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Westboro Church Protest Mega-thread

PPCLI Guy said:
I agree with you completely, and thanks for saying it.

It's the new and improved me, thanks to the help of many patient moderators who have given some good advice.
Der Panzerkommandant.... said:
You may want to check out PPCLI Guy's profile. (I just hinted a wee bit for ya, seeing as you missed it before)


I did, don't get what your point is though.
Petamocto said:
It's the new and improved me, thanks to the help of many patient moderators who have given some good advice.
I can't believe you let them break you.
These People are a family of Lawyers who make their living by provoking people to Assault them and them suing the the person and sometimes the Authorities for damages.You can bet either the guy with the pepper spray or the local cops  or both will be served..In spite of their threats to picket our"ungodly " country they have to the best of my knowledge never shown up .Seems Our court system at least the civil system has a low tolerance for idiots.
They don't show up because CBSA does a good job. Kudos are to be had for them.
Those people are crazy, here's a clip from Fox News. They're very messed up, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc5FIMpHbgU.
I understand the assailant's frustrations, but as a number have stated, I don't agree with the actions he took.  No matter how you look at it, that's assault, and that's illegal. 

If they ever came to Canada, you could raise a case with the Federal or respective Human Rights Commission and actual stand a good chance at a Chapter 13 conviction and recover some of the money they raise through their lawsuits down south.

4Feathers said:
I did, don't get what your point is though.


He's a long time serving member of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) and you replied to his thread as if he was from some other country.

Apollo Diomedes said:
I can't believe you let them break you.

It was either that or keep going and have all of you deprived of me for the rest of your lives.
Der Panzerkommandant.... said:

He's a long time serving member of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) and you replied to his thread as if he was from some other country.


I can see that, I guess my words were misunderstood. My point was we have laws in Canada to prevent the proliferation of hatred through such methods of public behavior. I am well aware of what the PPCLI is, and there are many long serving members of all trades on this forum.
EpicBeardedMan said:
Those people are crazy, here's a clip from Fox News. They're very messed up, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc5FIMpHbgU.

That was an intense argument.  I feel she would of gotten a reaction from any news agency but just the fact that it was FOX that had her on that is a guaranteed explosion waiting to happen.
If they want to preach the word of the lord so badly, perhaps the US gov't could round them all up, then send them to the A'Stan with the sole task of converting as many people as possible into peaceful, wine drinking, God-fearing Christians.  ;D
Petamocto, their probably picking on you because you used to be a reservist  ;)

Honestly I'm surprised no one has shot these nutbars yet.
Apollo Diomedes said:
Honestly I'm surprised no one has shot these nutbars yet.
If dude with the pepper spray had a gun, I wonder if he would have applied lethal doses of lead.  THAT would have been tragic.  (No, I'm not being sarcastic: it's still against the law to shoot people for being dumb).
In the states you can go to jail for threatening the president but these idiots get away with tormenting and traumatising greiving families which I'm sure effects them not only emotionally but physically too.
I know everyone is taking the higher road here with their right to protest, freedom of speech, don't like what their saying but defend it etc...
I guess I'm just a bad person for hoping someone shuts them up one way or another.
Apollo Diomedes said:
Petamocto, their probably picking on you because you used to be a reservist  ;)

Honestly I'm surprised no one has shot these nutbars yet.

Shooting them would just make martyrs of them, which is probably something they want.

Besides, counter-protesting is more fun.

Apollo Diomedes said:
In the states you can go to jail for threatening the president but these idiots get away with tormenting and traumatising greiving families which I'm sure effects them not only emotionally but physically too.
I know everyone is taking the higher road here with their right to protest, freedom of speech, don't like what their saying but defend it etc...
I guess I'm just a bad person for hoping someone shuts them up one way or another.
I don't think you're a bad person for hoping that.  But I think you're confusing the issue as some have perhaps laid out.  In one case, a man fired pepper spray on people.  That's against the law, because his life wasn't in grave danger, etc.  That's one issue.
The other is these people and their messages.  I hear you, "I'll defend their right to protest with my life" and all that crap, but I agree that with you that something must be done about them.  But, no matter what, it must be done within the scope of the law.  I suggest that their messages go beyond the limits of free speech.  If we just blast them with whatever for their vile message: in the end, it's just a message.  We sent Ernst Zundel to jail for his message, perhaps there are hate-speech laws in the states that are similar to those?  I mean, Ernst wasn't suggesting that we go kill people, he was just a nazi whack job.  But he did target an identifiable group.  (or more than one).  Perhaps an argument could be made that given that they post messages that offer support to enemies of the US in time of war, then they are de facto supporting the enemy with said messages?  They are conducting a Psy Op against the military of the US, and given that they are US citizens, they could be arrested for some charge along that line?  Maybe that would be the route to go.  But I know it's a really huge stretch to think that laws would be enforced to do so, but in the end, to re-iterate: I don't think that you're bad person for hoping that these people get shut up. But pepper spray won't do it.  The law is powerful, and if OJ can walk from double-murder, then some slick lawyer should be able to shut these guys up for good.
EpicBeardedMan said:
Those people are crazy, here's a clip from Fox News. They're very messed up, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc5FIMpHbgU.

Sounds like a cat fight.
The phelps family just love the attention. There was a clip on youtube I just tried to find but forgot what the title was, a guy who is an actual baptist just strolls up to them on the sidewalk and actually wants to know what the westboro baptist church believes and its values and asks about the signs they hold and why one sign says "Your child will kill you". It's hilarious because the woman holding the sign just makes up nonsense, she doesn't even know what to actually say.