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Weekend courses over summer?


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Are there weekend courses over the summer for those of us who have jobs that wouldn't be possible to take months off at a time?
Hi Sal,

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milnet.ca staff
THis is a very good question,

I am leaving this unlocked, as I don't have an answer, and it would be good to know.


AFAIK I have never seen a weekend course run in the summer.
Me either.  I recall reading in another thread earlier this week that they are going to stop running BMQs (Res) in the summer 'period' to free up the staff for MOC and Ldrship courses.
So for those of us that have jobs that we wouldn't be able to take time off from during the summer, we'll just have to wait in till the resumption of regular training after summer to go on course over the weekends?
Na$tySal said:
So for those of us that have jobs that we wouldn't be able to take time off from during the summer, we'll just have to wait in till the resumption of regular training after summer to go on course over the weekends?

You will most likely be able to go on basic training on weekends once they resume for your area but depending on what trade you intend to join, the requisite trade courses will, in alot of cases, only be available full-time during the summer.
CDN Aviator said:
You will most likely be able to go on basic training on weekends once they resume for your area but depending on what trade you intend to join, the requisite trade courses will, in alot of cases, only be available full-time during the summer.

I'm trained up to my trade training (BMQ & SQ). I was in for awhile, then left due to time constraints now looking to get back in as my schedule is more stable. I think it's DP1? it's been a few years though so I'm not exact on the names. My only issue with rejoining is that I'm workings full time, so taking off 2 months in the summer or what not just isn't an option. A week for concentration at the end of august or such isn't a big deal, nor would leaving early Fridays which is why the weekend courses would be ideal. I guess ultimately the ones who would be best suited to answer this question would be the people in charge of tasking courses at the unit I decide on, but it seems that generally it does not appear that weekend courses are offered over the summer.

weekend BMQ/SQ courses are usually held at a unit's armoury, but during the summer they all stand down and go on summer training courses out of town (e.g. Toronto infantry regiments usually go to Meaford). good luck to you, hope it works out!
I have seen the units run some "home" QL3 and QL4 courses.  Many factors to when and why.  But those courses were ran during the normal trg year for Res unit, Sept-May/June.

Eye In The Sky said:
I have seen the units run some "home" QL3 and QL4 courses.  Many factors to when and why.  But those courses were ran during the normal trg year for Res unit, Sept-May/June.

56 ES this past spring ran a "pilot" home ran Section Member Part 1, MOD 1 (QL3) at the unit lines. Not sure if this is going to be done again in the future as the School likes to keep very tight control over courses.
NFLD Sapper said:
56 ES this past spring ran a "pilot" home ran Section Member Part 1, MOD 1 (QL3) at the unit lines. Not sure if this is going to be done again in the future as the School likes to keep very tight control over courses.

The times it did happen, it wasn't an easy thing to get approved or funded.  I would say, in my time in the PRes, it was the exception, not the rule. 
Eye In The Sky said:
The times it did happen, it wasn't an easy thing to get approved or funded.  I would say, in my time in the PRes, it was the exception, not the rule. 

You wouldn't believe the hoops we had to jump through to get it though.