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What book are you reading now?

National Defence's Public Affairs Handbook  ;D
Something about required reading  ::)

Just finished 'The Count of Monte Cristo' and now I'm reading 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley (1934[?]) - it's a messed up book, but I recommed it to sci-fi readers and people who enjoy messed up fictional stories.
Just finished two books head to head: "Making the Corps" by Thomas Ricks. A story of a recruit platoon at Parris Island's US Marine Corps boot camp. And the other one: "Ronin. A Marine scout-sniper platoon in Iraq" by Mike Tucker. The title says it all.  ;D
The Varieties of Scientific Experience - Carl Sagan
Dry title, fascinating read.

Hekiganroku (The Gateless Gate)
A zen classic.
"COLLAPSE" ( How societies choose to fail or succeed) by Jared Diamond


"CEASAR" by Adrian Goldsworthy   ( Musta been the cog-dis' troll's comments about the Rubicon ;) )

Note: Edited for Mess Tin induced dyslexia
Spent a fair bit of time loafing about reading over the Christmas holidays (between digging the house and driveway out every 2-3 days) , and an Amazon shipment arrived at the start too

Finished Sniper One by Dan Mills

and  Who Killed the Canadian Military by Jack Granatstein  A good account of how successive Canadian Governments prior to 9/11 slowly destroyed the Canadian Forces through neglect and political interefence. A bit dated as it ends in 2003 prior to the hillier Years as CDS and the slow rebuildng going on now.


About halfway through  Operation Husky by Mark-Zuehlke, a fairly good overview of the 1st Canadian Infantry Division and attached Armoured Brigade in the Sicilian Campaign


I’d recommend all three.
Just finished "Generation Kill"........great holliday reading BTW, realy gets yo into the spirit of the season.

Currently half-way through "In the company of heroes" By Michael Durant

Next is "5 years to freedom : The true story of a Vietnam POW" by James N. Rowe. Rowe is the father of modern US SERE training and the book became the bible for conduct after capture.
World War Z by Max Brooks. Good reading, almost makes you believe that zombies do exist. It's really quite good. It was given to me by the Zombie Slayer. Anyone on TF 1-08 who was in Charlie Coy 2VP might know who that is!!
Oh, Ive never been to NDHQ for any amount of time, but I hear one or two exist there. Is there any truth to that? ;D
PMedMoe said:
"The Great Influenza" by John M. Barry.  Sort of work related so I think I need to pick up something else for entertainment purposes.  ;)

I like history and my wife is a nurse. We would both place this book among the top books we have read.

Yes it is that good.
" Black Ops" by W.E.B. Griffin ... really quite interesting.


I'm reading and almost finished John le Carre's newest A Most Wanted Man.

It's spellbinding and contemporary. I've had trouble putting it down. Although my favorite le Carre will remain, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
I've got a good start on Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe series.  So far, I've read Shape's Rifles, Sharpe's Eagle, Sharpe's Tiger, and I'm halfway through Sharpe's Triumph.  They should be compulsory reading for all Officer Cadets.
Picked up  Baghdad at Sunrise by Peter Mansoor

It's a memoir of 1st Brigade, 1st Armored Division commander in Baghdad 2003-2004. It was recommended by SWJ so it should be good.
Oh God... I'm one of those weirdos who always has a bunch on the go.

The Bear And the Dragon, by Tom Clancy (again)

Angel of Death by Jack Higgins (Crap, but I can't just stop reading a book)

Ghost Wars by Steve Coll

Arguing the Just War in Islam by John Kelsay

I've got a handful more in my barracks box that I'd started and then got sidetracked on... I'll get back to them in time.
Fooled by Randomness, and The Tipping Point.  Both good reads (so far)