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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

The pesky Hines twins get another adjournment but it wil be the last one ( hopefully ).

Good day,

I was just informed by a friend that under a Google search of "JTF2" there is an image of me.  The picture has been tagged by someone as "JTF2" from the Army.ca website.  I say for the record that I am not, was not, or ever mentioned or suggested that I  was JTF2.  I was with CANSOFCOM but not that unit.

I don't want peeps to think that I am posing as one. 

Popurhedoff said:
Good day,

I was just informed by a friend that under a Google search of "JTF2" there is an image of me.  The picture has been tagged by someone as "JTF2" from the Army.ca website.  I say for the record that I am not, was not, or ever mentioned or suggested that I  was JTF2.  I was with CANSOFCOM but not that unit.

I don't want peeps to think that I am posing as one. 


I found the photo in question. It's a photo posted in a 'CSOR and JTF2 recruiting' thread. At no point does Pop claim to be SOFCOM or ever claim to have had JTF2 links.

Just so that's clear from a site admin, in case it matters.

I do envy your kit though. How's that A-TACS working out for you?
Brihard said:
I do envy your kit though. How's that A-TACS working out for you?

It is holding up nicely, the colors blend in to the background a lot better than I have originally thought.  Five months wearing it and washing them every second day and they stand up well, a little fading after the first few washes but not anymore.
Popurhedoff said:
Good day,

I was just informed by a friend that under a Google search of "JTF2" there is an image of me.  The picture has been tagged by someone as "JTF2" from the Army.ca website.  I say for the record that I am not, was not, or ever mentioned or suggested that I  was JTF2.  I was with CANSOFCOM but not that unit.

I don't want peeps to think that I am posing as one. 


You mean the one with the soldier holding the AK-47?
Them Hines twins skipped court today.


Exclusive: Former Special Forces Soldiers Fight New War On The Internet


http://www.duffelblog.com/2012/04/stolen-valor-claim-after-man-poses-as-elite-administrative-soldier/  ;D
How the British breed Walts.... even SS walts


daftandbarmy said:
How the British breed Walts.... even SS walts
Walts and re-enactors are completely different categories, with the latter closer to Trekies or people who dress up for comic book gatherings -- unless these people are claiming to have actually been Waffen SS......or Klingons.
daftandbarmy said:
How the British breed Walts.... even SS walts


The fifth last picture (titled "Weapons: A soldier armed with a weapon from the Second World War takes aim" shows that some re-enactors should be very glad they are not handling real weapons.

Aiming a Panzerfaust is done by aligning the sight with the top of the war head. Even giving some tolerance for photographic perspective, it would appear that his point of aim is somewhere into the dirt a few yards ahead of him.

Much more important however was that the launcher tube should be clamped between the arm and the body, AND NOT HELD AGAINST THE SHOULDER. On firing, the launcher emits a very severe fire stream (Feuerstrahl) to the rear (A notice to that effect was printed on most of them).

My father, a German veteran from the war, told a story of a soldier in his unit who actually fired a Panzerfaust in the manner of the re-enactor in the photo and who ended up dying a slow and horrible death as a result. (I guess maybe in that respect this photo is of the re-enactment of an actual event  :facepalm: )
This is making the rounds on Facebook.  I don't know the validity of it:

This is a picture of Sean Goode, living in Peterborough. This man has been posing as wounded Afghanistan Veteran.

He claims to be a "Lt. Sean Goode", served in Afghanistan in 2009. When I first met him he claimed to be PPCLI (Princes Patricias Light Infantry), and then immediately will reply to any questions about his career with, 'I can't remember', citing he'd been blown up in an IED (improvised explosive device) and suffered sever memory loss. The second time, my father met him, where he claimed to have been RCR (Royal Canadian Regiment). He has been caught by the 1st CAV (Canadian Army Veterans MC) who went to visit him to see if he needed any help. He had a hard time answering their questions, so they went and did some investigating. No Lt. Sean Goode was deployed to Afghanistan in that time period or even existed in the army. Anyone who knows anything about the military can pin a million holes in his story.

Whats worse is hes lied to a silver cross mother (A mother who lost her son in Afghanistan). Even going so far as to say he'd met her son before he passed away. Hes also taken advantage of some very generous people who go out of their way to help Veterans who have a hard time with coming home.

This scum bag is seen wearing an "Afghan Veteran" hat given to him at the Afghanistan Veterans Day at the Legion a couple of years ago. After being confronted by a local solder who confronted him a very civil manner, made sure he knew the gig was up and that he left with his tail between his legs.

Share and put this loser in his place if seen being an impostor again. Good men and women have given their lives and should be remembered for their sacrifices, not taken advantage of for personal gain by low life's like him.


And his Facebook page:

I'm quite sure he'll be busy reading Facebook messages thanks to DirtyDog's digging.

Looks like hes upset his last post tell's "most of us to go to hell any leave him alone"
Scott said:
I'm quite sure he'll be busy reading Facebook messages thanks to DirtyDog's digging.


Well, I noticed one of us has been accepted recently as a friend.  ;)
Excellent. I'd never advocate someone spamming another person, but...