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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

http://www.ottawasun.com/news/2010/05/15/13962896.html has a lengthy writeup on this.

Seems that the Gay and Lesbian Rights and the Civil Rights folk all think that it infringes on the rights of the HIV infected person who doesn't inform their sexual partners of their infection.  I wonder if the same would be true if: "Seems that the Gay and Lesbian Rights and the Civil Rights folk all think that it infringes on the rights of the serial killer who doesn't inform their murder victimsof their tendencies. 

Victims, it would appear, have no Civil Rights.
George Wallace said:
http://www.ottawasun.com/news/2010/05/15/13962896.html has a lengthy writeup on this.

Seems that the Gay and Lesbian Rights and the Civil Rights folk all think that it infringes on the rights of the HIV infected person who doesn't inform their sexual partners of their infection.  I wonder if the same would be true if: "Seems that the Gay and Lesbian Rights and the Civil Rights folk all think that it infringes on the rights of the serial killer who doesn't inform their murder victimsof their tendencies. 

Victims, it would appear, have no Civil Rights.

Thanks for the link.  MAN, some of those comments in that article are RETARDED...

"And even if Boone’s intent was criminal, which Elliott notes is yet to be proven in court, he sees little benefit in what amounts to “putting up a wanted poster” for a man already in police custody."

Easy, it's so people can know if they may have been at risk themselves so they can get checked and prevent spreading it to others...DUH.

"Jeremy Dias, an outspoken gay rights activist and the founder of Jer’s Vision, an award-winning youth diversity initiative, said e-mails began circulating through the community under the subject heading: “Don’t get tested or you will get arrested.”

Yeah, never get tested, that will help everyone's cause. 

“What we find problematic is demonizing and criminalizing someone who has HIV, saying, ‘If you infect someone, you’re a criminal.’ We see this man being crucified on the altar of protecting the community and when we look into his eyes, we see ourselves.”"

FFS!!! It's not the act of infecting someone that's criminal, it's that he was dishonest and took away the victim's right to make an informed choice. 

Are these the same clowns who'll run at you with a bottle of disinfectant and soap when you sneeze?  ;D
This is just insane.  "They" wish to be treated the same as you or I get greated.  If I were to run around and infect a bunch of women with some STI/STD/VD, and if I knew that I were infected and failed to tell my sexual partners about this, and if I failed to take precautions, I'm certain I'd be rightfully villified for it.  But "they" are gay, and "must be" the object of discrimination.  In actual fact, they are demanding discrimination: different or special treatment due to their sexual orientation. 

Do the "rights people" not seem to care about the victim? 
Then they don't care for the individual suffering the tyrrany of the majority, as it were.  That, of course is Liberal Democracy in action.  ::)
Technoviking said:
This is just insane.  "They" wish to be treated the same as you or I get greated.  If I were to run around and infect a bunch of women with some STI/STD/VD, and if I knew that I were infected and failed to tell my sexual partners about this, and if I failed to take precautions, I'm certain I'd be rightfully villified for it.  But "they" are gay, and "must be" the object of discrimination.  In actual fact, they are demanding discrimination: different or special treatment due to their sexual orientation. 

Do the "rights people" not seem to care about the victim?
There's this blog I stumbled apon once that is pushing to have the act of putting others at risk de-criminalized, and in turn, letting Boone get away with what he did to his victims..

They basically beleive that making it illegal to non-disclose or otherwise put people at risk for getting diseased is somehow discriminatory, discourages people from getting treated, etc.  I can picture a jilted ex-lover framing someone for blackmail, but let's be honest, how can you let someone like Carl Leone or Jennifer Murphy get away with this?  Do these people really beleive they should be able to risk/ruin others lives and not be punished?

Some people, are really naive and stupid.  It's not discriminating against the HIV community, because we're trying to protect people like that 18 year old who wa infected by Boone.  It's called justice.  That poor young man now has it, and his life is forever changed.  I feel terrible for the victims.  But no, we should be more worried about the person who did it to him.....

And let's not forget the people who are mad at the Toronto police over the G20 disaster.  God forbid people want their city protected from a bunch of destructive university dropout retards with time to kill and a hunger for attention. 
Dumbest thing I saw today.
"Alarming tool toss caught on Calgary video":
Technoviking said:
Then they don't care for the individual suffering the tyrrany of the majority, as it were.  That, of course is Liberal Democracy in action.  ::)

Of course every one will remember this quote:

" the minority will not be dictated to by the majority"

What he meant to say

"The minorities WILL dictate to the majority"
"Do you think they will let me exchange these NCD pants?"
"Whats wrong with them?"
"Theres a burn mark on the back."
"You left the iron on them?"
"Ummmm... no... I lite one of my farts..."
"Hey ... when your done your dental come back and report to ops, your at the scheduling desk today"

"But sarge you mean I have to come back? My parents are visiting from Minto?"

"Hmmm the schedule says your working? Did you get a leave pass in?"


"Do you have a signed leave pass stating you have the day off?"

"ummm no but I have something worked out with Sgt >>>"

"oh worked out with Sgt >>> I see. well just to inform you that Sgt >>> is in Vancouver on compassionate reasons. And whatever you had "worked out" with Sgt >>> you can take up with him when he gets back. And in the future if you want a day off. Put a leave pass in."
Nominee for this year's Darwin Awards??

Man gets friend to shoot him in bizarre custody case

Dallas police are investigating the bizarre death of a man who they say asked a friend to shoot him so he could blame his injuries on his ex's new boyfriend and gain custody of his son.

Police said Dwayne Moten, 20, was shot Saturday. He was driving a car in Dallas, stopped at an intersection and got out of his car, screaming for help.

"He yelled he had been shot," a police spokeswoman said.

Police arrived on scene and found Moten was suffering from "several gunshot wounds."

Sr. Cpl. Kevin Janse told Fox News that Moten was shot by a friend and alleged it was all so Moten could blame the shooting on his ex's new boyfriend.

"He wanted custody of that child and he was willing to take a bullet to get custody of the child," Janse alleges in a video on the Fox website.

Moten died from the injuries. His friend, Jacob Wheeler, 20, has been charged with murder.

"There's legal ways to get custody of a child and taking a bullet, and ultimately dying, is definitely not one of those ways," Janse said.

actually Moe,

i think he won the award...

it's his friend that's the nominee...

The real question is why was he suffering from "SEVERAL" gunshot wounds?? He couldn't have worked it out with his friend "I need you to shoot me but just once and in the leg" Instead of "Several times to the chest would be more convincing"
DexOlesa said:
The real question is why was he suffering from "SEVERAL" gunshot wounds?? He couldn't have worked it out with his friend "I need you to shoot me but just once and in the leg" Instead of "Several times to the chest would be more convincing"

I guess it doesn't work if you have friends dumber than you.  ;)  ;D
I note that the offense took place in or near Dallas. IIRC, Texas still has the death penalty, and is not afraid to use it. So they could both wind up as Darwin candidates.
Thank you Texas for adding more chlorine to the gene pool... :blotto: