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What would you do if this was your kid?

Beating your kids these days can get you into a lot of trouble - so you fall back on psychological torture. Kid has to get up in the morning for school? Creep into to his room in the middle of the night with a hog horn. Whenever he's got his little "clan matches" going, kill the power to his room. Demanding chocolate milk? Ex-lax will do the job. When he's on the lavatory every 5 minutes, kick in the door with a camera so you can show all his friends. Feed him with nothing but those cups of Ramen Noodle Soup for dinner every day. After a week, he'll be very hungry, very tired and very sorry.
I think maybe that the wayto sort that kid out is with good, solid parenting skills. No beatings required. Personally i would be ashamed to have a child that I called mine behave like that and it would soon be fixed. Or...Perhaps I (or he) would die trying...

Either way. That crap is not on! And I sure as hell would not give him the Xbox either...I just wouldn't do what that father is going to.
No need to beat the kid, catch them and fix that shit when they're young like my parents did, simple as.
There's no need to do anything more than give your kids a smack on the bum to keep them in line if you get them sorted out from a young age and I'm living proof of that.
do they have 'kid' prison? and i don't mean this youth detention stuff.
This argument is not about a glass of milk. It is a power struggle; whoever wins is in control of the situation, and it seems like the kid is doing very well in that dept. The game should have been turned off in the first seconds of that video, the XBox thrown away / sold immediately, in front of the kid; then his room would have been turned into a desolate, boring place where he would spend most of the next 2 week's off-school hours. All of this following some Red Forman therapy: a good kick in the *** !!!
These are the kids you're going to see on The Maury Povitch Show in a few years who hit and slap their mothers and swear at everyone.

The kid sounds 10....and look at the mouth on him.

If I ever said "bull" to my parents growing up, my dad would have made short work of me...
"Go get a switch" ring any bells gentleman :)  no seriously what a little brat I would've chucked the milk on the kid!!
I to this day would still NEVER say those things to my mother. No matter how old I get. My father a 50+ year old man would STILL never speak to his mother that way.  I think I said the "F" word ONCE to my mom.....never again....that red soap tastes horrible....wooden spoons hurt and your room sucks when there is nothing but a bed and clothes for school tomorrow in it.