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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Danjanou said:
Yet another reason to love the dufflelblog

This guy should be shot...who does he think he is trying to pass himself off as an everyday normal joe. People all across our country :cdn: have worked hard and suffered to be....ummm....well.....people. Shame on this poser LMAO  :cheers:

Here is another! http://www.duffelblog.com/2012/09/defense-department-investigates-month-long-navy-seal-operation-in-bahamas/ 
Is it just me, or does this sound kind of like the LRP world :) just saying, hehehe
Towards_the_gap said:
I saw a photo the other day of the old issue denims and somehow remembered, through the mists of time, having a small burn just above my elbow where I was so desperate to not get beasted I tried ironing the rolls of my sleeves as I wore them.

...what caused that stream of conciousness to get typed here I'll never know, thanks for listening.l

I did the same thing on course, ironing the sleeves when rolled up, while on.
Our latest hero, photo taken on Anzac Day this year. The same day he gave an Anzac Day address at a church in Victoria. Claims to be a Major General by the name of Neville Donohue. No information can be found on a Maj Gen Donohue. Curretly being investigated by Victorian police.

Nice rack!  :o  ::)

Wonder how many of them have chocolate inside.....  ;D
I donno  hue hue hue
Are those American wings on the lapel ?
Must have skipped his mind for this one from his funface page.
Wouldn't need body armour with that lot...... as long at they only tried to shoot him on the left side. 8)

Still he's a rank amateur compared to the reigning king of the walts my boy Jimbo


The latest on our Anzac Day hero.

Hope this has not been posted before, I did a search and did not find it, thought it was amusing.

dodger39 said:
The latest on our Anzac Day hero.
.....the “General” is in fact ex Serviceman 313847 Corporal Neville McBryde Donohue

Perhaps it is just as well that we have exposed him, as we all know the case of a Corporal becoming a Fuhrer.
More on our Anzac Day hero.

On Saturday night, Mr Donohue finally contacted The Sunday Age, initially claiming allegations against him were incorrect and harmful. He said he worked intensively ''behind the scenes in the intelligence area'' for 40 years.

When told that family members said he had only served briefly, Mr Donohue said he had worked part-time, secretly. It was not surprising his details were not on ''the day to day books'', he said.

When his ''rank'' of major-general was questioned, Mr Donohue said he had reached ''an equivalent rank, not in the military per se, in the civilian side of the service''. He could not say what that rank was.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/veterans-warn--hes-not-the-very-model-of-a-modern-majorgeneral-20130511-2jey1.html#ixzz2TAujNxLv

dodger39 said:
More on our Anzac Day hero.

On Saturday night, Mr Donohue finally contacted The Sunday Age, initially claiming allegations against him were incorrect and harmful. He said he worked intensively ''behind the scenes in the intelligence area'' for 40 years.

When told that family members said he had only served briefly, Mr Donohue said he had worked part-time, secretly. It was not surprising his details were not on ''the day to day books'', he said.

When his ''rank'' of major-general was questioned, Mr Donohue said he had reached ''an equivalent rank, not in the military per se, in the civilian side of the service''. He could not say what that rank was.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/veterans-warn--hes-not-the-very-model-of-a-modern-majorgeneral-20130511-2jey1.html#ixzz2TAujNxLv


Ahhh, yes. The old " My job was so secret if I told what I did I would have to kill you" trick.
I currently work at Tim Horton's, and really wish I had gotten a picture of this guy.

He came into my work today in an Army DEU, with a Blue Wedge on that had the US Army Cap Badge on it. On his chest were a tonne of Ribbons, half of which I've never seen, and two medals, the CD and the MMM.

He also had Signals Shoulder Things (The ones that go on the epaulets), and had what I believe were EME Buttons.

He then told the lady working at the counter that he just came home from a top secret operation in Iran.

Looks like there's another fake around Kingston.
ROTPApplicantWLU said:
I currently work at Tim Horton's, and really wish I had gotten a picture of this guy.

He came into my work today in an Army DEU, with a Blue Wedge on that had the US Army Cap Badge on it. On his chest were a tonne of Ribbons, half of which I've never seen, and two medals, the CD and the MMM.

He also had Signals Shoulder Things (The ones that go on the epaulets), and had what I believe were EME Buttons.

He then told the lady working at the counter that he just came home from a top secret operation in Iran.

Looks like there's another fake around Kingston.

Or a mental disorder.
ROTPApplicantWLU said:
I currently work at Tim Horton's, and really wish I had gotten a picture of this guy.

He came into my work today in an Army DEU, with a Blue Wedge on that had the US Army Cap Badge on it. On his chest were a tonne of Ribbons, half of which I've never seen, and two medals, the CD and the MMM.

He also had Signals Shoulder Things (The ones that go on the epaulets), and had what I believe were EME Buttons.

He then told the lady working at the counter that he just came home from a top secret operation in Iran.

Looks like there's another fake around Kingston.
How do these clowns figure they are going to get away with this in a military community?