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What would you do if this was your kid?


Army.ca Fixture
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wow that  kid is a brat, if he was mine he wouldn't have that damn box much longer :o
He wouldn't have the box.
He wouldn't have access to a computer.
He wouldn't have access to a phone.
He wouldn't be able to sit down comfortably.
He would become acquainted with the taste of brown laundry soap (I remember it well, even if it WAS 35 years ago!)

Of course, this kid didn't just wake up one day and become like this.  I'd be REAL interested to know if his parents EVER disciplined (corporal or non-corporal) him for ANYTHING.

We reap what we sow - I find his behaviour more of a reflection upon his parents than himself.

The only electronics that should be available to that kid are the ones that should be attached to his frontal lobe.
I'd poor a whole carton of chocolate milk into that kids xbox, then I'd feel an uncontrollable urge to club him like a baby seal.... of course if this was my kid, he wouldn't act like that.
Of course, this kid didn't just wake up one day and become like this.  I'd be REAL interested to know if his parents EVER disciplined (corporal or non-corporal) him for ANYTHING.

We reap what we sow - I find his behaviour more of a reflection upon his parents than himself.

You are exactly right.  It is quite clear that the mother (and i'm taking a guess that the father isn't in the picture) never laid down the rules, that kid seems to think he can get awa with anything. 
I'm sure I was a brat when I was a kid too, but if I ever called my mother liar and a bitch or anything along those lines i'd be punished.  I'm sure my Nintendo and SNES would be gone and i'd never see them again. 

I've worked with kids who have no discipline at home and it is easily the hardest thing I've ever done.  I really feel for the teachers at his school. 

My god, if that were my son that XBOX would have been gone ages ago.  If he were good I'd probably replace it with that wooden cup and ball game from mexico.

Sheerin said:
My god, if that were my son that XBOX would have been gone ages ago.  If he were good I'd probably replace it with that wooden cup and ball game from mexico.
Cup and ball game?

Can you elaborate?

My kids are grown and gone - however, I've got some grand-nieces and grand-nephews who could use a tune-up!
Thanks mom for giving your son a much desired XBOX, even though he should have gotten a lump of COAL!

Thanks mom for bringing up (wait 10years if that) a society non-comformist that thinks he does not need to be polite or work under the rules of a civilized society. And people wonder why there are problems with our youth.

B.T.W. This is one of the reasons that my kids will not get a gaming machine.

Its a very simple game; the object is to get the ball into the cup and since the ball is on a string attached to the cup, if you miss the ball won't get lost....

That mother spent 3:10 seconds too long in dealing with her child.
In twenty years that kid should sue his parent/parents for improperly bringing up a LOSER!
Sheerin said:
You are exactly right.  It is quite clear that the mother (and i'm taking a guess that the father isn't in the picture) never laid down the rules, that kid seems to think he can get awa with anything. 

What does the father being, or not being in the picture have to do with it?  I'm a single parent, and I can guarantee you that my child would never even dream of behaving like that! 

I do like your cup and ball game idea though.  LOL  I know a few kids who could use having their Xboxes etc taken away.
Dog said:
I'd poor a whole carton of chocolate milk into that kids xbox...

No No No.  You can get good $ for it on eBay.


I haven't gone to BMQ yet, but is there anything about what NOT to do with CF Combats? Not that I'm advocating violance, but you have to draw the line SOMEWHERE.  A nice boot to the arse would do him good. He'd thank her for it in a few years.

His "French" is very good for a 9 year-old.
Rattan cane, Bare feet; Questions?..... :warstory:
What does the father being, or not being in the picture have to do with it?

I jumped (or leaped) to the the conclusion that it was just the mother who had to deal with her kid.  From that three minuute clip which is admitedly not much, it would look like the mother has some serious self esteem issues and is just unable to law down the law.  It could be because she is a single parent and wants to treat her son like royality for any number of reasons.  I've seen it happen many times where parents get divorced and then allow the kids to walk over them for fear that they'll abandon them too.  I see it all the time with my girlfriend's aunt and her son who incidently spends all his time playing XBOX. 

Again, its a huge conclusion to jump and I am most likely swerving out of my lane. 
Forget about the discipline stuff - what's the name of the video game? Looks pretty good.  ;D

cheers, all, mdh


Well, the kid may be the symptom, but that's bad parenting in action (including the lead up to...)!
