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I am looking for ALL pieces of CADPAT Camo, the vest, trousers, coat, hat, and anything else that i cant think of at the moment.  Preferred green but ANY colour is OK and Large or bigger please (med will do as well.)

Please help me out here I am trying to collect it and USE it! :salute: :cdn:
unless you are looking for the fake stuff, (the stuff you can get from wheelers) you won't find it on this site. It is against regs for any of the people here to sell you any part or your kit.

wheelers can be found here
Probably for airsoft or paintball.

Anyways, it is illegal for a civilian to purchase/be in possession CF issue CADPAT uniforms, vests, etc.

If you want a CADPAT uniform, buy the knock off Frontenac CADPAT.
My intentions for the CADPAT Uniform are as follows:

1.Training in my club.
2.Personal training.
3.When i start in the CF next year.
5. Did I mention training?

I Know it is illegal for me to buy the uniform, now, except that when the CF came to my school last week they said that I could get it, but its expensive.  I spoke to the guys and thats what they said.  By your statement,
AoS said:
Probably for airsoft or paintball.

Anyways, it is illegal for a civilian to purchase/be in possession CF issue CADPAT uniforms, vests, etc.

If you want a CADPAT uniform, buy the knock off Frontenac CADPAT.

Yous said "In Your Possesion,  you need to be more specific because they let me wear it, which means that they were leting me do illegal conduct, You need to specify that by "In Possesion" you mean own, or for permanent ownership, not short term use.

Soryy for sounding hostile but with that post you made me sound like some idiotic kid with an increasing level of immaturity and legality issues.    I am only saying that I want CADPAT, and If anyone wants to sell me the fake, then sell me it, as long as it looks like it, or at least close to it, please and thankyou.
AspiringL.I. said:
My intentions for the CADPAT Uniform are as follows:

1.Training in my club.
2.Personal training.
3.When i start in the CF next year.
5. Did I mention training?

What training can you do in CADPAPT that you can't do in normal clothes?  Why would "when i start in the CF next year"  be an intention to get the uniform..considering they'll give it to you, you dont exactly need it in advance do you?  Sorry if I seem hostile, but your "i need it for training, training, oh did I metnion training" seemed like a sarcastic answer to a simple quesiton.  go to Canadian Peacekeepers and buy the fake stuff.
Northern, I am sorry for being sarcastic, or sounding that way.  As well, I am not entirely sure why it would be a reason to get it for an advanced time, so I am sorry and I revoke anything that you have stated to be incorect or irresponsible.

Have a good day! :salute: :cdn:
If you want a complete set and for free then the answer is simple:

Sign on the dotted line and join up. Of course you will not be able to wear it for other than official duty but to tell ya the truth you probably won't want to wear your uniform after work.

Good luck
Michael Dorosh said:
According to who?

I've heard this from many people, and on the forums. Plus I don't know if this is true or not, but I heard MPs went around to a few surplus stores near CF bases an seized all the issue CADPAT they had.
AoS said:
I've heard this from many people, and on the forums. Plus I don't know if this is true or not, but I heard MPs went around to a few surplus stores near CF bases an seized all the issue CADPAT they had.

If you don't know for sure, you shouldn't be saying anything.  I don't know if CADPAT is different due to the Secret Squirrel IR Coating, but the regs used to read that anyone could wear CF clothing (if they were dorky enough to want to be seen in public with it), however, they could not wear CF insignia on it.  A dork I went to high school with got taken aside at an air show by an MP; the CF green flightsuit he was wearing (he was a civvie spectator) was okay, but the CANADA flashes were not.

Wearing combats is not against any regulations I know of, however, wearing insignia IS.

There are also common sense restrictions (and possibly regulations, a search of the forum will yield the correct answer) regarding the utilization of issued military kit when off duty.  Obviously officially frowned on, however, if that kit is private purchased, there isn't much anyone can do about it.  Medals, decorations and insignia are a different matter.

FWIW a friend of mine on civvie street had a full set of CADPAT before I was ever issued mine - about a year before.  Surplus stores do have to be accountable, and most will inform the MPs if they suspect stolen items are being sold off.  IMPs used to be a popular item in Calgary.  CADPAT these days is much more desirable than the faded OG combats (though cadets used to buy the OGs on a regular basis, too when it was all anyone had).

