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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

c_canuk said:
Amen to that!

the scar on my tounge may never heal, and I'm starting to answer every question from authority with "That sounds great sweetie, I'll get right on it" which can cause akward moments at the head shed.

the hardest part is not doing everything she asks and agreeing with her, it's remembering to be excited about everything otherwise she swings from giddy to teary eyed depressed in the blink of an eye.

5 more months...

Dumbest thing I heard recently was newscaster refering to Obama as the first American African-American to be president.
I have one better. On one Canadian station they were talking to people on the street about Obama and one said something like "I womnder when Canada will have an African-American Prime Minister".
canadian4ever said:
I have one better. On one Canadian station they were talking to people on the street about Obama and one said something like "I womnder when Canada will have an African-American Prime Minister".
After Obama has his two terms & imigrates to Canada - taking his years to become a Canadian citzen >:D
geo said:
After Obama has his two terms & imigrates to Canada - taking his years to become a Canadian citzen >:D

But young Kadar is already a Canadian Citizen and gets almost as much press time as Harper or Iggy.....I wonder if he would be competition for Jack's position, or would they form a coalition
Everything Jack Layton said for the last 10 minutes on CBC news Sunday.
CDN Aviator said:
Everything Jack Layton said for the last 10 minutes on CBC news Sunday.

As I don't watch the Communist Broadcasting Corporation, do you have any links for us who need some levity this cold Sunday morning?
George Wallace said:
As I don't watch the Communist Broadcasting Corportation, do you have any links for us who need some levity this cold Sunday morning?

I dont have any links sorry, it was a TV interview so it may end up online later. More of the same from him "only the coalition can provide a stable government...blah blah blah...."
Yeah I caught Jack last night, lamenting how the Conservatives were taking from his platform. ( funny I know he is a fan of that ) and this from the Man who wanted to take 50 Billion ( or was it million ) from business.  Even while saying that the economy was taking.
This happened friday, but I work for Rogers in a call centre and I answered the call that came in and this is how the conversation went:

Me: Thank you for calling Rogers my name is ***** can I get your first and last name?
Customer: 709-555-5555
Me: and your first and last name?
Customer: I already gave that to you
Me: actually sir you gave me your phone number
Customer: Yes I know
Me: I need to get your first and last name
Customer: 709-555-5555
Me: sir that is your phone number I know need your first and last name
Customer: What do you need that for?
Me: So that I know that I have the correct account
Customer: My name is Smith
Me: Can I please have your first name?
Customer: Why?
Me: so I can confirm I have the correct account in front of me
Customer: Mike
Me: and for security purposes can I get the postal code?
(this is where things go downhill)
Customer: I live in Newfoundland we dont have postal codes!
Me: (totally flabbergasted and not knowing what to say) ummm ok sir can I get your address
Customer: I dont know let me go look it up.

after waiting 5 minutes the customer came back and gave me his address, and no this is not a newfie joke, this was an actuall conversation. I had no idea what to say when he told me that there are no postal codes in newfoundland and that he didnt know his address. total length of the call was 1hour 25 min, and all he wanted was his account balance and a cable hookup as he already had internet and home phone.  Normal length of that type of call from start to finish 5-10minutes! I love my job lol :salute:
I am going on a limb here and suggest Canada Post would be supprised if he didnt have a postal code.  Unless he lived in a serviced cottage, and even then.
Every corner of Canada has a postal code.  Those on the rock start with an "A".
They may not get home delivery where he lives - there is either a postoffice or some superbox with his name associated to it but he does have a psotal code.

The fact that it took him 5 minutes to "find" his home address is right over the top IMHO.

People like him give Newfs a bad rep.
He probably knows his address as "down da road dere bye, just around the corner from Jim's place"

Ahhh.... so he used his cellphone to call Jim for his address
Student "No, the other sergeant said we didn't have to show up until nine."    >:(
Sergeant "If you have all this time in the morning, it's a full kit layout inspection."
Course Senior "So does that include, like, the dresser too?"    ::)

rdtul said:
Student "No, the other sergeant said we didn't have to show up until nine."     >:(
Sergeant "If you have all this time in the morning, it's a full kit layout inspection."
Course Senior "So does that include, like, the dresser too?"    ::)

Must be that new "better educated" generation of recuits i hear we are getting.
I begin to work on a Politics assignment for college.  Reading its outline, I see that I must take a current issue affecting Canada's people and suggesting how the Government should handle it.

Rules are:
1) "Can't be TV, or internet. Has to be the RADIO". Simply because. Sure, let's make things more inconvenient for the sake of itself.
2) "You may not use a talk show because of potential bias/emotional slant." Okay, that makes sense.  "I reccomend CBC"..........  :rofl:

I guess I was wrong about common sense going the dinosaur route, perhaps it never existed to begin with.