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What Was/Is Your Biggest Obstacle?

CDN Aviator said:
Guess the challenge for you will be to learn when "good enough" is better than "perfect".

Yes that too. I have trouble understanding sometimes what is good enough and what isn't. I have some trouble understanding expectations of myself and others.
I think my biggest obstacles, albeit minor in the long-run, are the swimming test (just the thought of having to jump into a body of water kills me) and the slight fear of not being "Tough Enough". Oh yeah, and the possibility of having a medical letter from hell.  ;D
I would say that right now my biggest obstacle is my body fat percentage and my life habits of the past few years. Strength is fine, I have been doing 20 odd years of martial arts and the past 6 summers doing physical labor (landscaping) summer jobs. However, I'm still carrying flab. It's a problem in that I wasn't sufficiently and properly motivated until this year to get my ass out of my chair and onto the sidewalk, pounding pavement. So, years of "student food" (read: junk food and fatty stuff) hit me hard in the gut (pun intended) and I have problems running. I'm out of shape aerobically in a bad way.

To overcome this, I'm doing a weekly 8 km hike at the local park (Nose Hill Park in Calgary, all the way across the hill and back again) and walking daily. I'm starting the 100 pushups in 6 weeks program next monday, as well as jogging slowly. My goal is to be fit enough aerobically to do the minimum + 2 stages on the shuttle run, and be able to pump out 30 pushups every hour on the hour every day (I'm expecting well over 2000 pushups assigned in the first few weeks of BMOQ, so I want to train my body to do effort and recover quickly).

My other huge obstacle was my lifestyle. I was a lazy ass, I will not be gentle about it. I put on too much body fat (I'm sitting at 26% right now using medical calipers to measure) and now I gotta bust my ass to shed it. I have the drive and the desire, more than anything else in my life, to make MARS Officer. As soon as I saw the description and read about how tough it is, I knew I wanted it. And I am changing my lifestyle to get it. No more junk food. Healthy foods, proper exercise, and a structured timeframe to do it in. I want this. So these obstacles? I will defeat them and find new challenges to keep me engaged, such as BMOQ  ;)
My biggest obstacle is push-ups and lately the run. I have been unable to pass the RMC physical fitness test but I am able to pass the CF Expres
Becoming an officer has been my aspiration for years. I would have changed my mind by now if I wasn't serious about wanting to do it. This is when my family realized it and vehemently opposed it.

Now I'm in a ditch,

I'll be finishing Cegep next year which means I'll be applying next year too but I won't be 18 when I apply which means I'll be needing parental permission.

Sadly, my parents have made it clear that they will not approve, preferring to bitterly deny me the ability to apply for a whole year.

I don't know what to do about this.
The incongruous said:
Sadly, my parents have made it clear that they will not approve, preferring to bitterly deny me the ability to apply for a whole year.

That is quite the pickle. Obviously I don't know the details of it but it looks like the only way out is to convince them somehow. I thought I was going to be stuck with the same problem as you when I told my Mother I wanted to apply to RMC. She seemed hesitant at first, but after a thorough explanation she changed her mind. Luckily she does think it is ultimately up to me.
"2Lt Rousseau" im in the same situation you used to be in. I'm trying to convince my parents of letting me join at 17. What did you say or do to convince them? (If you don't mind me asking)
I have two challenges right now.
One is patience. I'm only turning seventeen in July and I'm not applying until I finish college - which I have to finish high school first! It's so tempting to try and convince my parents right now or just to sign up on my eighteenth. So waiting until spring 2012 is a bit of a bugger for me.
The other is motivation to get in better shape. Sure, I play hockey and soccer but I would like to be in better shape. But I keep telling myself "oh you have three years, don't worry about it yet" so I just don't bother. I know I should be starting soon as possible for the best results but I just don't have the motivation....
Would going to RMC not kill two birds with one stone, foxtrot? Or are you not looking for an officer spot?
VIChris said:
Would going to RMC not kill two birds with one stone, foxtrot? Or are you not looking for an officer spot?

