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"Woman sues Rogers Wireless Inc. for ruining her marriage"

Retired AF Guy said:
True, but if she hadn't been having an affair, they would have been no incriminating information to release, no break-up and she would probably still be happily married. 

I would agree, but the case would likely focus on the contract issue once it got in the courtroom...
mellian said:
In reality, she is really suing for breach of privacy and contract with the whole 'ruined my marriage' as a way to hype the case.

None of which will matter when her husband sues her in the divorce, and wins. Her 600K is going to rapidly evaporate.
This, thanks to the Canadian Press:
A woman suing Rogers over claims a cellphone bill ruined her marriage says at least a dozen other people are claiming the company breached their privacy.

Gabriella Nagy says four of them have signed affidavits and she doesn't rule out a class-action suit.

The Toronto mother says her marriage fell apart because her Rogers bill exposed her extramarital affair.

Rogers argues Nagy can't blame its billing practices for the breakdown of her marriage.

At a press conference today, Nagy said she also wants the Ontario government to change legislation to better protect people's privacy.

She says Ontario's laws aren't as strong as those in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.

Nagy has set up a Facebook profile called Chirpp — Citizens Helping Individuals Reform Privacy Policies — in the hope that others will come forward with their stories of privacy breaches.
I can imagine the "privacy breaches" we'll hear about.....  >:D

Photo caption/credit for attached:  Gabriella Nagy is shown at court in Toronto, Wednesday, June 16, 2010. A woman suing Rogers over claims a cellphone bill ruined her marriage says at least a dozen other people are claiming the company breached their privacy. Nagy says four of them have signed affidavits and she doesn't rule out a class-action suit. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Pat Hewitt
I hope she wins, it will set a precedent I can use to launch a class action against Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Al Gore.  If Gore hadn't invented the Internet, and Gates and Microsoft hadn't developed chat rooms, etc, my marriage would have stayed intact.  Nah, never mind, I like the way things turned out.
I hope she wins and ends up with $0.69 because her ex took her to the cleaners in court.
Though Rogers would sell their Mother's if they could.................in my Mom's apartment the only link to me is the ROGERS cable and phone in my name.

She gets all kinds of junk mail from Bell with my name and her address.
Ahhh these stories kill me. Thanks for posting them and making me smile.... tho I am sure it does mean that I will have to sign more and more privacy papers and show my ID more and more. 