know....

I would say however that yes, you are allowed, but i wouldnt bring too much.  The less stuff you bring, the less you have to take care of. I remember the shacks there and you dont have that much room for extras.

and yes, i do have some schooling but that only makes me SMRT
hannah_banana said:
Well Gee!!! Thanks so much for correcting my spelling.   :-[ I guess that University degree didn't do much for me?? what about you? you sound smart? anyways.

I really, really hope you displayed this mature and professional attitude during your MPAC.  We have enough members of the CF who are unable to take direction and have no regard or respect for authority already.
I do have respect for authority and I can take direction. I usually am quite timid actually. I do however believe in having manners, and treating people the way you would like to be treated. That's what helped me do so well at the MPAC. I have morals and values that I choose to live by. That I believe is called having integrity. I also feel that to correct a simple spelling mistake is not exactly considerate. For example when I was corrected for mis-spelling "allowed" the gentleman correcting my mistake spelled "whether" incorrectly while correcting me. Again now I am just as bad as he was. A wolf in sheep's clothing. I apologize if I come across as being rude. I appreciate the advice. But I would not get far in life by letting people walk all over me. Again I apologize for being rude. I will learn to use spell check for my typo's, and I will also learn to bite my tongue. you have helped me more than you know. I do sincerely thank you. I mean that! You chose to post your opinion and I chose to post mine. Simple.
I really hate people who are displaying a lot of characteristics of an ID 10T personality, especially when they espouse their "higher education" in their banter, but fail to display any of that education in their writting skills.  The above posts seem to display an attitude that many of us here have seen before and which many of us have come to the point where we can fairly well predict the end results.  

This topic will be CLEANED UP to do away with the nonessentials.
Boys and Girls chill out. Its a blog or forum or whatever you wana call it. I dont care if u went to uvi or are a drop out and reject of society as we know it. this "thing" is meant for people that wana find out a bit more about what our BMQ is gona be like not get into internet catfights right? From what I gather there is a few of us in this together and if we are gona survive it and better yet do better then they expect us to we gotta  stick together.  I know there is speling mistakes and I dont care; if you do maybe you should be an english teacher and not a part of the CF.
LordSnow said:
Boys and Girls chill out. Its a blog or forum or whatever you wana call it. I dont care if u went to uvi or are a drop out and reject of society as we know it. this "thing" is meant for people that wana find out a bit more about what our BMQ is gona be like not get into internet catfights right? From what I gather there is a few of us in this together and if we are gona survive it and better yet do better then they expect us to we gotta  stick together.  I know there is speling mistakes and I dont care; if you do maybe you should be an english teacher and not a part of the CF.

I'd like to either agree or disagree with you - but I can't.  You aren't making any sense to me.

Perhaps a lack in your communication skills?? (I'm pretty sure that mine are OK).
Well folks,
I must say that BMQ will most certainly be an interesting experience with just reading the other posts.  I hope we are all able to pull together and be one cohesive unit!!
See you there :salute:
well im going to Wainright and starting BMQ on April 2 and ive never been in the CF before but i know that to get through training we are going to have to work as a team and i know im going to get through theres no choice so obv im willing to work as a team theres no other way no one man ever won a war think about it ...
Hey Karl28

Looks like we will be flying from Toronto to Wainwright together.  I get sworn in on the 27th March also.
krzy8kim  sounds great be nice to meet another recruit  should be allot of hard work but allot of fun at the same time .  Sorry about the late reply but I work afternoons . Trying to give two weeks notice before I head out  cheers have a good one

It will be a good Basic guys. I can't wait to meet all of you! Enjoy the next two weeks off. Anyone flying out of Ottawa?
CDN Aviator said:

That's the view along the path from CANEX if I'm not mistaken... WHY DID YOU MAKE ME LOOK AT THOSE HORRIBLY REPRESSED MEMORIES?!  :crybaby:

This is the only view of Wainwright I ever want to see again... flying over it

edit: I tried to get a close up satellite image of the base but even google maps thinks it's too ugly for the satelite lense.
It was about -20 C with the windchill today, and it can snow here in June.  So if you are coming to Wainwright, BRING WARM CLOTHING.
TCBF said:
It was about -20 C with the windchill today, and it can snow here in June.  So if you are coming to Wainwright, BRING WARM CLOTHING.

I left Ottawa on February 14, 2006 in -15C weather and arrived the same day in Wainwright where it was -45C with windchill. not much difference in April... or May come to think of it.  Oh and watch out for local wildlife. Those pesky WO's at CMTC love to pop out of the bush when you least expect it.  ;D

P.S. Does anyone have pictures of the fuelling station for dummies? You know, the great big white reservoirs with "Me Diesel" and "Me Gas" printed on them with great big black writting? Try explaining gas in your LSVW to the MSE OPs in Wainwright.