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When will the CF be hiring again?


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Hey guys, When will the CF be hiring again after the april hiring has finished? is it a yearly thing?

In brief - we don't know what the future holds.  If you had asked any of us two years ago if we'd ever see recruiting shut down for six months, we'd have laughed at the possibility.
MEM said:
has it been gradually slowing down since 2 years ago?

I would say grinding to a halt for six months counts as slowing down.
The system didn't so much "gradually slow down" as it choked on having too many people (against authorized numbers) and finding that the ones we had aren't all where we need them (too many in some trades "stealing" some of those limited numbers of positions from other trades). It's just going to take some time to sort itself out.

Will recruiting stop completely - no.

Can any of us say what numbers will be taken in after 1 April - no.

Do any of us know what kind of intakes will happen through the rest of the year to 1 April 2012 - no.

Will this situation last forever - no, only until the number balances sorts itself out through attrition (releases, Component Transfers, changes of trades, etc.).

Exactly when will it be "fixed" - no-one can say.

All you can do is keep looking on the forces website to see what jobs are available and stay in contact with your local recruiting center. if you see one you like that is available you can apply for it anytime through the year though.
To give you an idea, last year they hired for 17000 positions, this year there are only 2000.

They changed the process of application, it is much more competitive and they don't even process everyone's request, you have to meet a minimum requirement on a little check list before they even look at you now.
jemcgrg said:
To give you an idea, last year they hired for 17000 positions, this year there are only 2000.

They changed the process of application, it is much more competitive and they don't even process everyone's request, you have to meet a minimum requirement on a little check list before they even look at you now.

And what is your source for this information?  Judging from your profile (or lack thereof) and the content of your scant few posts, you most likely are not in any position to know this from your job or access to official documents.  Unless you can provide a reference to the details you provided, perhaps you should stay within your lane.
Haha, especially with an attrition rate of about 0.6%.  Try ~4500.
I have to agree with Container, 17000 does sound a little suspicious. Perhaps I will come across more info on last year's numbers, that can be released for public consumption.
My advice, cosy up to someone at your local recruiting centre. Strike a report with these people and you're more likely to be remembered when the time comes. Squeaky wheel gets the grease :nod:
JB 11 11 said:
My advice, cosy up to someone at your local recruiting centre. Strike a report with these people and you're more likely to be remembered when the time comes. Squeaky wheel gets the grease :nod:

That's "rapport", and the squeaky wheel is equally as likely to get the silent treatment.  Be reasonable in your expectations.
Fair enough. But I leave it to the individual to use his/her own discretion on that matter. As for the spelling.... my mistake, I can't type without looking at the keyboard.... it's a work in progress.  :-*
JB 11 11,

Your advice is nonsense. You don't need to cosy up to anybody, it will not help anything. People get hired on job vacancy and their merit in the CF.
This information was provided to me by my local recruiting centre so before jumping all over me for my lack of time spent frequenting forums you can look within the CF for this lack of reliable information.
I love that I am getting 'docked' points for providing information provided to me by recruiting. Great job.
jemcgrg said:
I love that I am getting 'docked' points for providing information provided to me by recruiting. Great job.
Don't worry, I'm sure this post will definitely start ringing in the Milpoints for you!
I didnt dock points for you being incorrect. I docked you because you posted, in a thread filled with people in panic mode, "information" that is quite frankly a) improbable, and b) likely to cause seizures in applicants. And the manner in which you posted it held it out as fact rather than as a question as to its validity.

Its basically heresay- the dangerous kind. And they're milpoints. I didnt force you to donate blood.