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Wet Weather Combat Boots: Use, Maintenance & Other Stuff.

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The sock system isn't fictional....its there and it works well. Now that depends on your definition of well....for some, they get nice blisters, for me it works great.

I will take a bit of the blame (not really, but anything to make you all feel better) as I was one of the soldiers who trialled the CWW boots. Unfortunately for a mild winter that year, we didn't get a chance to trial the boots on a packed snow/ice covered road or sidewalk in cold temps. Hence the largest complaint about the boot. The second most common complaint is blistering....due to fit...due to the delay in issueing the socks.

But knowing what they were designed for, I find they work great. (BTW, the current design was not my favorite of the three styles we trialed).

BTW the sock system is three socks...black, green and new gray....the old greys are for the MK 3's and will disappear in a few yrs once the new cbt boot is issued.
I really don't like the "black" sock.I find that my feet slip around in them and this causes me to get awful blisters.
I love the new grey sock.Combined with my orthodics and Danner boots it feels like I'm walking on air.There thick,warm and always soft.
You're not wearing the black socks by themselves are you?  They're not designed for that.  They are a liner sock, and are worn next to the foot, with either the green or grey sock over top.

I am surprised no one mentioned the Goretex sock yet.  I got a set two months ago, but haven't had a chance to use them.  They are supposed to be gucci, especially because they are taller on the leg than the top of the boot is, so you get more water protection.

I recently got issued a bunch of desert socks with my desert boots.  I haven't tried them yet, and haven't been allowed to wear the dessies during predeployment training, so they are not broken in yet.

I have worn the Goretex boots plenty of times.  I find they are not ideal for long marches, or very cold weather.  Fall and spring seem to be their season, and cool, wet, muddy conditions are fine.  But for almost everything else, I wear the Mark 3's or jungle boots (or, of course, the mukluks in winter).
Yes I was referring to them worn as a liner sock.Even when worn under the green sock they still make my foot slid around in them.Great for standing around in,but I find them impractiable for marching,but thats just my opinion.
I have a indepth knowledge of the WWB.I was issued them in 2000 and thought they were great.Did a Nova Scotian winter ex(10% snow,90% rain and damp cold)and they were awsome.When I transfered to regular force in 02,I had to wear Mk 3 boots until I was diagnosed with an orthodic problem.Because the system in Borden would'nt pay to have the Mk 3's resoled,they told me to wear the WWB from then on as my standard boot.Then the problems started to surface.
Once those boots become really broken in,you lose ankle suport.They definatly are not for warm weather wear(I knew that,but I had no other choice),As discussed before,their traction on ice is horrible,and definatly not sutiable for long marches.
They do have redeeming qualities though.They are durable.I wore mine for 2 years straight,through all seasons,and they are still holding up.The speed lacing system is exellent and they are comfortable for standing around in,and I have never had wet feet,so the gore tex bootie is made well.
Gore-tex socks have thier place,but since I was issued with a off the shelf goretex boot as my daily wear,I've put them out to pasture.If I ever get deployed to a deseart climate,I will probably buy my own pair of off the shelf boots(Desert Acadia's or Desert high-tecs)that way I'll have them forever.The one thing I don't mind spending money on is good boots.
portcullisguy said:
I am surprised no one mentioned the Goretex sock yet.   I got a set two months ago, but haven't had a chance to use them.   They are supposed to be gucci, especially because they are taller on the leg than the top of the boot is, so you get more water protection.

You haven't worn the Goretex socks yet? Bloody wonderful piece of kit. Make sure when you're fitting for them though, they go on over whatever socks you'd usually wear in your combats, but fit reasonably snug.

The best way to view the Goretex socks is as a spare pare of boots you can carry in your webbing... your boots are soaked? No problem, change your socks, and add a pair of goretex socks, and your good to go.

If you're *absolutely* sure you're not going to be stepping in any water over the top of the sock, or if you plan to do somthing like stand in the rain for the next 12 hours, then wear the socks *before* you get wet. Just remember, if the inside of the sock is wet, the boot is probably wetter, so best to wait until the boot itself is wet before adding the sock, at least in my mind anyway.
You haven't worn the Goretex socks yet? Bloody wonderful piece of kit.

I have to disagree, here. After wearing them a couple hours I find they tend to "fold" under the arch of my foot, making them VERY uncomfortable. I only wear them in the field during summertime, when I know I'll only be standing around for a while or sitting in a LAV. If there's any chance I'll have to cover any distance on foot, I'd rather wear wet boots. Earlier this year I managed to scrounge an extra set of oversized gortex socks for my mukluks. I havn't tried them yet, but from what I hear wearing them over the wool socks is just awsome for wet snow.

As for the CWW Gortex Boots, I like them for mounted exercises in the spring and fall as well as garrison use in the winter. They're too heavy for a dismounted field use, but when you're using the LAV to get from place to place they're warm and dry - the cat's ass all around.
I've heard about the problem of the goretex socks bunching inside your boot and causing discomfort, though I've never experienced myself (I've worn the Goretex socks a number of times)... maybe it's an issue with fitting..

As well, everyone's feet are shaped differently and once worked in everyone's boots are shaped differently too. Gortex doesn't stretch like regular socks do, so consider yourself luck your feet fit well in them.
I read an article in one of those free newsletters at my unit. It said that a new sole has been designed for the Goretex Wet Weather Boot which actually has traction on ice. They've already ordered 17,000 new ones and are in the works of setting up something to re-sole existing ones. The new sole was designed for DND by Vibram.
Assuming that is true, who will be entitled to get the new sole? I'm assuming I won't be, at least for the time being, as I'm an RMC officer cadet.
The original sole was designed by Vibram as well.

The scale of issue willl probably be the same as anything else from CTS.
More likely they will resole the boots yet to be issued, and as your issued boots require replacement (3-5 yrs post initial issue) they will give you boots with the new soles.
Goretex boots are issued w/ IECS.  Issue usually happens when either you have 1 yr in or are MOC qualified.  This is for the reserves.
Are there any guidelines or regulations as to when the gortex boots should be worn instead of combat boots?
- In garrison when it is slushy wet weather outside?
- Always in the swamps of Gagetown?
The same regulations that tell you when to wear a sweater or a scarf or a toque.....

... meaing common-sense, of course.
Okay, try this another way... I've never had these boots before (previously I only had combat boots).  When do people usually wear them?  Do people find they are superior over-all to combat boots and wear them all the time?  Or are they generally not as good as combat boots in most cases?
I can't wear gortex boots anytime the temp is above about 10 degrees, my feet sweat something terrible if I do. It's personal choice.
Im my personal experiance with the issue gortex boots, they are not that great for long range patrolling. They do not support the ankle as well as the good ol'  regular combat boots. Like GeorgeWallace said, they are signifigantly warmer to wear than normal combat boots so not that great to where in the warmer seasons. To your original question, wear them as common sense. If your on parade, you shouldnt where your gortex. But if you plan on doing some classes outside in the rain/snow after parade, then maybe where if you dont want to change your boot.
I can tell you when not to wear them..we had some new guy wear them on the BET cause he thought they would be comfy, the poor bast*rd must have been dying, to tell you the truth i think I've wore them maybe half a dozen times since having them, for outdoor training, ie; ranges, nav classes or something..
