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What have you won thus far in the Roll Up the Rim?

Occam said:
Lets you see that - yes - there are people doing worse than you are.  ;D

"I don't need to be happy; I just need to see people more miserable than me"  ;)
I have a friend who is a cashier at a grocery store. A customer left an empty coffee cup on her counter and later that night she rolled it up. She won 5 grand!
4/5... yes, really. 3 coffees and a donut. Maybe I should become a cop?

And in Kelowna yesterday I met a woman who knew a woman who won the RAV. I guess that's it for Western Canada then  :crybaby:
I won the first time. I've bought 7 since then and my last one said 'never play again' so I stopped.
I spend several hundred dollars a year at Timmies, and the best they've ever given me is a free cookie. I wonder if anyone really wins the big prizes, or if they just get thrown out most of the time. I'm sure there is lots of people who forget to roll up the rim, or cups that just aren't used or something. Regardless, I guess something free is better then a s**t in the hollow hand as my grandfather used to say.  Cheers  :)
I fixed someone's laptop for a coffee.  I rolled up the rim and won a free coffee.  So I got two coffees for installing Mint Linux (and Unbuntu flavour...it's fresh) on a friends Laptop. 

I've gotten a free doughnut because a coworker doesn't eat doughnuts. Not a damn thing on my own.
Today I asked for my black coffee to be double-cupped. When I received my coffee, it was double-cupped with TWO roll up the rim cups! I was so excited about that until I didn't win anything on either roll. Darn.
I think this could easily belong here, or in the WTF or Darwin Awards threads.  :facepalm:

You've Been Served


The following is not, and is in no way intended, to be a legal document or create
legally binding relations or an agreement or indicate ownership; this was created by
coffee lovers, for coffee lovers in the spirit of friendship and sharing – and for
entertainment purposes only – with the hope of winning great prizes in the 50th
Anniversary Edition of Roll Up the Rim to Win. Let’s get rrrolling!

The need for such a parody by the company itself is bad enough.
This time around there's a 'bonus' roll-up with each cup......so for each coffee I now get told twice "You're a loser; try again"    >:(
Journeyman said:
This time around there's a 'bonus' roll-up with each cup......so for each coffee I now get told twice "You're a loser; try again"    >:(

...in both official languages, just to add more insult to injury.  ;D


PS - I haven't won diddly squat as yet.

Journeyman said:
This time around there's a 'bonus' roll-up with each cup......so for each coffee I now get told twice "You're a loser; try again"    >:(

No need to buy a coffee.......we'll tell you that for free.