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Waiting.....letter or phone call?

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Well, this is my first time posting on this site...I had applied to the army back in October of 2007, as an infanteer/ncm/reg forve.  I breezed through the cfat, the interview went very well, did the medical and physical with a minor burp, a vision test which I later passed anyways.  The only real problem I had was I told them I was allergic to a certain prescription which I took once...over 12 years ago.  I have never touched it again since, and it is at best an extremely minor situation which I probably will never encounter again.  I recently finished the application process and took my doctors letters stating it would be of no bearing in me being a soldier to the recruiting office in London, Ontario.  They sent all my paperwork to Ottawa, which was received there on April 10'th 2008.  I called my recruiting office yesterday for an update.  They told me that my application had been "finalized" and a letter was mailed to me from Ottawa on Monday April 21 2008.  My question now is--->  Does this letter tell me that I have been rejected for some reason?  Most people who get their acceptance receive a phone call instead of the letter.  I am very nervous and have dedicated myself 200% to this for the last 8 months, by studying military, physical training 4 times a week, and I will be shattered if I am rejected.  I am curious to know if any1 out there has ever been accepted through this "letter".  Or am I right in presuming that my dream is broken?  Thank you to anyone with some valuable insight into my situation.
I'd wait forthe letter before freaking out. If it was sent Monday, it'll be there Friday latest. Don't sweat it, and good luck!
Well...I'm not really freaking out yet, but I am definitely questioning myself as to what "could" be the reasoning for the letter rather than the phone call.  I am patient, and will wait for the letter, but I'm also already preparing for an appeal/reapply if this is the case.
Deal with it when the letter comes. After that only the Recruiting centre can give you the proper answers. No sense panicing until you find out what's happening.


Milnet.ca Staff
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