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Woman too sexy for airline poses for Playboy

The lawyer in question is named Laura Joy.  She is a criminal defence lawyer and got spanked by Judge Micheline Rawlins for dressing too trampy.  Ms. Joy got a heap of milage out of the publicity, however from then on in she had to reign in her wardrobe so that she could maintain that the judge was being unreasonably prudish. 
So in the long run, she dresses more conservatively.  But you should have seen her before the incident...
zipperhead_cop said:
So in the long run, she dresses more conservatively.  But you should have seen her before the incident...

This thread is worthless without pictures!!
Now, if Braniff was still in the air, their FAs would probably be wearing less than she was!

I recall a service flight on a 707 from Trenton to Lahr many years ago, and a DW had on a much shorter skirt.  It was tastefull high-fashion, however, not the ditch-dolly stuff our blonde wears (above).
Roy Harding said:
This thread is worthless without pictures!!

Ehhh, you might not think so if you had recently seen the real thing.  Here is a pic from around the time of the original incident.  It is very flattering, and the small size is very forgiving:

zipperhead_cop said:
Ehhh, you might not think so if you had recently seen the real thing.  Here is a pic from around the time of the original incident.  It is very flattering, and the small size is very forgiving:


Fair enough - I've probably got enough beer in me to give it a whirl, from the pictures she's only a one bagger - I've done worse.
That...thing was the centre of all the hoo-ha in Windsor?!  :o
MedTech said:
That...thing was the centre of all the hoo-ha in Windsor?!  :o

No worse that the attention-grabbing-Hooter's-waitress-lawyer wannabe.  When I saw the title of the thread and looked at her picture, I kind of thought, well, her being naked (or nearly so) might distract from her other shortcomings.  (Uh, can anyone say nose job???)

It seems to me that Playboy has dropped it's "standards" (and I use that term loosely), to become another tabloid type magazine.  First with the US military Sgt posing and now this.  Are their sales that bad that they need a "story" for people to buy?
The clothes might have been too sexy, the woman, not even close.
Who cares... ?  She looks like an angry bulldog (or miss piggy), she will be airbrushed and by the time the magazine hits the street she won't even look like the same person... Besides Playboy is ok, but it is by no means the be all end all of naked women...

Good for her, but it will no doubt go straight to her head....  Where's my magazine of everyday women!?  This barbie doll thing has to stop!  Its BORING
She was allowed to board on a later flight, once she donned the green sweater

It is obvious that a camera can do wonders (or terrible things) for an image
Question, can we by any change rename this thread "Woman too SKANKY for airline poses for Playboy"  The "sexy" part gives the impression that this woman is actually attractive.  Just a suggestion.

Other then that, don't care, its the flight attendants job to inform the passengers of complaints.  He probally was NOT rude to her at all, and she was just embarrassed and is taking it out on the airlines.  Get over it blondie
I would love to see pics of you sculpted, Adonis-calibre male supermodels that are ripping on this girl.  If she was an available target at the bar, I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be too many guys failing to sniff around, nose issues be damned.
zipperhead_cop said:
I would love to see pics of you sculpted, Adonis-calibre male supermodels that are ripping on this girl.  If she was an available target at the bar, I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be too many guys failing to sniff around, nose issues be damned.

Agreed ZIP, I think we were talking about decorum not whether the girl is a worthy subject for their fantasies, which is how a few folks are spinning this. the question is about appropriate dress for anyone when they are travelling and accessing public places where families are present as well. If she wants to dress for the club and take her chances, or pose for Playboy that's her business. Her dress and demeanor in a public place is the issue. the Lawyer we are referring to was wearing inappropriate dress in a courtroom.....If  a male lawyer wore a shirt open to his navel with short shorts the Judge would rightly ask him to go and reform his outfit as well.
zipperhead_cop said:
I would love to see pics of you sculpted, Adonis-calibre male supermodels that are ripping on this girl.  If she was an available target at the bar, I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be too many guys failing to sniff around, nose issues be damned.

Actually, I'm a girl and far from being as attractive as she is.  I do think her outfit was inappropriate.
My comment was more along the lines of Playboy lowering their selection standards.  But you are so right, if she was at the bar, all the guys would be after her.
I remember being on course with an overweight, balding, older guy (not that there's anything wrong with that  ;)  ) who would look at the Sunshine Girls in the paper and go "Not bad" and I would think, "Yeah, and if she came up to you in a bar, you'd be falling all over her!!"
PMedMoe said:
I remember being on course with an overweight, balding, older guy (not that there's anything wrong with that  ;)  ) who would look at the Sunshine Girls in the paper and go "Not bad" and I would think, "Yeah, and if she came up to you in a bar, you'd be falling all over her!!"

Perhaps he wouldn't.  I am by no means Mr. Hott-Butt, but this chick does nothing for me, and if I was single, at a bar I can tell you she would do nothing for me.  Based on looks alone not a chance...  She just appears fake, and I like the real deal......  Sure I am basing this on looks alone (what else do I have),  I see girls that look like her everyday there is no WOW factor,  there is nothing "playboy" worthy about her, if thats the case then anyone can get into playboy, just my opinion.  Besides why buy the magazine when you have the internet. 

one of my buddies mom's was in playboy once back in the late 70's, yeah we never stop bugging him about that hahah.
Well... for what it's worth her PB pics are now up.... yeah... you make your own judgments.