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Will Someone in the CF check out this ebay link! JTF-2 Insignia?

Just wondering but, how would you know?

I know what I know... and you should know this too if you have a little bit of sense in your mind.

If this kind of badge was real, they would be very but very rare. The seller of this item re-list a new one everytime he sell one so he have it in quantity.
I know what I know... and you should know this too if you have a little bit of sense in your mind.
I says, excuse me?....and how exactly do you "know what you know", besides decking yourself out in your kit and standing in front of your webcam?, and just to let ya know there wingnut i do have a bit of sense...it might be a wee bit but its there!
In ref to your follow-up post, where is that patch from Cletus?
Im from quebec... and to write everything down in English is not as easy as you think. The «I know what I know » have no double sense or something like that.

yourself out in your kit and standing in front of your webcam?

If it is the kind of respect you show to a soldiers... just go fuck yourself !
soldiers301 said:
Im from quebec... and to write everything down in English is not as easy as you think. The «I know what I know » have no double sense or something like that.

If it is the kind of respect you show to a soldiers... just go fuck yourself !
soldiers301 said:
Im from quebec... and to write everything down in English is not as easy as you think. The «I know what I know » have no double sense or something like that.

If it is the kind of respect you show to a soldiers... just go **** yourself !

Perhaps you ought to fill out your profile a bit.
soldiers301 said:
If it is the kind of respect you show to a soldiers... just go **** yourself !

Blakey est un soldat aussi...le problème sur se site est que il y a des personnes qui poste sans des idée de quoi qu'il parle.sa aiderai si tu remplisserai ton profile. Ceci est certainement vrai pour JTF-2, il y a beaucoups d'enfant qui pense il en connais parce-qui'l on jouer Rainbow 6. Blakey ne veux pas te montrer un manque de respec

maintenant, ta reponse en haut n'est pas qu'elque chose qui sera tolèret sur se site qu'an meme, et je te suggère de pas être aussi chauds dans tes reponse

Let's keep it civil ladies and gents...
Sig_Des said:
Blakey est un soldat aussi...le problème sur se site est que il y a des personnes qui poste sans des idée de quoi qu'il parle.sa aiderai si tu remplisserai ton profile. Ceci est certainement vrai pour JTF-2, il y a beaucoups d'enfant qui pense il en connais parce-qui'l on jouer Rainbow 6. Blakey ne veux pas te montrer un manque de respec

maintenant, ta reponse en haut n'est pas qu'elque chose qui sera tolèret sur se site qu'an meme, et je te suggère de pas être aussi chauds dans tes reponse

Let's keep it civil ladies and gents...
Je pense qu'il est un petit vexé parce que je l'ai appelé sur le sien commente..
I'm thinking he's a little upset because I called him on his comments... ;D

Meanwhile, back to the badge...

I figure some guy's ex-wife found it in her sewing kit, and decided to cash in on it.  Not that 'The Wind' is hard on marriages or anything...

TCBF said:
Meanwhile, back to the badge...

I figure some guy's ex-wife found it in her sewing kit, and decided to cash in on it.   Not that 'The Wind' is hard on marriages or anything...


That would suck... :)
Just out of curiosity, why is it so hard to believe that this could be real?

One can purchase insignia for every other SF unit in the world - why not ours?

I guess this guy doesnt know he is selling an illegal item.
Two things-

This person's previous auction of the the same item has bee discussed already:

And how is it illegal?  What piece of legislation out there states that you cannot sell military insignia, VCs go up for sale regularly and they are a whole lot hard to earn than an assaulters qualification.  The fact that there is a Special Operations Assaulter badge is common knowledge.  It is shown in the Dress Regs which are available to the public.
$385!!! A bit expensive don't ya think? He sold the first one for $152.50!
$ 418 now

hey... people are stupid

and if we can make money off stupid people.. so be it...

Right now.. someone has bid $6.50 US for my army.ca t-shirt
that i put on as a joke for Mike.....!!!!! ??????!!!!!
Trinity said:
$ 418 now

hey... people are stupid

and if we can make money off stupid people.. so be it...

Right now.. someone has bid $6.50 US for my army.ca t-shirt
that i put on as a joke for Mike.....!!!!! ??????!!!!!
$ 418!!! :o That's crazy!! You would have to be stupid to pay that much for a pin!

That is pretty cool, but I doubt it is even close to $ 418. If it was the CF probably wouldn't give them out.

If I was a member of JTF2 and could make $ 418 for one of those and then get another for free...I'd sell mine too. 
jranrose said:
Pictures speak a thousand words!!! Lets see if you can find the badge??

Isn't that a bit like US general officers wearing the green "combat leader" tab?
If its real then its an issue.  If its a repro (and how could anyone tell its not) then its not an issue.

I believe it's been pretty much confirmed that these pins are being supplied by either a civi involved in the production or distribution of these and other pins to the CF or possibly a CF binrat.

If it is a civi selling these then they ARE breaking the law.  The pins are the exclusive property of DND, they were designed either by or for the CF and the design would be the intellectual property of DND.  That's just the way we work.  It would like me getting a LAV III from GD in London and selling it on e-bay.

If it is a CF binrat selling these and other pins then its simply theft by another binrat, which would go unnoticed until someone really high up the chain realizes it.

Otherwise its a pretty cool badge that most real collectors would lilke to possess.  Thats what collectors do.

a little off topic, but, I didn't know you were a fan of plato.

about ebay, I know many people that buy cheap ass crap and re-sell it on ebay for sometimes even 10times  what he/she paid for it, plus shipping! Craziness.