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Why is our Army looked down upon?


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Is it because we aren't that big? Everytime I'm on a forum where someone is asking a question, people always respond with trash. This really bugs me. Here are some examples

Question: What are the chances of me dying as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian army?

answer: Considering Canada doesn't go anywhere aside from guarding syrup factories, I'd say 0000000000000000000000.000000000000000000001%

Question: How long is Canadian Basic training?

Answer: since Canada doesn't have an army, I believe you mean the United States Army. In that case, 9 weeks

Question: how old do I have to be to join the Canadian army?

Answer: canada has an army? lolz!!!!


This kind of stuff really, really gets on my nerves. Why do people insist on doing this ? I hate it. Or should I not take this seriously,, given the fact that most of the people answering are, in all likelyhood, 15 year old Call of Duty players and would never have the guts to join the army?

Im very very sorry if this has been done before, I tried searcing but none of the search results matched my search.
Coldplay said:
... people always respond with trash.

Plenty of AH's hiding and in the open on the INet.

Don't sweat it, they're just asking seeking attention.

I would not worry what other forums have to say and of it bothers you so much don't go there.

Milnet.Ca Staff
Coldplay said:
This kind of stuff really, really gets on my nerves.
It's not worth the effort to be bothered by children & the grown fools who think like children.
Or should I not take this seriously

Depends, are you twelve years old?
kincanucks said:
Or should I not take this seriously

Depends, are you twelve years old?

Lol, not quite. It just gets on my nerves that people would critize those that put their lives on the line.
Coldplay said:
Lol, not quite. It just gets on my nerves that people would critize those that put their lives on the line.

My wife got on my nerves. She is now my ex-wife.

See my point ?

It's a way Canadians have treated their Army and armed forces for years..... and it's not confined to the Forces. Canadians in general tend to mock themselves more than any other nationality..... it's part of the national psyche. I've personally found the same type of sarcastic cynicism whenever people find out I'm in the armour corps.... "Oh, Canada even has tanks?" is usually the first remark out of their mouth. Most of the time, these remarks are not intended to insult you or the individual soldiers personally, but rather just make light fun of the Country. It isn't something to take seriously or let bother you. Make sure you don't ask uninformed people questions about the forces and you'll be able to avoid much of this if it really gets your goat.  Overall, Canadians ARE in fact, very proud of their men and women in uniform, and many people off the street have told me so when I've been in uniform in big cities without a normal military presense. They may say they believe we shouldn't be in Afghanistan, but they will still say they support the brave men and women putting their lives on the line..... just take it all in stride.
It has been my experience that any one who has worked directly with us has had the greatest respect for our soldiers and capabilities on the whole.
The nay-sayers, obviously, don't have a clue.
BernDawg said:
The nay-sayers, obviously, don't have a clue.

That has also been my experience.  I have found that the Canadian Soldier is very highly respected by every foreign Armed Forces that they have worked with, especially the Americans........and
BernDawg said:
The nay-sayers, obviously, don't have a clue.
is indeed an accurate assessment.
Why is our army looked down upon ???
Really ?

To be honest, over the last seven years, I have not had anyone tell me that they look down upon us

I travel to work in uniform every day.
Because I am stationed in LFQA HQ and live in Montreal - I usually travel using public transit - so I am highly visible... even if I am wearing CADPAT
I have had people offer to pay for my groceries, my coffee & my bus fare
I have lost count of the number of people who have given me a great big smile, a wing, a nod, a thumbs up OR offered to shake my hand PLUS tons of people saying "thank you".

ONE instance of someone giving me grief (marxist-leninist type) and it was the people seated around me who pert much forced the young fella to move along and find an alternate means of transportation.... can't get it better than that.

Tis is way better than what it was in the 70s and 80s when we were ordered to travel to & from work in civilian attire.... HIDING from the public.
... yeah I know... guess my CADPAT is defective
will have to write up an UCR at the end of my block leave ;)
Folks, just a little redirect here. Coldplay has stated he has found the naysayers etc on another forum and not in person. Maybe that can clarify things more.
Ex-Dragoon said:
Folks, just a little redirect here. Coldplay has stated he has found the naysayers etc on another forum and not in person. Maybe that can clarify things more.

Fair enough...
If people whom Coldplay is in contact with are dissing the Canadian Army in general terms, my suggestion would be that he should be asking for "forinstances".  Cheap shots and generalities are impossible to defend.

The only other suggestion is to - get some thicker skin - cause sticks and stones may break my bones BUT names have never hurt me (sorta)
I dunno, I got a nasty little hole in my thumb from my nametag pin, once.
geo said:
Fair enough...
If people whom Coldplay is in contact with are dissing the Canadian Army in general terms, my suggestion would be that he should be asking for "forinstances".   Cheap shots and generalities are impossible to defend.
They are also moot points.  There are so many logical fallacies in those statements I don't even know where to begin.

appeal to ridicule, argument from ignorance, burden of proof, ad homs, blah, blah, blah.

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