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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

I was coming home from parade last night and decided that I would stop in and get some nacho kit at the corner store. I got to talking with the clerk about how it sucks that he was working overnight. He says to me in a "poor me" tone with a strong accent:
"I have to mop the floors, clean up from the day staff, stay up late, and there is little to do because nobody comes in here....It is sooo boring. Its not like you guys....you guys have it soooo easy."
"Pte X, how did defaulter parades go last night?"
"I was not drinking in my room last night, Sergeant!"
"I says, pardon?"
  Dumbest thing I heard today?
" Ok everyone, today we're sliding early today...................you on the other hand private....are staying till 4"
D'oh! :P
"Does this guy really have to fill out a CF 98, it was only a few stitches?"
Heard this the other day:

"How accurate is the .410 you guys sell?"

I work at a place that sells guns. The answer I WANTED to give him, but couldn't was "Depends on what kind of nut's behind the trigger."
Not heard but read in the Canadian Tire flyer:

"Green light sticks......available in assorted colours."  ???
I have 2 off the top of my head.

1. not today, but overheard at my wedding.

Said by my cousin's husband - a reserve infantry officer, to my new In-Laws who were discussing my husband just returning from deployment. 

"Oh, there's no way in hell I'd ever go over there"

probably not so much stupid, but defintely callous and unthinking.

2. yesterday.  an acquaintance said to me re: deployment - "Oh, I know just how you feel, my husband went to Winnipeg for a week on business"

yep.  Winnipeg is JUST like Afghanistan.
Today, between the Sgt and me:

SGT: MCpl, can you draw a rifle?
ME: Well, I'm not much of an artist.
Me: Mum I got the call today, I'm leaving November 2nd.
Mom: Ya right, you're pulling my leg.
Me: No mum seriously.
Mom: Thats great where are you going again?
Me: St. Jean Quebec.
Mom: I knew you were lying to me, It's St. John, New Brunswick, not Quebec

.... i love my mom
Peanut Butter, The Atheist's Nightmare!
On the radio this morning...

10-20 cm of snow for the Ottawa Valley tonight.  :crybaby:
Bane said:
Peanut Butter, The Atheist's Nightmare!

I can't beleive I watched these people.

Is it just me?
Bane said:
Peanut Butter, The Atheist's Nightmare!
Beats my son's grade 12 history essay on the origin question..
We were planted here by the Go'ould as a slave population...from Star Gate.  The funny thing is, the teacher gave him 90% because he argued it so well.  ::)
It's a better theory than the dirt and rib idea  ???
Hawk said:
Heard this the other day:

"How accurate is the .410 you guys sell?"

I work at a place that sells guns. The answer I WANTED to give him, but couldn't was "Depends on what kind of nut's behind the trigger."

Perfectly acceptable question. I've seen shotguns, of all guages, especially the smaller ones, that need their barrels bent in a vise to meet the point of aim. The major reason people resell shotguns they have never hit anything with, is because they never patterned them. They expect them to hit dead on from the factory, just like you, the guy that sold it to them and laughed at them because they believed the factory hype backed up by an ignorant sales clerk.
Granted - but the nut behind the trigger still  has to do his part - in patterning as well as learning to use it! Still a dumb question I couldn't answer without sounding rude to a customer. My own shotgun didn't shoot worth a d@mn till it was properly patterned - but that wasn't an inherent fault of the shotgun - I had to figure that one out for myself. It was accurate once the nut behind its trigger got it sorted out.

Heh... you've got two kinda nuts.... Regular & wingnut ;)
At 2am this morning this is what wakes me up.
Hubby:  Robin....
me: yah
him: Robin...I need a clean spot to put it.
me: what????
him:  need a clean spot to put it.
me: WTF??????
him:  to put the hay boxes.

Instantly, I clue in that he is talking in his sleep.  But, I have to laugh, cuz I what's funnier to me is that I know what he's talking about.  Such is the life of a military wife.  ;D
i can't tell you how many times my girlfriend had woken me up because i was talking about something related to training in my sleep, and she thought I was talking to her.