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webbing problem


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ok I'm leaving for BMQ/SQ on the 28th and I'm missing kit for my webbing. all I have is the butt pack, canteen holder, KFS, flashlight, and gerber.
ASU says I'm supposed to go to my unit for the rest of the items.  The the problem is that the people down at Moss Park don't care and haven't really made an effort to help me out. 

Do you guys think I should just buy the rest at a surlpus store?  and can someone list the rest of the items that I will need

thanks Graeme.
If stuff is at the surplus store, it's there for a reason. That being said, I've seen stuff there on occasion that's in better shape then my issued stuff.

That being said, don't buy anything.

As I understood, all your webbing should have been issued by your unit anyway. Who issued  it to you if not your unit?

If you actually contacted your unit quarter master (Supply), and told them what you needed and why you needed it, then chances are, they just don't have it in stock if they haven't given it to you. It's not that abnormal for things like that to occur.
Don't buy anything at the surplus store.  Try to get a copy of your clothing documents to take on course with you.  That way, you can prove the you were not issued with the kit and didn't just forget to bring it.  When I was on basic, a long time ago, the DS tried to get any kit deficiencies issued.
The QM him/herself might be gone on course, but there will be somone working in supply.
Eowyn said:
Don't buy anything at the surplus store.   Try to get a copy of your clothing documents to take on course with you.   That way, you can prove the you were not issued with the kit and didn't just forget to bring it.   When I was on basic, a long time ago, the DS tried to get any kit deficiencies issued.

Good advice.

Graeme, should you get copies of your docs, have it stamped "Certified true copy" and signed by the storesman.  I haven't done that in some time, so if the process has changed -- just ensure that there's a means to certify the docs as unaltered copies of the originals on file.  At least that part of your argument will be bullet-proof.

Mag pouchs are now issued as part of a weapon checklist so you'll get those when you draw your weapon, same with the bayonet and frog.  Hopefully you'll get a gas mask before BMQ  :o Do you have a canteen, a kfs holder and the belt and yoke?  If so then all you need until you get your weapon is a gas mask.
Wouldn't that mean you'd have to take your webbing apart and put it back together every time you drew a weapon?

When did this come about? Everyone I've ever met or seen has their mag pouches and bayonet frog...
Wow, I don't understand why they just don't ISSUE you the bayonet in the first place. Why does it have to be issued with your weapon? Is it they don't trust you not to stab yourself or something? I know we just get issued when we get our initial kit issue an it never comes off :) ...

Not like you use the thing for anything anyways, way to easy to break.
Yep, if you don't have an assigned weapon, everytime you draw one, if you need a bayonet or mag pouches at the same time you will be issued those.  Of course those in 1st line units have an assigned weapon and get to keep the EIS that goes with it as long as they are with that unit.  So you don't have to draw the pouches/bayonet everytime you draw the weapon, you already have them.  A lot of base side people don't have a personal weapon, this means they can't wear their webbing properly most of the time.  Of course some people have mag pouches and/or bayonets from before that time.
I think this started around 99/00.
I've seen brand new "82" style mag pouches at surplus stores; any issue buying those to put on webbing so as to avoid having to disassemble your webbing every time you return your weapon?
At the begining of your course, you will not get a weapon or mags, so you do not need your mag pouches yet.

About a week into your course (if reserves) you will be issued your weapon and mags. 

Just try to get your pouches from your unit before that.

Firepower said:
Wow, I don't understand why they just don't ISSUE you the bayonet in the first place. Why does it have to be issued with your weapon? Is it they don't trust you not to stab yourself or something? I know we just get issued when we get our initial kit issue an it never comes off :) ...

Not like you use the thing for anything anyways, way to easy to break.

Because you're not allowed to take weapons home with you, and the bayonet is considered a weapon.  I got in trouble for putting an extra bayonet in my desk drawer over the course of an exercise (I had two on issue at the time and didn't want to carry the second one around).  The reason - it is a weapon.
I didn't get kitted with mag pouchs either.  The thing is, I dont remember seeing it anywhere on the check list either.  I remember the canteen, KFS, butt pack, gerber and flashlight and I remember signing for everything, but I'm almost posative there was no "mag pouchs" there.  I did end up getting mine from my unit though so check with yours.
It's not on the list, because its now unit issue (though this is also new news to my QM as well!). It's no longer part of the initial kit draw, go figure.
the mag pouches were not on the checklist, I made sure, so dont worry we'll prolly get them on course or from Moss Park.
The 82 Pat web mess carriers have the same connectors on the back as the mag pouches. just pick up an extra mess tin pouch make sure it has the two grommet connector. This way you won't have to re assemble your web on a regular basis.