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Westboro Church Protest Mega-thread

paracowboy said:
I keep sayin' it: Time to cull the herd.
Retroactive abortions all around.
Yes, yes indeed you have to take a test to get a driver's license but anyone can have a baby  :blotto:

It is important for people of ALL faiths to recognize the Four
Religious Truths listed below:

            1. Muslims do not recognize Jews as God's chosen people

            2. Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.

            3. Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the
              Christian World.

              4. Baptists do not recognize each other at Hooters.
Hahahahahahahha, hua to that buddy. Its a shame soldiers die so people like that can have freedom of speech. Im just wondering when someone is gonna formally charge them for spreading hate.
geo said:
It is important for people of ALL faiths to recognize the Four
Religious Truths listed below:

             1. Muslims do not recognize Jews as God's chosen people

             2. Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.

             3. Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the
              Christian World.

              4. Baptists do not recognize each other at Hooters.

They also don't recognize eachother at the liquor store....(as my dad, the Anglican Priest, tells the joke  ;D)
The Westboro Baptist Church is a very small fringe group, mainly centred around one family.  Currenlty, I believe the father of a fallen US Marine is suing them for having protested at his son's funeral with pleasant little signs like "Thank God For IEDs" and "God Killed Your Son", etc.  Hopefully a successful lawsuit will spell the end of their nonsense on that front.

There is also another organization formed in the US of people dedicated to safeguard the funerals of fallen US service personnel from this group and others like them.  This group is mainly made up of motorcycle enthusiasts (non-patch wearing) that "discourage" these folks from protesting near funerals.

At any rate, while we have hate laws in Canada, the US has freedom of speech laws.  As reprehensible as the things they spout are, they are still legally entitled.  As for them hating Canada, well, who cares?  I can't bring myself to feel that their opinions are somehow significant.
I fail to see the purpose in complaining to the ISP who hosts that website. Milton said it better than I ever could, "When a position or idea is suppressed, its does not just go away. The idea takes on a romantic underground life where it flourishes rather than being brought to the light of day where it can be refuted". Having seen the website, I can safely say that any rational person would hardly be swayed by its content.
Recon_Guardsman,  good question,  but they don't have hate laws in the States. (laws against advocating violence against an identifiable group)  In there you can say on the street "All those Narnians are evil and going to hell - we should find a final solution for those Narnians" and it is free speech.  If you do that here - thankfully - one would be arrested.  (and a slap on the wrist - but the police would have you on file, in case any Narnians have bad things happen to them)

This i the same group that has gone to the funerals of AIDS victims (gay and straight) for 20 years.  I think this is their way of getting attention. (No one cared that they harassed people at funerals until they did it at soldiers funerals) I ache for the day that group comes up here and pulls a stunt like that. 

Here are two homepages,  both churches are Westboro Baptist churches.  Humm ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westboro_Baptist_Church_(Topeka) for context

And before anyone asks why I don't like Narnians - I do.  It was just an example.  C.S. Lewis is a good writer.  (even with the allusions in his writing)
In fact I live DT Toronto and my neighbour is a Narnian.  ;-)
These clods misquote the bible the same way that Muslim terrorist misquote the Koran to justify killing.  The IRA killed lots of folk in the name of the Catholic church.  And for that matter, the bloody history of the Catholic church is worse than any of the world wars.  God has a place in our lives.  Religion helps us find God.  Organized religion ultimately can be manipulated to be used to control people, regardless of who you call God. 
Religion and spirituality should be a personal thing.
zipperhead_cop said:
These clods misquote the bible the same way that Muslim terrorist misquote the Koran to justify killing.  The IRA killed lots of folk in the name of the Catholic church.  And for that matter, the bloody history of the Catholic church is worse than any of the world wars.  God has a place in our lives.  Religion helps us find God.  Organized religion ultimately can be manipulated to be used to control people, regardless of who you call God. 
Religion and spirituality should be a personal thing.
I agree with you. I have a friend who is mormon. He told me that it is written in the Bible that God forbides smoking and taking drugs...
zipperhead_cop said:
These clods misquote the bible the same way that Muslim terrorist misquote the Koran to justify killing.  The IRA killed lots of folk in the name of the Catholic church.  And for that matter, the bloody history of the Catholic church is worse than any of the world wars.  God has a place in our lives.  Religion helps us find God.  Organized religion ultimately can be manipulated to be used to control people, regardless of who you call God. 
Religion and spirituality should be a personal thing.

More wars have been touched off in the name of God than any other cause.
The ulteriour motive is..... shall we say, something completely different.
The convenient thing about religion is that there are so many types out there that cater to any belief and if you can't find one, you can just start your own.
............... yeah - but having trouble finding virgins willing to be sacrificed on the altar.
You mean I could become an Evangelist...kinda like Jimmy Baker and make millions from my followers... ::)

yeah - but you'd need a spouse like "tammy Faye" (fate worse than death)