No, I'm not looking for an officer spot. I'm hoping to get into the Military Police and one of the prerequisites is to get some sort of law enforcement program done. I already know the college and course I want. :) Forensics interests me a lot so I'll be taking a course that will qualify me as a forensic technician/DNA analyst. Should be enough for the forces, I hope.
I think that my biggest obstacle will be the pushups and the 2.4 run (well more the pushups).
Also i think that my vision and my epilepsy may disqualify me (damn epilepsy).
I plan on challenging if the decision is no, if its based on my epilepsy.

I hope it all works out.  :salute:
Big burn said:
Making everyone around me understand that Army doesn't necessarly mean War and Death.. Plus there ain't any brainwash or things like that..  When you dream or want to do something but everyones around you is blaming or ******** on your dream, that's pretty messy.

Got the same problem here, My friends say that if I go in the military my body will come back in a box. Go explain them that comm search is NOT a weapon trade.

My other obstacle is to whait for things to go on.
A "weapon trade"?? ah just so you know we are all SOLDIERS first, and yes you will carry a weapon in your trade! My last tour I had Comms research guys tasked with my Sqn and OFTEN went with my patrol outside the wire!
Just because you are not in the combat arms does not mean this career is without risk!
Sorry I told this on the forum, I guess that's because I "try" to convince my near friends and family about this idea. I know I will be a soldier and I really love weapons and everything. I wish to go on patrols too. But I have to tell my friends I will only act as a technician and not go to war... It's easier for them to accept like that ha ha

Honesty and Statistics would probably be best.  How many Canadians have been to Afghanistan, and what percentage of them have been killed?  At the same time, how many murders have there been in Montreal, or Toronto, or Vancouver, or whatever major city in Canada, over the past year?  I know they may not be fair and accurate comparisons, but they may cause your friends to think about it a little more, than just parrotting what they hear from the "Anti-War, Anti-Government, Anti-Tory" crowds.
Talking with friends and relatives, they relay on the past WWW I, II, Vietnam and other bloody wars to express their concern:
In the military, if the orders are to go fight and expose yourself to the enemy's bullets, bombs or any other threats, you go.
As a civilian in Canada, you can often run away from dangers other than driving in a crazy city.
However, if the enemy hits your country, then no more escape as civilian in the NYC twin towers had experienced.
my  :2c:
My biggest obstacle... My criminal record...  :(

And the obligatory "waiting" comment...

I haven't quit smoking yet, but I'm confident I can out-perform the physical test with minimal training.

And the (possible) interview has me abit nervous... If they don't deny me immediately because of my record...

Yesterday I dropped off some Cadet-info and a letter fully disclosing my C/R to the best of my ability (dates were vague).

Talked to the File-Manager @ the local CFRC today via phone, confirming her receipt. Also asked her if I should bother continuing my App.

She put me on hold, came back and said she's gonna put my App through but making note of the possible incorrect dates (she was waiting for my C/R-check to come back before filing).

She also stated that there are certain "minimum requirements", but that I met them and a Career-counselor would decide if my App was accepted.

Finally, she said to just wait to hear from them. The process can take upto a couple weeks, and if I didn't hear back by then to call her. And that I shouldn't give up...

Congrats j0hn_r1!

Hope you are going to do it.

it isn't World Wide Web ;) 2 W's would do the job.

Antoine said:
As a civilian in Canada, you can often run away from dangers other than driving in a crazy city.
However, if the enemy hits your country, then no more escape as civilian in the NYC twin towers had experienced.

Would I need to comment that?
j0hn_r1 said:
Finally, she said to just wait to hear from them. The process can take upto a couple weeks, and if I didn't hear back by then to call her. And that I shouldn't give up...

Well that's very true, "Its not over till the Fat Lady Sings".

Strange how we Canadians view certain things, In the States, Military Service is an alternative or option for pass or present certain behavior. I've heard it said, "If the Marines can't turn you around, sure as Hell Prison won't".

Well if they shut the door on you, the Legion are still looking for a few good men.

But here's hoping that you get through and the best of luck.


Thanks for the votes of confidence.  :salute:

I'm going for a jog/run...