The way to tell if something is genuinely surplussed off is to look for the tag; surplus items are supposed to have the tags removed.
just to add to michael's post, I'm not so sure about the tags having to be removed, but all the surplus ODs I ever bought had the tags either taken out, or marked with permanent marker.  (also surplused combats will be, for the most part, faded and worn to the point that they can no longer be utilized by CF personel)
All the CADPAT stuff(uniforms, boonie hats, tac vests, etc) that I've seen up for sale on ebay still has all the tags, an is brand new. I doubt these were surplus items.
AoS said:
All the CADPAT stuff(uniforms, boonie hats, tac vests, etc) that I've seen up for sale on ebay still has all the tags, an is brand new. I doubt these were surplus items.

Selling them would be illegal, then, and buying stolen property is also illegal,  but wearing them wouldn't be.
Michael Dorosh said:
Selling them would be illegal, then, and buying stolen property is also illegal,   but wearing them wouldn't be.

If your wearing stolen property, you would be in possession of it, that is illegal.

But yea, if someone did purchase surplus uniforms thats fine, but I have yet to see any surplus cadpat so far.
Thanks guys, I will keep checking the Surplus stores around me.  If anyone in hamilton, Burlington or Toronto sees CADPAT somewhere then please let me know (If its not already taken :P)

Thanks again!!! :salute: :cdn:
There is a fair amount of the issue CADPAT clothing making its way out the door through Crown Assets in textiles lots, but as noted, they are pretty faded which is why they're being decomissioned.  Most I have seen are marked with the traditional D in permanent marker in a prominent position so there is no mistaking them for active wear items.  Provided the equipment has been purchased legally through Crown Assets there is no problem with surplus stores selling them from what I have seen.  As for removing the tags, I think it is a supposed to do item that often gets missed, but the tags probably have info on them from the previous owner anyway accompanied by the D.  Saw some surplus gear in Ottawa last week being sold only blocks from NDHQ so if the MP's there have no problem, I think it should be fine.
If I am not mistaken, either the CCC or the NDA (both being the law of Canada and pertaining to all Canadians, as opposed to the COSD which only applies to those of us in uniform...) states that it is an offence to wear without authorization the uniform of the CF, or to represent oneself as a member of the CF. It is also an offence to receive or posess improperly material belonging to the Crown, so that unless a CADPAT item was processed from Base Supply to Crown Assets, and marked as such, it is still Crown property and it is not yours to sell, nor yours to receive. Since posession of it is in violation of the law of Canada, MPs could seek the assistance of local police to enter civilian premises and recover it, if they could prove reasonable grounds under the law. I stand to be corrected but I am pretty sure I am right. Cheers.
Ya thats my understanding of it, that the only cadpat you will see is decomiisioned stuff that is there for obvious reasons. Or from a companie that has the licencing rights to reproduce it.
Note to the 12 year old collectors of camoflage uniforms and other pieces of militaria: Unless you participate in legitimate historical activities like Mr. Dorosh, whose collection is not at all the subject of this post, there are many, many better and legitimate reasons to be seeking cadpat uniforms and tactical vests than those provided by the OP. For example,

"I would like to purchase a cadpat uniform and tactical vest for the purpose of having kinky role-playing fantasies with my boy/girl friend, the handle on the back of the vest is ideal for this role."

sounds much more reasonable than any of the drivel below:

1.Training in my club.
2.Personal training.
3.When i start in the CF next year.
5. Did I mention training?

I know I would be much more likely to respond to the former.
"I would like to purchase a cadpat uniform and tactical vest for the purpose of having kinky role-playing fantasies with my boy/girl friend, the handle on the back of the vest is ideal for this role."

Britney Spears...Keep in mind that there are young people who also visit the forums and use as a SEX toy is not appropriate...Your profile says youre a 15 year old cadet private...DO YOU SEE ANY OF THE MODS OR ACTUAL MEMBERS OF THE CF WALKING AROUND SAYING USE AS A SEX TOY IS A BETTER REASON THAN FOR A BUSH EXERCISE OR WHATEVER THESE KIDS NEED CADPAT THIS AND THAT FOR? THINK BEFORE YOU POST NEXT TIME....
It shows common sense.
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