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Why can't some civi's tell the diffenrce between cadet's and soldiers

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Adamant said:
Week 4 (as they have their cornflake) and still no name-tag?

Well i guess, I have to remember it is St Jean... :D

or only some people got them and to adhere to uniformity no one is wearing it...or think of any other reason...
Adamant said:
Week 4 (as they have their cornflake) and still no name-tag?

Well i guess, I have to remember it is St Jean... :D

Was there not another thread somewhere here saying that that cap badges are issues sooner than week 4 now anyways?  Seam to remember that.  ???
Not sure.

I like how it used to be...pass the Week 4 saluting/rank test, get cornflake. (which everyone passed as you just cycled thru until you sorted yourself out)
Eye In The Sky said:
Not sure.

I like how it used to be...pass the Week 4 saluting/rank test, get cornflake. (which everyone passed as you just cycled thru until you sorted yourself out)

Well I start this Sunday I'l let ya know.  Don't really know how they could make that any easier though.  Saluting on the march and remembering the Ranks (minus the bloody complicated Navy ones  ;D) is not that bad IMO.

Cheers! Kyle
Blackadder1916 said:
From the use of silver (white) insignia on the epaulets of the blue flying suits, I would surmise that all in the upper photo are Air Cadets. 
Yes, they are all air cadets in the hero picture beside the CF-18. They are taking power pilot training.

Blackadder1996]The two young men in the bottom photo are both in the Canadian Forces [/quote] Yes said:
I agree that it would be difficult for the public, and many members of the CF, to differentiate in this case for the two pictures.  However,I'd say that most of the time as a whole, it is quite apparent at the cadet LHQ level due to the clear age/generational difference of having largely 12 to 15 year olds  (and fewer 16-18 yr old cadet NCMs) compared to the average older age of CF members.

The demographics of the cadet program reveal that 30% of cadets are 16 to 18. Add the 15 year olds and you have 50% of the 55,000 cadets are 15+ years of age.

So to come full circle.  Many civilians can't tell the cadet program from the CF ... because they can't.  Get over it. 
Cadets get annoyed when they are asked by civilians if they enjoy being in the forces.   

And because it begs the question.
The Cadet Program is not a recruiting device for the Canadian Forces.  There are no statistics as to how many former cadets join the CF.  The single aim of the program is to "Develop in youth the attributes of good citizenship, and leadership, promote physical fitness and stimulate the interest of youth in the sea, land and air activities of the CF."  That is something that every Canadian should aspire to.  It doesn't mean you are going to enrol. 

Anecdotally, there is a notion based on no solid statistics that 10% of cadets join the uniformed professions - police, fire, ambulance, coast guard ... what every number join the CF is tiny.  What does having been a former cadet mean - 7 weeks or 7 years? It's irrelevant.

gwp said:
Cadets get annoyed when they are asked by civilians if they enjoy being in the forces.   

Really? You mean they're annoyed because they have to explain they're actually cadets.
I sure do hope all of finally catch your tails,.....I'm gettin' dizzy.

If no one has anything of real significance too add then..............................
Eye In The Sky said:
Somone in the PRes was thought to be a Cadet by a civilian.  He was not happy.

That is all  :D

And that someone should get over it, too :)
Flawed Design said:
And that someone should get over it, too :)

I was at the SuperStore this week after work in CADPAT and a blue beret...a young boy saw me and said "look Mommy...a soldier!".

I waved at him, smiled and made my way to the canned meats section.

I wasn't upset that he didn't know, or his mother, that technically I am an Airmen.

This topic has been festering in the bowl for way too long. Time to push the handle.


Milnet.ca Staff
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